Henry T Says

No one is saying JG is the only reason we lost that game
A lot of people affectly are..... minimum...way more than his fair share. He made some mistakes....and others weren't his fault. Best option many times would have been to just fall to the ground
I’m not assuming anything. I thought I was clear when explaining that those were “rumors” I’ve heard over the past year or so. If I wasn’t clear I apologize.
My bad, I woke up angry this morning. You were clear. I hate mediocre to bad qb play. Puts me a bad mood.
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Everyone wears orange, they lost as a team.

Now quit putting blame on one guy. Grow up. That's all.
It is a team game, what one does affects the other.

ALL 3 turnover was due to pressure because the OL sucked.

JG doesn’t make any of those turnovers if the OL did their job. Not resolving JG but you can’t put all the blame on him, has to be shared with the OL. He was sacked both times when he fumbled thanks to Morris and Mays.

Sometimes have to tip your cap. Henry T is a BA on this defense, imagine having 11 guys on defense like him. GA does have 11 like him.
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With that oline performance dude, no QB in the world would of played any better. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
This is an absurd statement. “No QB in the world” would have played any better? And it’s “delusional” to think otherwise?

I realize JG gets you all weak in the knees, but there are loads of QBs that would fare better than JG in that game. JG has never been able to identify a blitz and hit the hot route receiver. He can’t be trusted to hit a quick slant in the face of pressure. He can’t consistently hit downfield passers short of a few random jump balls that the WRs go get.

As a consequence, good defenses stack the box, dare him to throw, and wait for JG show to begin. Yes, he might hit a jump ball - or even a rare well-timed pass - but he is NEVER going to do it consistently enough to beat a good team. So they overwhelm the OL and wait for his mistakes. Because as sure as the rising sun, he’s going to make them.
This is an absurd statement. “No QB in the world” would have played any better? And it’s “delusional” to think otherwise?

I realize JG gets you all weak in the knees, but there are loads of QBs that would fare better than JG in that game. JG has never been able to identify a blitz and hit the hot route receiver. He can’t be trusted to hit a quick slant in the face of pressure. He can’t consistently hit downfield passers short of a few random jump balls that the WRs go get.

As a consequence, good defenses stack the box, dare him to throw, and wait for JG show to begin. Yes, he might hit a jump ball - or even a rare well-timed pass - but he is NEVER going to do it consistently enough to beat a good team. So they overwhelm the OL and wait for his mistakes. Because as sure as the rising sun, he’s going to make them.
With a QB like JG who has been here 5 yrs. now and the most losses in UT history during that stretch why is UT not employing a fast running QB? Now with the pandemic, UT is behind the 8-ball as far as development of these new commitments go. One of the biggest issues is the QB position where we have HB and Holiday waiting in the wings but with little or no experience. UT has a well seasoned Head Coach who has 5 NC rings and if that coach feels JG gives him his best shot then that's the way it is. In essence the pandemic has his hands tied as far as development goes. The last thing any Vol fan wants to hear is wait! In this hurry up world it's probably a good idea to slow down and take it easy. UT has a damn good coach and staff,(just checked Bama's forum) and if you think JP isn't the primary target o replace NS best you think again. In their best DC poll Pruitt is leading his closest competitor,(Smart), 49-2.

No it really wasn't entirely JG's fault this past Sat. Our left tackle got beat regularly and when E.Gray was inserted to pick-up some slack the rushers blew by him like he wasn't even there. I'm taking on all bets that JP will be on this like a duck on a junebug all week long and we may even see a new starting QB when Kensucky rolls in. UT has to move on and these #2 and#3 QB's need to see the field. Go Vols !!
Call me what you want but that Oline can't block 8 ppl because our QB can't complete a down field throw.
And the QB cant complete the throw if the O-Line does not block, the backs do not pick up blitz and the WR do not get the separation needed from the DB or if they do not run the correct route. There are a lot of things that go into a successful play and until you go back and break down each play and figure out who did or did not do what was needed then you can not tell who was at fault. It is just easier to blame the QB when things go wrong. Is JG the best? No. Is he the worst? No. He is a tough kid that plays his heart out and gets nothing for it from the fans but bashing. Not many QB's have taken the on field beating nd the off the field abuse and still remained loyal to school and the fans. I hope we find a QB one day that will live up to the Manning standards that everyone on here is hell bent on applying to every QB that comes through here but I just do not see it happening as fast and as often as everyone wants!
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I played d line and I can identify with the guy you described. For me personally it was more like a feeling I had deep down that I had to channel that energy but I was afraid to waste it because I felt there was only so much of it in me and if it was wasted in practice I might run out of it.

I know that sounds silly, especially all these years later but that's how I felt. There's definitely a mentality to it.
I had a guy like that too that played opposite me on Def End... His had alot to do with hits of speed on Friday PM not normally wasted on Tuesday practice lol
They recruited him because he was highly ranked and you’d like to able to trust the services. However from what I understand Cheney wasn’t a part of HBs recruiting. I’ve even heard ( not confirmed) that Cheney didn’t want him. I’ve heard rumblings of a throwing session that none of the coaches were very happy with him and were actually “pissed”. My guess is IF these rumors hold truth then it’s safe to say that Pruitt recruited him himself and once again would call into question his qb evaluation skills. Only time will tell if HB is legit but right now it’s looking like he’s got a long way to go to catch the others and Covid is only a fraction of the gap.
who started these rumors ? You ?
who started these rumors ? You ?
What kind of man would I be if I put on on a message board who told me what? I know people.

You could’ve left it as just the question without the assumption it was me though. Js
While the OL did not play well there wasn't one line man that threw an INT or put the ball on the ground 3 times in one half. Just because the OL fails doesn't mean there should be turn overs. Those turn overs were all on a 5th year QB who is still doing the same things under pressure. Worst yet he still can't see the pressure was coming pre-snap after 5 years.
What kind of man would I be if I put on on a message board who told me what? I know people.

You could’ve left it as just the question without the assumption it was me though. Js
so you know people that start rumors - well alrighty then
so you know people that start rumors - well alrighty then
I know professionals that can’t believe HB was ever considered a 5* for several different reasons. Doesn’t mean he can’t develop into a great qb. It just means, in the opinion of several TRUE professionals, he’s not what people think at THIS moment. As for the “rumors”....... Ive said several times, I have no idea how authentic those claims were.
This is an absurd statement. “No QB in the world” would have played any better? And it’s “delusional” to think otherwise?

I realize JG gets you all weak in the knees, but there are loads of QBs that would fare better than JG in that game. JG has never been able to identify a blitz and hit the hot route receiver. He can’t be trusted to hit a quick slant in the face of pressure. He can’t consistently hit downfield passers short of a few random jump balls that the WRs go get.

As a consequence, good defenses stack the box, dare him to throw, and wait for JG show to begin. Yes, he might hit a jump ball - or even a rare well-timed pass - but he is NEVER going to do it consistently enough to beat a good team. So they overwhelm the OL and wait for his mistakes. Because as sure as the rising sun, he’s going to make them.

Pretty well the correct assessment^^^^^
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It is a team game, what one does affects the other.

ALL 3 turnover was due to pressure because the OL sucked.

JG doesn’t make any of those turnovers if the OL did their job. Not resolving JG but you can’t put all the blame on him, has to be shared with the OL. He was sacked both times when he fumbled thanks to Morris and Mays.

Sometimes have to tip your cap. Henry T is a BA on this defense, imagine having 11 guys on defense like him. GA does have 11 like him.

That is the most accurate statement on this point so far, very well said!!!!!

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