Heup Haters

Well said. I don't hate JH and I think he's turned the program around but we just need to expect 2 to 3 losses each year and playing in a bowl game at best. And yes, there are ways to compensate for a bad OL, put him back in the shotgun, run some sweep plays out right or left, hit some short passes across the middle , etc. My biggest beef with JH is continuing to do the same failed plays week after week, game after game...almost like he wants to lose the game
Yes heupel definitely wants to lose our games
Not a hater, in fact love the guy.

However it is clear that this year’s offense has limitations. His stubbornness to run his offense regardless of field position, time, talent, or score is a glaring fault leading to predictability and poor performance.

If your OL sucks, run shorter routes and get your QB to stop holding the ball so long. Not every play has to be a home run, get first downs and eat clock especially with the lead.
Nico is a pretty good runner. He's not a porcelain doll. Teams need to have to account for him running...adds an extra layer for D to account for. And, under utilization of TE's to protect our young QB is a head scratcher...we've got pretty good ones this year.
I made the thread about something needs to be done drastically with the offense. Lack of adjustments is bother me.

That being said, we can't and shouldn't fire Heupel. We need the stability and the guy keeps winning. Still best coach we have had in a long time despite being flawed.
These losses were not big compared to #1 vs #2, but they were SEC games you have to win to stay in the hunt. We look flat in both of those games and there really is no excuse for it.
I don’t disagree but not sure what you mean by “losses.” We only have one loss. Maybe we’re just immature and have been drinking the rat poison.
He just has to do what needs to be done this year and get rid of his friend at oline coach. It’s a joke to be this bad in year 4 at that position. we recruited well last season at oline but prior to that we did not and it’s showing big time now.
I have been waiting to post about our coaching staff, because I want the year to play out. What I can say is, if all units continue to perform the way they are, I think Heupel will absolutely have to make at least one change to his coaching staff and that is indeed at OL.

That is the one unit that has gotten much worse throughout the past 4 years and that impacts the play of everyone on offense. But the entire offense is obviously worse atm.

I am also not sure the loss of Burns is showing up at wide receivers. The improvements made to our receivers was noticeable when he took the reins. I wonder if his influence resonated the year after he left, but now we are seeing other receivers kind of flatten out or get worse. White was looking like a future star.

I know that Heupel calls the plays, but Golesh wasn’t paid what he was for nothing. Seems our play calling is much more vanilla. I think Halzle is an excellent QB coach, and should have stayed there as his sole focus. Not sure Huepel can find anyone else at OC, however, to fill Golesh’s shoes.

Hard to say with our running backs. Seems we have been 3 deep in the past, with high performing underclassmen. I know Seldon is hurt. So, there is that. Bishop has had some nice plays, but Sampson and Biship are hardly the 1-2 we have had in the past. Sampson is a stud, but there is a serious drop off at this moment with Bishop. So, we have a big question mark there next year which means we are trending in the wrong direction in that position group as well. I think the loss of coach Mack is the reason for that.

On D secondary still gets gashed, but they have gotten much better since the first year under Banks at every position group including our secondary.

It’s always been hard to say if our LBs are good or bad, because I am not sure the 2 linebacker system is sufficient. I noticed Banks put in 3 LBs at least once last night, but not sure we saw it again. Could be because Pili got hurt. Regardless, it isn’t that Banks is a bad coach, I just don’t know that his system will ever yield an elite defense all around in the SEC. We have yet to play a prolific offense, and so I will wait and make any definitive opinions on that side of the ball.

Our DL is as good as anyone could make it with the players we have. Only mark against Garner is he isn’t loading the line with 5*. If he did, we would have the best DL in CFB by far. Amazing what he has done with what he has.

Special teams have been elite since Heupel has been here. Hats off to Ekeler.

My concern is that once again, we had a guy come in with a unique system that has been figured out and he lost a lot of the guys that made him look so good and is struggling to reup with coaches who are as competent as his original cast. Also, he had his system, so that limits who he can bring in. Over time, that’s a recipe for failure.

We shall see. I hope I’m wrong because I really do like Heupel.
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Not a hater, in fact love the guy.

However it is clear that this year’s offense has limitations. His stubbornness to run his offense regardless of field position, time, talent, or score is a glaring fault leading to predictability and poor performance.

If your OL sucks, run shorter routes and get your QB to stop holding the ball so long. Not every play has to be a home run, get first downs and eat clock especially with the lead.
Very frustrating to see us get the ball with 8:08 on the clock and a touchdown lead and lunt it away with 6:56 left. Given the type of game, we should’ve understood time and place and methodically called plays to eat up six minutes of clock time. At minimum you use every bit of the play clock in that situation - which would have prevented them from scoring with 29 seconds left.
We have some issues, no doubt, but if we could start by cleaning up all those untimely miscues whether it be penalties or at some point hit some of these wide open passes and gain momentum instead of killing it, that would be a God send. Just my take is that every time we have a good play, it gets negated by a hold or a false start or Nico missing a read or throwing a poor pass. I know he’s young and hopefully he will get this corrected, but please deal with the technique and mental errors with all those penalties
We have some issues, no doubt, but if we could start by cleaning up all those untimely miscues whether it be penalties or at some point hit some of these wide open passes and gain momentum instead of killing it, that would be a God send. Just my take is that every time we have a good play, it gets negated by a hold or a false start or Nico missing a read or throwing a poor pass. I know he’s young and hopefully he will get this corrected, but please deal with the technique and mental errors with all those penalties
Discipline would be a great place to start. Pre-snap penalties, penalties after whistle, missed blocks, tackling. Fix that would go a long way.
Not to be a contrarian in here but the 1998 season on paper looked like dog **** too for most of the season if you're going go be turning our wins into moral "losses" the games are almost identical especially 1998 uf and tonight

Not saying this year is our year but you are correct, we had to pull several miracles out of our asses to stay alive. I hope we can pull another one next week.
Yes the 98 team 13&0 but had 4 games they were very fortunate to not lose especially the Syracuse & Arkansas stumble/fumble and Tee Martin grew as the season went along. I'm hoping the game slows down for Nico like it did for Tee from game manager at Syracuse early season game to playing top SEC QB caliber football by the time we got to the SEC Championship game.
Win & advance,
I am still 100% behind Coach Heupel.

Just take a second and think back to the 15 years before he arrived. We are winning and heading in the right direction for bigger things.
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#1 His teams consistently come into games unprepared #2 His lack of ability to change to in-game conditions #3 Key players don't seem to get better as the season progresses ( milton last year, nico this year) #4 Predictable play calling game after game.
I’m not sure many of you ever actually watch the games… Heup frequently has players ready I think he has fallen into the trap that because he finally has a really good defense… he has Been playing not to lose more than his normal attacking style but he is a very good coach… the best we’ve had by far in a long time… it’s the mid season grind microwave era forget what a football season actually looks like. Bama beat UGA n lost to vandy n struggled mightily with South Carolina… our defense has looked better than any other defense in the sec minus maybe Texas. It’s a weird year just find a way to win it won’t always be pretty which is a common theme nation wide.
lack of creativity in run game. UF showed more creativity. I really don't understand the first down (you know it's coming hand off up the middle on first down. Second down run the ball up the middle for 2 yards...put Nico in danger of sack for low percentage behind the sticks...or throw it 50 yards down the field. I think SEC coaches have figured out JH...

…and yet Florida with all of its superior coaching scores less points.
Right now he is 2-2 against Florida and 1-2 against Alabama. Anyone wanting Heupel to go right now just became fans in 2022.
Not saying he's the best but if Nico makes the throws that was there against arky and fla he'd be the best vols coach ever. 😅
For beating a terrible UF team? Yeah don’t think so. I still like Heupel but his shine is beginning to wear off for me. I am beginning to see some serious red flags.

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