Hong Kong + the West vs. China vs. Corporations

I mean Lebron wasnt just silent or polite in ordr to not offend the Chinese, he flat out called the Rockets executive uneducated or uninformed. My goodness, look in the mirror pot.
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With no sense of irony, you shame Lebron for being soft on China/Hong Kong while your beloved POTUS, who is the leader of the free world, is even softer on China/Hong Kong.

Why do you get to have it both ways?

Did you say anything goes because Trump bad? Trump is being soft on China, lets ask Xi who is the softest president he has dealt with? If Trump came out for Hong Kong democracy you would be against it and you know it.
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I mean Lebron wasnt just silent or polite in ordr to not offend the Chinese, he flat out called the Rockets executive uneducated or uninformed. My goodness, look in the mirror pot.

In fairness, Morey himself said he wasn't informed on the matter before he spoke.
Did you say anything goes because Trump bad? Trump is being soft on China, lets ask Xi who is the softest president he has dealt with? If Trump came out for Hong Kong democracy you would be against it and you know it.


When Trump does something right, I applaud him. My positions don't change with power shifts. If you're going to rail on Lebron, you need to rail on Trump too or you're a bigger fraud than Lebron.
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He should have said something along the lines of no comment. And him calling the Rockets guy uninformed was stupid. Now, with regard to his personal brand, of course it’s more important to him then winning. He makes peanuts playing basketball compared to his other business interests. He is a very shrewd business man.

I agree. For a guy with a team of people who I’m sure advise him he certainly seems to be PR challenged.
His personal brand probably is more important to him than winning at point. This past year has made that pretty obvious and that actually is detrimental to his personal brand to make it that overt IMO. At least to his legacy.
In fairness, Morey himself said he wasn't informed on the matter before he spoke.

He wasnt informed on supporting people that desire freedom?

What an absolute cowardly response to all of this by the face of the NBA. These guys that seem to relish speaking their minds on anything inside the US just chose to bow their heads and say "yes massah."

You would think African Americans would understand what side of this to be on. Just flat out embarrassing. I thought enslavment was a hot button issue for most.
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When Trump does something right, I applaud him. My positions don't change with power shifts. If you're going to rail on Lebron, you need to rail on Trump too or you're a bigger fraud than Lebron.

Thats ridiculous, every issue that comes up we have to theorize what Trump would do. If Trump doesn't speak out then when "MR. SPEAK UP WHEN I SEE SOMETHING" makes no statement its OK? Sorry he doesn't get a pass on this subject. He has run his mouth too much in the past to be quiet now.
He wasnt informed on supporting people that desire freedom?

What an absolute cowardly response to all of this by the face of the NBA. These guys that seem to relish speaking their minds on anything inside the US just chose to bow their heads and say "yes massah."

You would think African Americans would understand what side of this to be on. Just flat out embarrassing. I thought enslavment was a hot button issue for most.

...and Trump?
Thats ridiculous, every issue that comes up we have to theorize what Trump would do. If Trump doesn't speak out then when "MR. SPEAK UP WHEN I SEE SOMETHING" makes no statement its OK? Sorry he doesn't get a pass on this subject. He has run his mouth too much in the past to be quiet now.

Hong Kong is a international issue. It’s more then proper to think Trump should speak on it. Or at least not be sending birthday wishes to Xi. I am sorry, it’s stupid to bash the NBA over China and not our own government. Did Lebron step on his own dick? Yes. But that doesn’t change the fact that we have allowed the horrible Chinese to be our banker. If you are just now bitching then you are just looking for a reason.
Hong Kong is a international issue. It’s more then proper to think Trump should speak on it. Or at least not be sending birthday wishes to Xi. I am sorry, it’s stupid to bash the NBA over China and not our own government. Did Lebron step on his own dick? Yes. But that doesn’t change the fact that we have allowed the horrible Chinese to be our banker. If you are just now bitching then you are just looking for a reason.

Hong Kong is not an international issue, Hong Kong is part of China. Its an internal issue. If there were riots in California against the US government would you want to see the Chinese government step in on the side of California, of course not. People and businesses with big voices need to use them and speak out. The NBA, Nike, Apple, Google, Hollywood and every other major corporation need to speak out in support. They can't ban every corporation. Xi is already losing support because of the trade war (Trump doing his part) and will not take much to reverse his lifetime rule proclamation. It would be very Chinese to can him and throw a new leader to clean up his mess and save face on all these issues.
Hong Kong is not an international issue, Hong Kong is part of China. Its an internal issue. If there were riots in California against the US government would you want to see the Chinese government step in on the side of California, of course not. People and businesses with big voices need to use them and speak out. The NBA, Nike, Apple, Google, Hollywood and every other major corporation need to speak out in support. They can't ban every corporation. Xi is already losing support because of the trade war (Trump doing his part) and will not take much to reverse his lifetime rule proclamation. It would be very Chinese to can him and throw a new leader to clean up his mess and save face on all these issues.
If we were treating Californians the way China is handling Hong Kong I would hope for international condemnation. And the fact that you think the leader for life is worried about a guy who has term limit is laughable.
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If we were treating Californians the way China is handling Hong Kong I would hope for international condemnation. And the fact that you think the leader for life is worried about a guy who has term limit is laughable.
I truly think China will put up with the economic issues caused by the tariffs if it means more unstable US leadership. It benefits their long term goals.
I truly think China will put up with the economic issues caused by the tariffs if it means more unstable US leadership. It benefits their long term goals.
I agree. The top dogs won't suffer and they could care less about the average citizen.
Hong Kong is a international issue. It’s more then proper to think Trump should speak on it. Or at least not be sending birthday wishes to Xi. I am sorry, it’s stupid to bash the NBA over China and not our own government. Did Lebron step on his own dick? Yes. But that doesn’t change the fact that we have allowed the horrible Chinese to be our banker. If you are just now bitching then you are just looking for a reason.

The government falls in third place to American industry first, and then the American consumer IMO.

The U.S. government only looks to foster the ability for corporate entities (and the American consumer "vote" in spent dollars into these entities) as it's pathway for decisions regarding foreign trade.

American companies, both those who produce finished goods and import, and those who import raw materials and parts and any/all supply chain items have created this mess. Consumer spending only then reinforces these companies choices. Companies who don't get steam rolled, toppled, or bought out, forgo larger growth and stay smaller and niche.

There is no easy answer or quick fix anymore.

As far as the NBA they are a business and went after a huge revenue stream. When playing ball, no pun intended, in other parts of the world there are different rules you have to abide by and play by. In China, it's don't bad mouth China.
...and Trump?

What about Trump? He doesn't pretend to be one of these young progressive do gooders.

But the NBA has built their personality around this. And they promptly shut their mouths. And I will restate, China enslaves people. To see prominent, influential African Americans shut their mouths in the face of a country that enslaves people, speaks volumes on these buffoons.

His comment on Morey not being educated on the matter is flat out disgusting.
What about Trump? He doesn't pretend to be one of these young progressive do gooders.

But the NBA has built their personality around this. And they promptly shut their mouths. And I will restate, China enslaves people. To see prominent, influential African Americans shut their mouths in the face of a country that enslaves people, speaks volumes on these buffoons.

His comment on Morey not being educated on the matter is flat out disgusting.


You want progressive do gooders to take a hard line against human rights abuses but not the guy who pretends to be tough on China. Not the leader of the free world. Not the guy who is supposed to be the antithesis to limp-wristed Obama.

Y'all are such frauds.

You hold Lebron to a higher standard than POTUS and that speaks volumes about both you and POTUS.

Trump is literally attacking people for not attacking China. Is that not reason enough to expect it from him?
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Just heard the latest Lebron clip. Wow. Came off as a complete moron.
With no sense of irony, you shame Lebron for being soft on China/Hong Kong while your beloved POTUS, who is the leader of the free world, is even softer on China/Hong Kong.

Why do you get to have it both ways?
Wow, seriously? If Trump is soft on China, I would really love to hear your ideas on how to be tough with them.

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