Holy Trinity Discussion

Indians have black skin but most people would say they aren't black. That's because blackness and whiteness are about more than skin color. There are other phenotypic factors at play like hair texture, facial features, limp proportions, etc. An albino African might lack one of those stereotypical black features but will likely have the rest. That's why it's easy to tell the difference between an albino African and a white European despite the similarity in skin color.

When you proclaim black people were here before Columbus are you talking about dark skin or African origin?

When you proclaim Hebrew people were black are you talking about dark skin or African origin?

When you claim ancient statues are black are you talking about dark skin or African origin?
I'm so glad you made this point. Because southern Egypt (aka Upper Egypt) is where the Pharaohs and dynastic Egyptians come from. So yes in the north of Egypt even going back to the start of dynastic Egypt there were some non-black populations. But those populations had nothing to do with the advent or proliferation of Ancient Egyptian civilization. Ancient Egyptian civilization started in the south with the Upper Egyptians who you admit were related to the Nubians.

Most people have this mistaken conception that Ancient Egypt was oriented north to south. That the Pharaohs and civilization of Egypt was more connected to Arabia and the Middle East than Sub-Saharan Africa. When the truth is actually the complete opposite. Ancient Egypt was oriented south to north. The Ancient Egyptians considered southern Egypt to be "Upper Egypt" and northern Egypt to be "Lower Egypt". And it was Pharaohs from the south like Narmer that conquered the north and unified the country into one empire. Also the only other nation we know of that used hieroglyphics and built pyramids in the region was Nubia. Showing that the Ancient Egyptians had a closer cultural connection with their neighbors to the south than their neighbors to the north.

In the Bible, Moses and Joseph aren't just dealing with any random Egyptians. They were brought into the court of the Pharaoh. Moses in particular only escaped being killed as a child because Pharaohs wife took him in not knowing he was an Israelite. That means Moses by definition had to look like the Upper Egyptians since he was in the house of the Pharaoh. And the Upper Egyptians were black meaning Moses too was black.
You should look more at the depictions of the entire of Egyptian Pharohs and Kings. Many are obviously not Nubian. The Nubian rulers were only for a specified time in history. They are not, and never were, the whole of Egypt. Tut and Cleopatra were clearly not Nubian. I will put more into Egyptologists than anything you are proclaiming. There is a clear, and established, distinctian between the Egyptian dynasties of northeern descent and Nubian descent. and they were of different ethnicities. You ignoring this is laughable and destroys all credibility you think you have.
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Was Joseph’s colorful coat in the OT the first LGBTQ merchandise?

All these experts must know
You might want to read my other posts in this thread closely. DNA doesn't necessarily indicate phenotype. The "black" people in Papau New Guinea and the Pacific look black but are genetically most closely related to East Asians. So the fact Luzia woman has DNA related to other early Americans that crossed over from Asia is unsurprising. Just like how many Andamanese Islanders have DNA related to South Asians but look African.

This is where you shift your definitions again. So she was Asian? Yet you’re pretending she was black and interchangeably using black as in appearance vs black as in African
This entire Trinity thread exists because a poster hijacked the New Orleans thread to turn it into a Trinity thread.
Those posts got moved to a new thread, (Mod created, I suppose.)

Now the Trinity thread has been hijacked into a "beauty is only skin deep" thread about race and ethnicity.

Jeez, people, the "Create Post" tab is your friend when you wish to create a new discussion. If help is needed, ask LG, he will happy to assist!


I'm so glad you made this point. Because southern Egypt (aka Upper Egypt) is where the Pharaohs and dynastic Egyptians come from. So yes in the north of Egypt even going back to the start of dynastic Egypt there were some non-black populations. But those populations had nothing to do with the advent or proliferation of Ancient Egyptian civilization. Ancient Egyptian civilization started in the south with the Upper Egyptians who you admit were related to the Nubians.

Most people have this mistaken conception that Ancient Egypt was oriented north to south. That the Pharaohs and civilization of Egypt was more connected to Arabia and the Middle East than Sub-Saharan Africa. When the truth is actually the complete opposite. Ancient Egypt was oriented south to north. The Ancient Egyptians considered southern Egypt to be "Upper Egypt" and northern Egypt to be "Lower Egypt". And it was Pharaohs from the south like Narmer that conquered the north and unified the country into one empire. Also the only other nation we know of that used hieroglyphics and built pyramids in the region was Nubia. Showing that the Ancient Egyptians had a closer cultural connection with their neighbors to the south than their neighbors to the north.

In the Bible, Moses and Joseph aren't just dealing with any random Egyptians. They were brought into the court of the Pharaoh. Moses in particular only escaped being killed as a child because Pharaohs wife took him in not knowing he was an Israelite. That means Moses by definition had to look like the Upper Egyptians since he was in the house of the Pharaoh. And the Upper Egyptians were black meaning Moses too was black.

You’re acting as if Upper Egypt is Kenya or something. Upper Egypt is still essentially the border of modern Egypt and Sudan.
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This entire Trinity thread exists because a poster hijacked the New Orleans thread to turn it into a Trinity thread.
Those posts got moved to a new thread, (Mod created, I suppose.)

Now the Trinity thread has been hijacked into a "beauty is only skin deep" thread about race and ethnicity.

Jeez, people, the "Create Post" tab is your friend when you wish to create a new discussion. If help is needed, ask LG, he will happy to assist!


You know some people see “jeez” as taking the lord’s name in vain.

Do we need a new thread?
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You might want to read my other posts in this thread closely. DNA doesn't necessarily indicate phenotype. The "black" people in Papau New Guinea and the Pacific look black but are genetically most closely related to East Asians. So the fact Luzia woman has DNA related to other early Americans that crossed over from Asia is unsurprising. Just like how many Andamanese Islanders have DNA related to South Asians but look African.
Which African would she be looking like?

North African? As in non-black Egytpian, Lybian, Tunisian, Morrocan? Cause there ain't no native black folk that far north.
Central African?
South African? Could be black or white.

I don't get being African anyway. It's like saying your American. They're continents. America extends nearly from pole to pole. The only saving grace of saying you're American is that it is the US of America when people use the term. It'd more proper to say Kenyan. Or Sudanese. Or Nigerian, etc.

And I'd love to here you explain the native Aussie. White folk type hair on them.

Easiest way to figure out how everyone got to be where they're from is to visit the story of Tower of Babal. We were once all from the same region. Then we pissed God off and he dispersed us throughout the world and confused our tongues so we couldn't collaborate.
When you proclaim black people were here before Columbus are you talking about dark skin or African origin?

When you proclaim Hebrew people were black are you talking about dark skin or African origin?

When you claim ancient statues are black are you talking about dark skin or African origin?
Gotta be more specific for him. The northern fifth or better of that continent is non-mid/lower continent black.
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Holy ****, this thread is hilarious. How did I miss it for a whole two days. Imagine getting this pwned by Dobbs on your own religion.

FTR, Mormons (which I no longer am) believe Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Ghost are one....in purpose, and are three different beings. Growing up Mormon and getting made fun of for my weird beliefs, it was always funny thinking about Jesus praying to himself, etc.

One of the many humorous unforced theological errors of "traditional" Christianity. Even more hilarious that when another (at least cultural) Mormon illuminated this unforced theological error earlier in the thread, the response was to claim that the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints wasn't Christianity...at all.
Holy ****, this thread is hilarious. How did I miss it for a whole two days. Imagine getting this pwned by Dobbs on your own religion.

FTR, Mormons (which I no longer am) believe Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Ghost are one....in purpose, and are three different beings. Growing up Mormon and getting made fun of for my weird beliefs, it was always funny thinking about Jesus praying to himself, etc.
My favorite is in Revelations where Jesus walks into the throne room and presents himself to himself then deems himself worthy to open a scroll. Walks over and takes the scroll from himself opens the scroll and reads it. The walks over and sits down on a throne next to….himself
One of the many humorous unforced theological errors of "traditional" Christianity. Even more hilarious that when another (at least cultural) Mormon illuminated this unforced theological error earlier in the thread, the response was to claim that the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints wasn't Christianity...at all

Do you know why G-d made Mormons?
So Christians would know how Jews felt
One of the many humorous unforced theological errors of "traditional" Christianity. Even more hilarious that when another (at least cultural) Mormon illuminated this unforced theological error earlier in the thread, the response was to claim that the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints wasn't Christianity...at all.

Also as an aside, the idea that no other denominations accept Mormons as Christian...how could anybody even make that claim? There are a zillion denominations, and yes, some of them are inclusive.

No. My argument is very simple. If you look black then you're black. Those young Melanesian women if they came to America would be viewed by everyone as black if they were walking down the street. Just because they're native to the Pacific doesn't mean they're not black.

By the way that's why Papau New Guinea has the name it does. When the first European sailors landed on the island they thought the natives looked just like the natives they saw in Guinea (a country in West Africa). So they called this new island "New Guinea".

If it looks like a duck and quacks like duck, it's s duck. Similarly, if the person looks black then they're black.
When you proclaim black people were here before Columbus are you talking about dark skin or African origin?

When you proclaim Hebrew people were black are you talking about dark skin or African origin?

When you claim ancient statues are black are you talking about dark skin or African origin?

Blackness is independent of recent African origin. The people of Bougainville Island are not African is any way but are clearly black. I define blackness as populations that have a combination of dark skin, tightly curled hair, and full lips. Long limb proportions and a flat nose are also features of people who are black though they might be as universal.

I define blackness by phenotype not recent African origin.
You should look more at the depictions of the entire of Egyptian Pharohs and Kings. Many are obviously not Nubian. The Nubian rulers were only for a specified time in history. They are not, and never were, the whole of Egypt. Tut and Cleopatra were clearly not Nubian. I will put more into Egyptologists than anything you are proclaiming. There is a clear, and established, distinctian between the Egyptian dynasties of northeern descent and Nubian descent. and they were of different ethnicities. You ignoring this is laughable and destroys all credibility you think you have.

Cleopatra was from the era of Greek rule. She had nothing to do with Ancient Egypt during the time when native Egyptians ruled. With regard to King Tut you're right he wasn't Nubian. But he was clearly black. This is how he was depicted by the Ancient Egyptians.



Clearly the face of a young black man. Looks no different than many modern day Ethiopians. And if you're not convinced here are images of his grandparents. Pharoah Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye.




This is clearly a black family. And by the way I can keep going. The amount of Ancient Egyptian artwork showing the Ancient Egyptian Pharoahs as clearly black is endless.
This is where you shift your definitions again. So she was Asian? Yet you’re pretending she was black and interchangeably using black as in appearance vs black as in African

There are lots of "black" people in Asia. Ever heard the term "negrito" "melanisians"? Go look up the Andaman Islands and Papua New Guinea. They have the blackest people on earth and they're nowhere close to Africa.

Blackness is about your phenotype. Not just being from Africa.
You’re acting as if Upper Egypt is Kenya or something. Upper Egypt is still essentially the border of modern Egypt and Sudan.

Sudan means "Land of the Blacks" in Arabic. So yes it might as well be Kenya. It's a land that has been inhabited by black people since time in memoriam.

Upper Egypt even today has lots of black people. The entirety of Egypt before the invasions of the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Turks was far blacker than it is today.
And I'd love to here you explain the native Aussie. White folk type hair on them.

Yes. The Australian Aborigines are outliers in that region when it comes to hair texture. Everyone else around them in Melanesia has hair like this.




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