Here is what we are competing against.

College football that I have loved and watched since 1967 is gone. The pussification of sports (targeting,blind-side block, pass-interference, etc., ) have made it impossible to play defense. Flopping called by coaches has made good players look like woosies sitting down in the middle of a game 3 or 4 times a game. No loyalty, portal is always one step away of someone isn’t playing or gets mad. I’ve lost lots of interest in the past 2 years.

Sadly I agree. I will always root for the Vols however my expectations will be tempered. I’m just not really interested in watching a team buy a championship. Perspective has been lost.
Welcome to the free-agency era of college football. Forget about loyalty, just show me the money. Also, the NFL better watch out. In a few years the highest paid college players, aka the best players, could very well just decide to "retire" after making $5-$10 million over their collegiate career leaving the NFL with only the 2nd and 3rd tier players for the draft. When the quality of the NFL players and games begins to drop, it will become all too obvious to the NFL fans. Then it won't be long before the NFL fans realize that the quality of football is actually much better at the collegiate level and shift their allegiance.
Welcome to the free-agency era of college football. Forget about loyalty, just show me the money. Also, the NFL better watch out. In a few years the highest paid college players, aka the best players, could very well just decide to "retire" after making $5-$10 million over their collegiate career leaving the NFL with only the 2nd and 3rd tier players for the draft. When the quality of the NFL players and games begins to drop, it will become all too obvious to the NFL fans. Then it won't be long before the NFL fans realize that the quality of football is actually much better at the collegiate level and shift their allegiance.

Lol. The NFL is completely safe. It can offer huge signing bonuses and guaranteed money. College cannot and likely will never be able to. There is no college that will be able to match first round player money.
Simple solution, imo. Only allow upper classmen (i.e. Jr's and Sr's.) the ability to have the one time transfer rule without sitting out a year. That way these kids have to commit to a program.

Players want to eat their cake and have it too. Cashing in a big NIL deal then jumping ship to another school for another big NIL deal less than 12 months later seems like it shouldn't be allowed.
Hell why not just let them sign contracts, pay them and have team salary caps at this point. At least then players couldn’t bounce on a whim without significant financial/contractual penalty.
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That’s what I thought-
So what exactly did you see - that led you to draw those conclusions?
I graduated with multiple degrees - became professionally certified- and never saw anyone driving a new vehicle in the multiple years that I was there.
I am calling this clickbait unless you can name names and/ or offer up proof. I never saw it or heard about it.

I'm guessing that I am quite a bit older than either of you and I am certainly not trying to get into the middle of your disagreement, but I was very good friends with a guy who lived in the same apartment building as Willie Gault. The apartments they were in were VERY nice and likely VERY expensive, and Willie drove a red Porsche 944. It should be pretty clear to everyone on here that players have had under the table deals for a long time. That said, it doesn't make me like the NIL and transfer rules any better.
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Well we all know how cheap our school is so we may never get back to being the powerhouse we once were...UT isn't going to cough up any NIL money for these recruits....This crap is going to ruin college football.
Just how cheap is our School? Could you supply us with some numbers please! Do you have access to private financial records?
Almost nobody is going to earn $1 million from NIL. That's recruiting BS. A handful of student-athletes could earn some money, one or two star football players could earn some significant cash, maybe, but that's about it. Star basketball players will jump to the pros quickly and so won't be around long enough, in many cases, to make serious coin. I think NIL will quickly prove to be disastrous--just rife with over-promising, corruption, the whole nine yards. The corruption that used to be concealed will now be openly practiced. But most guys won't get much of anything, much less $1M.
what will be interesting to watch is what’s happening with the apparel money. If someone else is paying a NIL and Nike doesn’t have to funnel their money thru third parties to attend one of their schools, you’d think it will show it’s head somewhere. It’s going to be if it isn’t already, the wild Wild West for a few years until they regulate or cap it to some degree. In the mean time it appears we are behind. As much as I hate to say it if you want to be like UGA/Bama/TaM you have to play the game like them in recruiting. Just wonder how much NCAA thing still affecting us behind the scenes.
I'm guessing that I am quite a bit older than either of you and I am certainly not trying to get into the middle of your disagreement, but I was very good friends with a guy who lived in the same apartment building as Willie Gault. The apartments they were in were VERY nice and likely VERY expensive, and Willie drove a red Porsche 944. It should be pretty clear to everyone on here that players have had under the table deals for a long time. That said, it doesn't make me like the NIL and transfer rules any better.

I didn't know Willie personally but can attest to his being extremely fast and a great athlete. In the years I was more or less over there or around there - I only know of one single/not married athlete that had an off-campus apartment and that was I think his senior year. So it is possible that Willie had a booster that helped him out with his accommodations, I can't definitively say one way or the other. Neither can you. Willie was on track scholarship I believe so he would have not lived at Gibbs. Once people were married, they always moved out of Gibbs. I can say that 99.99 % of the single athletes lived in Gibbs Hall and drove old crappy cars and trucks. Most didn't have a pot to pee in. There were exceptions - just as in the general public, sons of doctors, dentists etc. Salt of the earth kids and families for the most part.
Don't know if Olympic athletes received any funding from the Olympic Committee but am sure if you were projected to be a high draft choice a smart car dealer might allow for a deposit on a Porshe with the final payment upon receiving your signing bonus.
I am not saying it didn't go on to some small degree - with individual boosters that I was not aware of - but dramatically less than is being portrayed here. Maybe a hundred bucks here or there after a game.

I think Tennessee tried to run a clean program back then, I think they try to run a clean program in football, basketball, baseball today. Not familiar enough with the other sports to weigh in. Not familiar with Pruitt and the Mc Donalds bag tricks that he learned from Ala, Ga, and Fl State.
Bruce Pearl -- probably best that he is at Auburn.

When people say they are friends of a guy who lived in the same complex as XXXX - there can be a natural tendency to embellish the story and stereotype all student athletes and often times it is by people who don't have all the facts and/or are fitting them to fit their own biases and the narrative they are trying to present. Painting with a very, very broad brush.
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Boosters now putting money into the game will feel they have ownership over the team. Now coaches and administration staffs are held at the mercy of money coming in and keeping the flow going.

To quote Happy in Blue Chips in a scene with Pete Bell “I own you”
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Yes they have a lot more students (73,284 VS 30,559) and rich alumni than UT.

They have a lot of oil money and military contractors among their alumni. Their endowment - *** dwarfs UT's.
**** Endowment levels only demonstrate that there could be a correlation between wealthy donors that ultimately donate to either the school's endowment or to the NIL program of the school.

Size of endowment -
Texas 31 B
Texas A and M 14 B
Poor old U T 1.5 B

A lot of their graduates/boosters - are extremely passionate.

Please don't respond to tell me that the endowment money can't be used to fund NIL programs. Thx
They have a lot of oil money and military contractors among their alumni. Their endowment - *** dwarfs UT's.
**** Endowment levels only demonstrate that there could be a correlation between wealthy donors that ultimately donate to either the school's endowment or to the NIL program of the school.

Size of endowment -
Texas 31 B
Texas A and M 14 B
Poor old U T 1.5 B

A lot of their graduates/boosters - are extremely passionate.

Please don't respond to tell me that the endowment money can't be used to fund NIL programs. Thx
They have a lot of oil money and military contractors among their alumni. Their endowment - *** dwarfs UT's.
**** Endowment levels only demonstrate that there could be a correlation between wealthy donors that ultimately donate to either the school's endowment or to the NIL program of the school.

Size of endowment -
Texas 31 B
Texas A and M 14 B
Poor old U T 1.5 B

A lot of their graduates/boosters - are extremely passionate.

Please don't respond to tell me that the endowment money can't be used to fund NIL programs. Thx

OK I won't ;)
When people say they are friends of a guy who lived in the same complex as XXXX - there can be a natural tendency to embellish the story and stereotype all student athletes and often times it is by people who don't have all the facts and/or are fitting them to fit their own biases and the narrative they are trying to present. Painting with a very, very broad brush.

Not trying to pick a fight, but if I understand what you are saying correctly I take a bit of offense to it. I am not trying to present any narrative about anything or anyone and I didn't embellish anything. I was making a statement that although the commenter said that he didn't see nice cars in parking lots owned by football players, I was saying that I had and I gave an example. If my comments sounded like I was saying that Willie Gault had an under the table deal, that was not at all what I intended and I apologize to Willie. But I did say that players have had under the table deals for many years, and I stand by that. There have been examples of coaches, boosters and players being caught red-handed for many years, and I have no reason to believe that it ever changed. I believe that programs just got better at it. If I have ANY agenda, it is that I despise the NIL and what I think it has and will do to the sport of college football - a sport that I have loved for most of my 61 years.
Not trying to pick a fight, but if I understand what you are saying correctly I take a bit of offense to it. I am not trying to present any narrative about anything or anyone and I didn't embellish anything. I was making a statement that although the commenter said that he didn't see nice cars in parking lots owned by football players, I was saying that I had and I gave an example. If my comments sounded like I was saying that Willie Gault had an under the table deal, that was not at all what I intended and I apologize to Willie. But I did say that players have had under the table deals for many years, and I stand by that. There have been examples of coaches, boosters and players being caught red-handed for many years, and I have no reason to believe that it ever changed. I believe that programs just got better at it. If I have ANY agenda, it is that I despise the NIL and what I think it has and will do to the sport of college football - a sport that I have loved for most of my 61 years.

So you are saying now that Willie may not have had an under the table deal - but you are standing by UT coaches, boosters and players being caught red-handed for many years. Excluding Pruitt's staff - who specifically has been caught red handed at UT?
I hate the NIL as well = but I don't want you to tar hundreds, thousands of current and former UT student athletes based off of unsupported supposition.

It's akin to me saying that all the UT professors give the football players all the answers to every test and they have for years and years and they have been caught red handed doing it.
I think this would be wildly wrong and inaccurate and don't actually have any evidence to support it -- but I am going to stand by my statement.
Almost nobody is going to earn $1 million from NIL. That's recruiting BS. A handful of student-athletes could earn some money, one or two star football players could earn some significant cash, maybe, but that's about it. Star basketball players will jump to the pros quickly and so won't be around long enough, in many cases, to make serious coin. I think NIL will quickly prove to be disastrous--just rife with over-promising, corruption, the whole nine yards. The corruption that used to be concealed will now be openly practiced. But most guys won't get much of anything, much less $1M.
Nolen 2M up front to go to A&M I’m told.
So you are saying now that Willie may not have had an under the table deal - but you are standing by UT coaches, boosters and players being caught red-handed for many years. Excluding Pruitt's staff - who specifically has been caught red handed at UT?
I hate the NIL as well = but I don't want you to tar hundreds, thousands of current and former UT student athletes based off of unsupported supposition.

It's akin to me saying that all the UT professors give the football players all the answers to every test and they have for years and years and they have been caught red handed doing it.
I think this would be wildly wrong and inaccurate and don't actually have any evidence to support it -- but I am going to stand by my statement.

Look dude. I was trying to be nice. I said I stand behind coaches and players being caught red-handed, but I NEVER, EVER SAID anything about UT. You are the only one that has said that. Do not put words in my mouth. I am not throwing anyone under the bus, and I am not saying anyone at UT has done anything wrong. I have no interest in a war of words with you or anyone else. I am on here for fun and information, and this isn't fun or informative.
As NIL spreads it’s wings, more and more players from the past will become comfortable talking about what was given and how it was done back in the day.
Saban and the Gumps are breathing a sigh of relief now that players can get money legally.

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