Heather Harrington on the Sports Animal makes my...

Stopped listening to the show a few years ago. HH didn't bother me half as much as Mickey.
Thus... 36,000 phone calls a day. How does he make money? Is he endorsed by bama?

Good questions. Perhaps caveman can shed some light. I wonder if Hitch is a UT alum? I really hope not.....
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Heather's plenty smart and thinks quick on her feet. She doesn't know as much about football as an ex-football player or coach, but a lot more that let's say Erin Andrews.

She's too nice looking for radio, when she's an anchor on ESPN someday all you guys will be saying "I remember when..."

finally, I'm pretty pissed that I checked out all the pics linked to this thread and I all I got was pictures of Coach Fulmer!
That show was claiming Jacksonville is only 30 minutes away from Gainesville this morning... I did nothing but...

On a separate note though.. i listen to that blasted station because I dont have anything else in Florida but Gator homers constantly talking about how the Jags should draft Gator players

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