Well, there is quite a bit of room between what I said and calling CCM a victim. I didn't even insinuate that. Like you said, it's difficult to paint someone making millions of dollars as a victim.
The "several strong pieces" he inherited were not strong pieces when he inherited them.
•Tatum: 8.8 pts, 3.1 rebs, 2.3 assts (and bad knees)
•Golden: 3.0 pts, 1.1 rebs, 2.2 assts
•Maymon: 2.6 pts, 2.8 rebs, 0.2 assts
•McRae: 1.8 pts, 0.8 rebs, 0.0 assts
That is what he inherited. Potential? Sure, but next to nothing in terms of production. In fact, you could argue that CCM and his staff are the reasons for their development.
Lastly, we agree that he isn't even average on his best day, as a coach.