Hollywood Writers Strike

Meh.. don't watch live TV and pretty sure Tom Segura's podcasts are 90% of what I watch anyways.
I can do their work for them. Typical one hour drama follows
1) main character (Doctor, lawyer, or cop take your pick) develops a romantic interest in a character of the same sex (bonus for trans)
2) evils stereotypical conservative caricature expresses hate or anti government sentiments
3) now diversified main character defeats bigoted conservative viewpoint (including a virtuous speech confronting said conservative and putting them in their shameful place
4) peaceful rainbow world is now safe (until
Next week when an anti abortion protest makes for more virtue signaling treacle)
Now where’s my check? 😂

You left out the old mean White man.
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Snowflakes on the right freaking out about Hollywood is awesome.
Yelling "Hollywood is woke" at the top of their lungs, always playing the pansy victim card.
"Everybody is picking on us", your whining is sad and pathetic - grow a pair.
Yeah, no kids wanting sex change surgeries in that show
Basic plot of every Rockford Files Episode
1) damsel in distress can’t get help from cops; goes to Rockford for help at $200 per day (plus expenses)
2) Rockford gets beaten up by mob goons
3) a car chase
4) the good guys win; but something happens to prevent Rockford from collecting his fee

Predictable as heck; but infinity entertaining none the less
Basic plot of every Rockford Files Episode
1) damsel in distress can’t get help from cops; goes to Rockford for help at $200 per day (plus expenses)
2) Rockford gets beaten up by mob goons
3) a car chase
4) the good guys win; but something happens to prevent Rockford from collecting his fee

Predictable as heck; but infinity entertaining none the less

James Garner (God rest his soul) was the best ever actor in those episodes.
Snowflakes on the right freaking out about Hollywood is awesome.
Yelling "Hollywood is woke" at the top of their lungs, always playing the pansy victim card.
"Everybody is picking on us", your whining is sad and pathetic - grow a pair.

Says the liberal who whines about anything the right does. Dude your dude created the snowflakes. You guys needed coloring books, safe spaces and days off if work because of who got elected president. Nobody is freaking out. Hollywood is woke and chock full of pedos and sexual deviants. But you don’t care right?

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