Helmet sticker on the way?


but really i dont care:zeitung_lesen:
A 63 decal on the back of the helmet that signifies the player played exceptionally well in the game is fitting...especially for those of us born in '63!
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People shouting no are the first ones to complain about a loss. Anything to lit a fire under these players I'm all for it. Oh yea, butch gets it!
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It's one small sticker for one guy each week. I don't understand the big deal.


its not a sticker thats going to be plastered all over the helmet, its a single sticker 1 player gets for playing great the week before. Calm down people.
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Not much for stickers. Sticker tend to individualize a team sport. jmo

This gives players something to be proud of. Not like he's letting that person have a free week of practice for a good game. The sticker would show effort. Everyone wants to be reconized for hard work
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What a great motivational and peer gauging tool! Instead of a week to week thing though; they should award it and keep it for the season.

At the end of the season; would you want to be the individual that doesn't have one?

Awesome idea; set the standard high and either live up to it or go to say um; Vandy! Haha!
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It's MOTIVATION, people. Just like the freshmen and the black helmet stripes. Would you want to be a player and be the last one or only one to not have your stripe removed and the patches for academics are another great motivational tool. If one sticker can bring extra effort then go for it. Or he could just have them work on their shower technique, LOL.
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There's already a helmet sticker.


This should be enough to motivate the players, as far as I'm concerned.
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What ever works to motivate I am all for but personally I think they look tacky and pee wee ish

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