One of the big problems is Holly has a massive inferiority complex. Today's presser after yet ANOTHER loss to a lesser team she says "They fought hard"..and that's "All I can ask".
Isn't that something the coach at West Montana State says after they lose to Duke? Not what a coach of a higher ranked team says about losing to a lower ranked team?
She doesn't even expect to win. Everybody.... to better than she or her team is. She's just happy her team "fought hard". Winning? Ehhh....she doesn't expect that. After all she's who she is...and the Lady Vols aren't the type of team in her mind that should win anyway. Forget winning. She feels like she doesn't even deserve to win, and that attitude gets passed to her team. She doesn't think highly of herself that she SHOULD win. In her mind she SHOULD lose....which is why "fighting hard" is good enough in her mind. Losing is expected...cuz deep down that's what she feels she and her team deserve.
How can u keep trotting out a coach like that? My gawd. It's beyond pathetic. Let her go get counseling for whatever deep seated self value issues she obviously has...but it's just criminal to allow this program destroyer to continue to lay her deep seated issues on this basketball program and those otherwise talented girls.
The only thing she instills in this team is to make them feel like they are undeserving of success...and any success they DO have is by luck or chance. It's borderline criminal what this psychotic wreck of a coach has done/is doing to a once proud program.
So true! Holly's battle cry is win some lose some.:crazy: