Herschel Walker channeling his inner Travis Henry

Lol at the dim's creating a reason to not support Herschel thread is like saying reason to support Warnock.
Just as odd as the ones that call him immoral now for paying for an abortion.
You are leaving out a significant component of this story, when you don't mention Herschel's holier-than-thou public stance against abortion without exception. God told him "Thou shalt not kill," and abortion was a woman killing her baby, remember?
Remember 81M voted for Biden because he wasn't Trump.
It was never character..just ideology

You seem to contradict yourself. They had a record turnout because it wasn't about ideology. The extra was about who Trump is, not his policies or party. You think 81m showed up because of ideology?
You seem to contradict yourself. They had a record turnout because it wasn't about ideology. The extra was about who Trump is, not his policies or party. You think 81m showed up because of ideology?

Trump’s policies are what the people that voted him care about. Biden has no policies just an alleged 81 million emotional wrecks.
Remember that time Donald Trump owned a professional football team with two Heismans in the back field.
Flutie and Walker.............
Him saying it isn't convenient isn't him asking for an abortion....ultimately it was her choice right....whether he supported it or not is moot...he stepped up an responsibly paid...and my understanding is that he supported all his children....is that not correct?
So what he wanted her to take a deferment on the baby? Like going to college? Just put it off for another year? I don’t think the science exists for that, yet.

So, then he regrets and learns from the abortion and then, when told his sexual partner is once again pregnant says “now is not the right time for me to have another child?” Then, when informed that his political campaign is being derailed by the revelation of the abortion says “no it didn’t happen,” instead of saying “yeah, I regret it every day and it shaped my feelings about abortion?”

No amount of parsing or semantics is going to make that persuasive. Sorry.

Either she’s lying or she’s not.
If she is not, you either hold your nose for Walker and completely give up on the last semi-valid claim to the moral high ground, or you stand on principle. There’s really no third way, if you assume it’s true.

If you don’t live there, I don’t see what the issue is. You’re gonna abandon your principles for a guy you don’t even have to vote for? That is some extreme tribalism.
Remember that time Donald Trump owned a professional football team with two Heismans in the back field.
Flutie and Walker.............
... and then spear-headed a weak law suit against the NFL, which only netted the USFL a $1.00 reward, and then pushed the league into trying to compete with the NFL head to head in the fall. Effectively, running the USFL into the ground.
You seem to contradict yourself. They had a record turnout because it wasn't about ideology. The extra was about who Trump is, not his policies or party. You think 81m showed up because of ideology?

Fair enough. But to your point in this semantic game., The Dem narrative was Biden won because he is NOT Trump character. They elected worse.
It is always ideology
Fair enough. But to your point in this semantic game., The Dem narrative was Biden won because he is NOT Trump character. They elected worse.
It is always ideology
There's the rub. A Democrat won't agree with you, when you say that Biden's character is worse than Trump's.
Lol at the dim's creating a reason to not support Herschel thread is like saying reason to support Warnock.
This is easy for you to say. You don’t have much of a problem with abortion. For these people who shriek about baby murder it’s part of their political and religious identity.

Or maybe it was all performative. Guess we’ll find out.
There's the rub. A Democrat won't agree with you, when you say that Biden's character is worse than Trump's.

Joe is crooked as ****..No doubts about it. You think Trump is corrupt. Fine.

It comes to policy..you like Joe policy then fine.

I really comes down to the the effect of policy and how it affects ones personal life and nations health.

Frankly, I see see my nation and personal well being as weak under Biden. Card hands dealt dont matter.
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A crack in the dam, maybe?

Herschel Walker now says that he didn't pay for an abortion ... but there would be nothing wrong with it if he had.

Seriously, Herschel?

He called abortion, "a woman killing her baby," but then says that there would be nothing wrong with paying for an abortion? Damn, this guy is all over the road.
A crack in the dam, maybe?

Herschel Walker now says that he didn't pay for an abortion ... but there would be nothing wrong with it if he had.

Seriously, Herschel?

He called abortion, "a woman killing her baby," but then says that there would be nothing wrong with paying for an abortion? Damn, this guy is all over the road.
Well each personality has a different opinion and memory
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Did he say he wanted the abortion performed? Or did he say the timing was bad and she decided...and he paid?
... and then spear-headed a weak law suit against the NFL, which only netted the USFL a $1.00 reward, and then pushed the league into trying to compete with the NFL head to head in the fall. Effectively, running the USFL into the ground.
Other than that Ms Lincoln how was the play.
Did he say he wanted the abortion performed? Or did he say the timing was bad and she decided...and he paid?
No, dude. “It’s not a convenient time for me to have a child” is a euphemism for “I’d prefer that you have an abortion.” There’s no pause button, there no rewind. You abort or you carry to term. Obviously she can make a different decision, but the whole “maybe he regretted it” is out the window if you assume that’s true.

If thats the case why would they be together in the 1st place...abortion is not a mistake eraser..
Noone is disputing if medical issues as a legit reason, or rape, or incest
.which make up only 5% of abortions
...but abortion is used now as forM of birth control for many..thats the issue

It’s not that big of a deal. When the rubber met the road, it turned out you didn’t really believe this stuff. Or at least you think momentary Republican control of the senate is more important.

There’s not really any shame in that. You guys are just coming around to where Democrats were on abortion before twitter drove them off the deep end, that it’s fine for people to choose to have an abortion for any reason up to a certain point of gestation. As long as you’re comfortable with that position, there’s no need for all the mental gymnastics.
No, dude. “It’s not a convenient time for me to have a child” is a euphemism for “I’d prefer that you have an abortion.” There’s no pause button, there no rewind. You abort or you carry to term. Obviously she can make a different decision, but the whole “maybe he regretted it” is out the window if you assume that’s true.

It’s not that big of a deal. When the rubber met the road, it turned out you didn’t really believe this stuff. Or at least you think momentary Republican control of the senate is more important.

There’s not really any shame in that. You guys are just coming around to where Democrats were on abortion before twitter drove them off the deep end, that it’s fine for people to choose to have an abortion for any reason up to a certain point of gestation. As long as you’re comfortable with that position, there’s no need for all the mental gymnastics.
If that is truly whay he meant then yes it's out the window..as yes HW is a hypocritical POS..and if there was a better candidate then shame on GA GOP voter..but he is still a better choice then warnock..I have dealt with a friend and an abortion...having the baby would have killed her...and it was the hardest choice she ever made...I even offered to say it was mine if she choose to try...she was the 5%....ans she still regrets it to this day....if HW said he did this woukd go away..but he wont
So for the "abortion is murder" crowd, if HW had paid a hitman to kill his wife, would you still vote for him? You have to treat the two as equivalent if you really believe abortion is murder and he paid for the abortion.
So for the "abortion is murder" crowd, if HW had paid a hitman to kill his wife, would you still vote for him? You have to treat the two as equivalent if you really believe abortion is murder and he paid for the abortion.

If I had to guess they merely see him as a pawn in the fight to establish their Christian caliphate or whatever their agenda is. Same with Trump. Even though they’re reprehensible people, their voters aren’t bothered by it. They’ve been "chosen" to do the Lord’s work, and the Lord can work through anybody.

Idk at some point hypocrisy is hard to explain away.
If I had to guess they merely see him as a pawn in the fight to establish their Christian caliphate or whatever their agenda is. Same with Trump. Even though they’re reprehensible people, their voters aren’t bothered by it. They’ve been "chosen" to do the Lord’s work, and the Lord can work through anybody.

Idk at some point hypocrisy is hard to explain away.


I wouldn’t call Trump a devout Christian by any means.
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So for the "abortion is murder" crowd, if HW had paid a hitman to kill his wife, would you still vote for him? You have to treat the two as equivalent if you really believe abortion is murder and he paid for the abortion.
So what

Warnock votes for our tax dollars to perform millions of abortions worldwide, those good folks down in GA gonna stop the bleeding
So what

Warnock votes for our tax dollars to perform millions of abortions worldwide, those good folks down in GA gonna stop the bleeding
That's the whole idea, make them rare and the exception. Continuing to murder is the only idiocracy associated with this subject.

“He facilitated a murder. So what, he’s still a Republican isn’t be?” 😂

Add William of Attainder to the list of politics > murder.

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