Holy Trinity Discussion

Gotta be more specific for him. The northern fifth or better of that continent is non-mid/lower continent black.

All of Africa used to be black before the Arabs and other non-Africans moved in. You should read up on the history of just Egypt. It was conquered by non-Africans on 6 different occasions. First by the Hyksos (from Turkey), then the Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and finally the Ottomans (once again).

Most non-blacks in North Africa today are descendants of these invading groups. North African history is not too different from American history. This continent in the past was filled with non-white people. Now the majority of the United States is white because of hundreds of years of migration by people from Europe into America. Same thing happened in Northern Africa.

“Ancient Egypt always fascinated people. The mystery of the pyramids, their mummies, the tombs and the treasure closed inside is something that everybody knows. Indeed, we can enjoy the view of these treasures in our modern museum or even directly visit them. However, something else is now attracting the attention of researchers: DNA. The DNA of mummies has already been extracted in the past but contamination of modern DNA, and technical limitations made the studies quite difficult and unreliable. Nowadays thanks to the improvement of the techniques of DNA sequencing and developing new statistical tools it is possible to study DNA from old mummies revealing interesting news: ancient Egyptians are much more closely related to ancient Middle Easterner populations than African populations.”
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“Ancient Egypt always fascinated people. The mystery of the pyramids, their mummies, the tombs and the treasure closed inside is something that everybody knows. Indeed, we can enjoy the view of these treasures in our modern museum or even directly visit them. However, something else is now attracting the attention of researchers: DNA. The DNA of mummies has already been extracted in the past but contamination of modern DNA, and technical limitations made the studies quite difficult and unreliable. Nowadays thanks to the improvement of the techniques of DNA sequencing and developing new statistical tools it is possible to study DNA from old mummies revealing interesting news: ancient Egyptians are much more closely related to ancient Middle Easterner populations than African populations.”
@Dobbs 4 Heisman
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“Ancient Egypt always fascinated people. The mystery of the pyramids, their mummies, the tombs and the treasure closed inside is something that everybody knows. Indeed, we can enjoy the view of these treasures in our modern museum or even directly visit them. However, something else is now attracting the attention of researchers: DNA. The DNA of mummies has already been extracted in the past but contamination of modern DNA, and technical limitations made the studies quite difficult and unreliable. Nowadays thanks to the improvement of the techniques of DNA sequencing and developing new statistical tools it is possible to study DNA from old mummies revealing interesting news: ancient Egyptians are much more closely related to ancient Middle Easterner populations than African populations.”

This study has been debunked mant times already by other scholars. I also debunked it over a year ago in this thread: That's racist!

If you want a succinct takedown of the study read this abstract: https://www.researchgate.net/public...enomes_from_northern_Egypt_Further_discussion

The main problem with the study is SAMPLING. The authors themselves admit this flaw. Basically what they did was they sampled bodies from only one site in northern Egypt during the time when Greeks ruled Egypt. It's the equivalent of digging up a grave in Harlem during the 1920s and saying the United States was made up of just black people. That's an error in sampling.

I've already said many times in this thread that northern Egypt had non-black people living there for millenia. Also I told you that foreign nations from outside Africa conquered Egypt many times. You can't dig up bodies from graves during the Greek occupation and say it's representative of the entirety of Ancient Egypt.

Remember Ancient Egyptian royalty primarily came from the south so this study you cited does not include any Pharaohs or royalty in the study. However, I have here a DNA study exclusively on Ancient Egyptian pharoahs and other members of the royal family and guess what this study found? Sub Saharan origins for pharaohs (new DNA studies)

You can download this study as a PDF of Google but I've linked another forum discussing the results. Basically in one of the few comprehensive DNA tests of Pharaohs what they found was the Pharaohs were most closely related genetically to Sub-Saharan Africans. So it turns out if you test grave sites from the Greek occupation of Ancient Egypt you get results that say the Ancient Egyptians were related to Europeans. However, if you actually test Ancient Egyptian pharoahs from when native Egyptians ruled you get test results that say they're related to black Africans. Surprise. Surprise.
This study has been debunked mant times already by other scholars. I also debunked it over a year ago in this thread: That's racist!

If you want a succinct takedown of the study read this abstract: https://www.researchgate.net/public...enomes_from_northern_Egypt_Further_discussion

The main problem with the study is SAMPLING. The authors themselves admit this flaw. Basically what they did was they sampled bodies from only one site in northern Egypt during the time when Greeks ruled Egypt. It's the equivalent of digging up a grave in Harlem during the 1920s and saying the United States was made up of just black people. That's an error in sampling.

I've already said many times in this thread that northern Egypt had non-black people living there for millenia. Also I told you that foreign nations from outside Africa conquered Egypt many times. You can't dig up bodies from graves during the Greek occupation and say it's representative of the entirety of Ancient Egypt.

Remember Ancient Egyptian royalty primarily came from the south so this study you cited does not include any Pharaohs or royalty in the study. However, I have here a DNA study exclusively on Ancient Egyptian pharoahs and other members of the royal family and guess what this study found? Sub Saharan origins for pharaohs (new DNA studies)

You can download this study as a PDF of Google but I've linked another forum discussing the results. Basically in one of the few comprehensive DNA tests of Pharaohs what they found was the Pharaohs were most closely related genetically to Sub-Saharan Africans. So it turns out if you test grave sites from the Greek occupation of Ancient Egypt you get results that say the Ancient Egyptians were related to Europeans. However, if you actually test Ancient Egyptian pharoahs from when native Egyptians ruled you get test results that say they're related to black Africans. Surprise. Surprise.
Of course it has....
It takes a low iq to think things come down to Black and white.
This seems very 1960s Mississippi in reverse
For the low IQ among us….ancient Egyptians were neither Black or White as defined by the morons. And the ancient Hebrews most closely resemble the current Hebrews.

It’s moronic to think that the DNA of a people would not evolve over the millennia.

“Modern Egyptians share 8% of their genome with central Africans, far more than ancient ones”

Debunked study. Just look at my previous posts. Even the researchers admitted to it buly saying their results might have been different if they sampled remains from more than one site.

Ancient Egyptian royalty came from the South not the North. That study only sampled one site in northern Egypt that was known to also be a burial site used by the Greeks when they occupied Egypt. Thus it shouldn't surprise you that the Ancient Greeks had less African DNA than modern Egyptians. If you think the Ancient Egyptians were less black than modern Egyptians, then why did they represent their royalty like this?


That's Queen Tiye. Grandmother of King Tut. A beautiful black woman with a beautiful afro.

And I can post even more Ancient Egyptian royalty if you want to see more beautiful images of how the Ancient Egyptians represented their royalty.
Queen Tiye was in the study that confirmed…..

“Modern Egyptians share 8% of their genome with central Africans, far more than ancient ones”

Queen Tiye is less than 8% African
I have a friend……and when I say friend I mean he’s the guy I called when I needed someone to sit with my father who had dementia. He did the DNA testing when I did. Now nobody in their right mind would say he was anything other than black.
Guess what….he’s 3.5% African.

Skin pigment means absolutely nothing when it comes to anything important about life. Only low IQ morons want to make it about “color” when DNA clearly proves that “color is beyond irrelevant and there is no “pure race” literally everyone is a mixture. Some more than others.
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Maybe CNN is in on this vast conspiracy

“Analyzing samples spanning over a millennium, researchers looked for genetic differences compared with Egyptians today. They found that the sample set showed a strong connection with a cluster of ancient non-African populations based east of the Mediterranean Sea.

Krause describes the far-reaching data set gained from looking at mitochondrial genomes: “This is not just the DNA of one person. It’s the DNA of the parents, grandparents, grandparents’ parents, grand-grand-grandparents’ parents and so forth.

23 sudan pyramids

RELATED ARTICLEExploring Sudan's forgotten pyramids

“So if we don’t find sub-Saharan African ancestry in those people, that is pretty representative, at least for Middle Egypt.”

Krause hypothesizes that ancient Northern Egypt would be much the same, if not more, linked to the Near East. Ancient Southern Egypt might be a different matter, however, where populations lived closer to Nubia, home of the “Black Pharaohs” in what is now Sudan.”
The funny thing about this is there is actual history of “black leadership” in Egypt. If people were trying to “whitewash “ history they wouldn’t take a break on that part of history
Lololol at your false “debunked study” accusation.

It’s incredibly ironic considering the garbage you posted that got destroyed on peer review
Everything you post is trash on the same level with infowars.

Go look up the criticisms brought to it by other academics like Christopher Ehert (Professor of African History and Linguistics at UCLA). Christopher Ehret - Wikipedia

He's probably the most respected scholar in America on Afro-Asiatic Languages (of which Ancient Egyptian is one). Him and other scholars on Ancient Egypt like S.O.Y. Keita published a response calling out that study for its faulty methodology.

You can't dig up just one grave site and then draw conclusions to an entire country. Once again my analogy about digging up a grave in Harlem and saying all Americans are black applies here. Cause that's basically what that study did. They used samples from one site in northern Egypt knowing full well that southern Egypt has a completely different ethnic makeup (even to this day). And what makes it worse is southern Egypt is where the royalty of Ancient Egypt was concentrated. So the study you cited basically ignored where the Pharaohs were from for a part of the country that was known to be regularly invaded by outsiders. That's how you get a result that ridiculous as the one that says modern Egyptians have more African DNA than the Ancient Egyptians. It's an asinine conclusions especially when you consider this is how the Ancient Egyptians depicted themselves.






Anyone with eyes can see these are clearly black people.
Queen Tiye was in the study that confirmed…..

“Modern Egyptians share 8% of their genome with central Africans, far more than ancient ones”

Queen Tiye is less than 8% African
If this woman is 8% African then I guess nobody on earth is more than 10% African.


If this woman was walking down any street in America she would be classified as a black woman.
The funny thing about this is there is actual history of “black leadership” in Egypt. If people were trying to “whitewash “ history they wouldn’t take a break on that part of history

That's because the Nubians aren't connected to the Bible and Jesus as closely as Ancient Egypt. The main reason Ancient Egypt can't be black is because if it's black then that means so were the Hebrews and Moses. And if the Hebrews were black then that makes Jesus black. And we all know the Caucasian mind can't handle their God being a black man. That's why the blackness of the Ancient Egyptians has to be denied at all costs even in the face of overwhelming evidence. They're too intimately connected to Judaism and Christianity.
That's because the Nubians aren't connected to the Bible and Jesus as closely as Ancient Egypt. The main reason Ancient Egypt can't be black is because if it's black then that means so were the Hebrews and Moses. And if the Hebrews were black then that makes Jesus black. And we all know the Caucasian mind can't handle their God being a black man. That's why the blackness of the Ancient Egyptians has to be denied at all costs even in the face of overwhelming evidence. They're too intimately connected to Judaism and Christianity.

Lmao let’s hear your evidence for Jesus being a black man
you know that's a bust right?

Its actually made of wood and was painted over.


Look at the whites of her eyes. The black pupils. And the brown skin. If her skin color wasn't dark brown then they would have painted her white like the whites of her eyes.

Also here's another wooden statue of Queen Tiye showing the same features.

Its actually made of wood and was painted over.

View attachment 713758

Look at the whites of her eyes. The black pupils. And the brown skin. If her skin color wasn't dark brown then they would have painted her white like the whites of her eyes.

Also here's another wooden statue of Queen Tiye showing the same features.

View attachment 713759

it's pretty nuts to ignore how her actual hair looked as a mummy and assume a carving of her is a more accurate depiction.
This is what her hair actually looks like. 100% not an an Afro

@Dobbs 4 Heisman

LOL. This tells me you know nothing about black people's hair. That's what black hair can look like when the braids are taken out. Queen Tiye in life was never depicted with straight hair. Like all Ancient Egyptian women her hair was almost always in braids. Like this:


By the way that's a statue of Queen Tiye.

When those braids are taken out a black woman's hair looks like this.


As you can see it's quite long. Now if you apply oils and butter to the hair when it's straightened out like this you can get it to look straight like these women from Chad (a country in Central Africa).




As you can see these are black African women whose hair looks straight and long thanks to the meticulous application of butter and oils. If those women were to wash their hair with water and let it dry it would curl into an Afro. I myself have long hair and when I step out the shower my hair can look straight. Give it a few hours and I got a curly fro. Give it a few days and that curly fro becomes nappy. That's just the nature of black hair.

Here are some other Egyptian mummies where the braids are still in place so you can see what I'm saying is true.




Queen Tiye's mummy just had the braids taken out so the hair keep the straightened pattern black hair can take once you remove braids. Go to any local black beauty parlor and watch black women with their natural hair getting their braids taken out and you won't be so ignorant about this topic.
LOL. This tells me you know nothing about black people's hair. That's what black hair can look like when the braids are taken out. Queen Tiye in life was never depicted with straight hair. Like all Ancient Egyptian women her hair was almost always in braids. Like this:

View attachment 713765

By the way that's a statue of Queen Tiye.

When those braids are taken out a black woman's hair looks like this.

View attachment 713766

As you can see it's quite long. Now if you apply oils and butter to the hair when it's straightened out like this you can get it to look straight like these women from Chad (a country in Central Africa).

View attachment 713775

View attachment 713768

View attachment 713774

As you can see these are black African women whose hair looks straight and long thanks to the meticulous application of butter and oils. If those women were to wash their hair with water and let it dry it would curl into an Afro. I myself have long hair and when I step out the shower my hair can look straight. Give it a few hours and I got a curly fro. Give it a few days and that curly fro becomes nappy. That's just the nature of black hair.

Here are some other Egyptian mummies where the braids are still in place so you can see what I'm saying is true.

View attachment 713776

View attachment 713777

View attachment 713779

Queen Tiye's mummy just had the braids taken out so the hair keep the straightened pattern black hair can take once you remove braids. Go to any local black beauty parlor and watch black women with their natural hair getting their braids taken out and you won't be so ignorant about this topic.

I'm the ignorant one? You have to be trolling.

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