Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

Most recently, Trump has called the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus the “Chinese virus” and “kung flu” — racist terms that tap into the kind of xenophobia
looks like that was written when the media was still pretending China had nothing to do with covid

- Trump has repeatedly referred to Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as “Pocahontas,” using her controversial — and later walked-back — claims to Native American heritage as a punchline.
- At the 2016 Republican convention, Trump officially seized the mantle of the “law and order” candidate — an obvious dog whistle playing to white fears of Black crime, even though crime in the US is historically low. His speeches, comments, and executive actions after he took office have continued this line of messaging.
- In a pitch to Black voters in 2016, Trump said, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?”
things like this put your source in question. I mean, if you claim "law and order" will offend Black people then maybe you're the racist
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looks like that was written when the media was still pretending China had nothing to do with covid

things like this put your source in question
The first link is to NBC News.

The housing discrimination bias law suit filed against the Trump Org. in the 1970's has been thoroughly documented. It's not like there aren't dozens of sources ... or that these allegations are overly-dependent upon any one particular source. There are many to choose from.
The first link is to NBC News.

The housing discrimination bias law suit filed against the Trump Org. in the 1970's has been thoroughly documented. It's not like there aren't dozens of sources ... or that these allegations are overly-dependent upon any one particular source. There are many to choose from.

Pretty standard practice back then shortly after the passage of the FHA.
You mentioned him being elected was an attempt to bring in a Christian caliphate.
It doesn’t require a devout Christian to lead other Christians. As I said, the Lord can work through anybody. Serial philanderer, con man… whomever.
The first link is to NBC News.

The housing discrimination bias law suit filed against the Trump Org. in the 1970's has been thoroughly documented. It's not like there aren't dozens of sources ... or that these allegations are overly-dependent upon any one particular source. There are many to choose from.
They have quotes from when he was 17. Are you claiming he's never changed from 17yo?

What the left now calls racist is absurd. Sadly they've removed the meaning and teeth from the word with overuse
They have quotes from when he was 17. Are you claiming he's never changed from 17yo?

What the left now calls racist is absurd. Sadly they've removed the meaning and teeth from the word with overuse
Too much truth to the last line.
looks like that was written when the media was still pretending China had nothing to do with covid

things like this put your source in question. I mean, if you claim "law and order" will offend Black people then maybe you're the racist
I said that there were many more sources. Here are just a few of them.

The Trump Family's History of Housing Discrimination

FBI releases files on Trump apartments' race discrimination probe in '70s

DOJ: Trump’s Early Businesses Blocked Blacks

Donald Trump's racial discrimination problem
CNN is not a credible source for conservatives.

See also MSNBC.
They did spearhead the Steele Dossier and Russian Collusion movement without checking its validity. For a little equity it would be a good move to tap in on the Hunter Biden or the FBI withholding information with the same vigor as the Dossier and Collusion.
I’m not familiar with Vox.

It’s also worth noting Fox News is not a credible source for liberals…see also NewsMax and OANN.
The journalism side of Fox News is a credible source for news reporting. It's the opinion shows on Fox News which are biased. The other two you mentioned are basically just tabloids.
Well, no joke.

The poster I was initially replying to was @Majors. He had referenced Biden being a racist going back to 1972, and requested examples of Trump's racism going back that far.

Again, like I said where was he deemed a racist by the left who chose to take him money. The Newsweek Article you posted only attached him to his dad as he was poised to take over the business. Fred declined the tenet, not Trump.
The journalism side of Fox News is a credible source for news reporting. It's the opinion shows on Fox News which are biased. The other two you mentioned are basically just tabloids.

Agreed…I miss Shep Smith on Fox News.

OANN is a freak show. Their logo should be a tinfoil hat and an assault rifle.
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Again, like I said where was he deemed a racist by the left who chose to take him money. The Newsweek Article you posted only attached him to his dad as he was poised to take over the business. Fred declined the tenet, not Trump.
The Trump Org. declined those tenants... and Donald was a member of Trump Org. at the time, with his dad.

You mentioned Al Sharpton earlier. Don't you remember Sharpton calling Trump's ad against the 5 young men who had allegedly (but later exonerated) attacked the Central Park jogger in 1989 racist? What was sometimes referred to as a night of "wilding?'
The Trump Org. declined those tenants... and Donald was a member of Trump Org. at the time, with his dad.

You mentioned Al Sharpton earlier. Don't you remember Sharpton calling Trump's ad against the 5 young men who had allegedly (but later exonerated) attacked the Central Park jogger in 1989 racist? What was sometimes referred to as a night of "wilding?'
So Trump Organization under his dad means 45 is deemed a racist?
1987 photo



So again, tell me how he's a racist as a private citizen vs. 1972 elected documented politician. He only became a racist when he became a threat to the status quo of Washington.
Good lord ... I posted a YouTube video to CNN and links to sources including Newsweek and Politico. Would you like some more?
That all reference the same incidents. You also posted Vox which claims Trump calling it the China flu is racist

VN Store
