Hey Guys....

Thanks for your service, basic and your training will go quicker than you think, look forward to your return to the board when you get settled more into a routine take care and as always be safe.
I forgot what its called but there was this one thing, a training we had to do that was pretty fun. Had to stay up all night, run from station to station and do diff things. Alot of fun and than they treat you to this great breakfast once you pass and they give you a NAVY ball cap!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Battlestations, I think
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Good Luck Jmoore. Love your info, but even respect you moore (pun intended :p ) for serving our country. Goodluck :)
Thanks jmoore for all the information that you have posted on Vol Nation. I look every day to find posts that you have made because your info is usually spot on. Thank you for choosing to serve this great country of ours. Godspeed young man! GBO!
you better eat the biggest steak you ve ever had the night before,cause the food is going to suck for about 8 wks!!!!!!i spent the night before telling friends and fam bye,but i highly recommend you sleep as much as possiable. they take you from airport to the base and go straight to paperwork,haircut,getting all or gear,etc.!!!i got on base at 930 at night and finally laid down on a bunk at 430 and they turned lights off for 5 min. and then turned them back on ,made us get up,make bunks and straight to pt!!we got no sleep at all and that pretty much is how you feel the rest of basic!!!WORE OUT thanks for your service to our country and your contribution to VN!!!i loved to read your accurate info GOOD LUCK AND GODSPEED
Thanks for all your hard work on here, I always get on here and look for your updates!

Most of all thanks for the service to our country, the great USA!!!!
Its people like you who make it great! God Bless and good luck!!
Good luck and better health to ya.

....eat plenty of oranges and try not to bust your ass on the poop deck!
God Speed to you and I will see you posting again around spring ball. Thank you for what you are doing; serving your country is one of the most noble undertakings that a man or woman can do in their life. Please let everyone that you encounter during your training know that I appreciate them every day and that the VOL NATION loves them for what they do for us on a daily basis. Please post your contact information when you are allowed as I'm sure some care packages can be sent to you and your new "friends".


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