How Can Trump Win?


Sea Ray

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2013
Let's talk strategy. I see two big difference makers that Trump can do to pull this out. Tell me what you all think. I'll start with the big one and the one that I think will be most hard for him to do

1) He needs to tone it down and act more Presidential. Can he do it? I have my doubts but if he can, he will be our next President.

Allow me to give an example of what I mean. Let's take Nikki Haley. I know Trump's DNA is to identify an opponent and attack. I suggest he take a different tact. I know it's unrealistic for Trump to turn into Mr Rogers so I'm not suggesting that. Of course he has his ego and all so with that in mind...Instead of going after her, he should say publicly:

"We all know I'm going to be the Republican nominee. I welcome Nikki to stay in the race as long as she wants but when she comes to the realization that she can't win (and she will 'cause she's a smart woman) I welcome her under our tent and hope she'll join our quest to defeat Joe Biden...Therefore I am not going to say much further about Nikki. My team will be totally focused on defeating Joe Biden in the Fall and restoring prosperity and glory to this wonderful country"

That's all he's gotta say. He doesn't have to go after her 'cause she is no threat. No way the Republican party will nominate her. Have a thicker skin and don't sweat the small stuff

2) This one is far simpler. I think the main theme to defeating Biden is to go after his mental decline. I suggest they run commercials showing 2 sound bites. One of his comments when he was a younger man. Followed by bubbling comments of his current state, an elderly man. This will contrast nicely in a well edited visual so people can see that he's not nearly the man we once was. He used to speak definitely and with authority whereas now he comes across as a guy who should be hanging out at the Villages in Florida. The commercial should end with something like "is this what you want in your leader?"

If Trump just concentrates on those two things, I think he can win comfortably in the Fall. He needs to realize that he does need to expand his supporters from beyond the MAGA folks. That's not going to be enough to defeat the Dem machine, even with their flawed candidate. I truly hope he's open to coaching. I'm not sure he is. His ego might still say "I'm Trump and I can win by just by being me"
I agree with the first part. he has to be as un-Trumpian as possible when it comes to how he acts. especially to avoid personal attacks. He can stay on the offensive just keep it to actual policy. he would have to show that this election is indeed not about him, which of course it is, to win over the middle.

he could also try the Biden 2020 method of hiding in a basement and allowing his opponent to sink himself. if he keeps himself out of the media, again he won't, voters are going to move on from all the reasons the MSM gives them to hate him. but if he keeps himself in the news he will always create a new outrage for the MSM to push.

so yeah, going right back to being as un-Trumpian as possible.
Agree with Hog, Trump can’t and won’t win.

However, for this discussion, if Trump could just let go of 2020 and try to win suburban women and Independents, he’d win in a landslide. He also needs a moderate VP, not some extreme MAGA politician.
Let's talk strategy. I see two big difference makers that Trump can do to pull this out. Tell me what you all think. I'll start with the big one and the one that I think will be most hard for him to do

1) He needs to tone it down and act more Presidential. Can he do it? I have my doubts but if he can, he will be our next President.

Allow me to give an example of what I mean. Let's take Nikki Haley. I know Trump's DNA is to identify an opponent and attack. I suggest he take a different tact. I know it's unrealistic for Trump to turn into Mr Rogers so I'm not suggesting that. Of course he has his ego and all so with that in mind...Instead of going after her, he should say publicly:

"We all know I'm going to be the Republican nominee. I welcome Nikki to stay in the race as long as she wants but when she comes to the realization that she can't win (and she will 'cause she's a smart woman) I welcome her under our tent and hope she'll join our quest to defeat Joe Biden...Therefore I am not going to say much further about Nikki. My team will be totally focused on defeating Joe Biden in the Fall and restoring prosperity and glory to this wonderful country"

That's all he's gotta say. He doesn't have to go after her 'cause she is no threat. No way the Republican party will nominate her. Have a thicker skin and don't sweat the small stuff

2) This one is far simpler. I think the main theme to defeating Biden is to go after his mental decline. I suggest they run commercials showing 2 sound bites. One of his comments when he was a younger man. Followed by bubbling comments of his current state, an elderly man. This will contrast nicely in a well edited visual so people can see that he's not nearly the man we once was. He used to speak definitely and with authority whereas now he comes across as a guy who should be hanging out at the Villages in Florida. The commercial should end with something like "is this what you want in your leader?"

If Trump just concentrates on those two things, I think he can win comfortably in the Fall. He needs to realize that he does need to expand his supporters from beyond the MAGA folks. That's not going to be enough to defeat the Dem machine, even with their flawed candidate. I truly hope he's open to coaching. I'm not sure he is. His ego might still say "I'm Trump and I can win by just by being me"
You guys just need to get on board with Haley. She has a chance against Biden. Trump will be a trainwreck. He'll likely be convicted of something by the fall.
You guys just need to get on board with Haley. She has a chance against Biden. Trump will be a trainwreck. He'll likely be convicted of something by the fall.
if a conviction happens after he is the nomination that would be a trainwreck.
You guys just need to get on board with Haley. She has a chance against Biden. Trump will be a trainwreck. He'll likely be convicted of something by the fall.

She doesn't need to win states, but just kind of needs to low key stick around and amass a few 100 delegates without alienating too many people.

I'm not an actuary but I think there haven't been greater odds that neither leading candidate survives to election day since at least the Taft days.

Trump has to play to the independent, slightly red suburbs. His base will vote for him no matter what. The Ds base will vote for Captain Dementia and Heels Up no matter what. Trump lost in 2020 because he lost 3-7% from 2016 in pretty much every purple, light red suburban district nationwide....

Hit Biden on inflation, interest (I know those aren't all on Biden but most voters wouldn't know otherwise), his mental capacity....
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Trump has to play to the independent, slightly red suburbs. His base will vote for him no matter what. The Ds base will vote for Captain Dementia and Heels Up no matter what. Trump lost in 2020 because he lost 3-7% from 2016 in pretty much every purple, light red suburban district nationwide....

Hit Biden on inflation, interest (I know those aren't all on Biden but most voters wouldn't know otherwise), his mental capacity....
Captain Dementia was an insensitive comment.
Most of the reasons Trump wont or very likely cant win, have nothing to do with Trump.

It is all infrastructure. From getting out the vote/ballot harvesting in battleground States, which the DNC is running circles around the GOP, to who controls battleground States Governor/AG/Sec of State. As Courts showed in 2020, they want no part in adjudicating elections, so it comes down to those key positions in battleground States and those are almost all currently held by Democrats.

Example. If Dems vote by mail in much larger percentages than Republicans, what are the chances in Dem controlled battleground States, that the signature verification on those mail in ballots, is as lenient as possible?
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The gangster lost moderates and independents last time and the defections will be much worse if the GOP is stupid enough
to nominate him again. It's like Newsom said yesterday, speaking of congressional Republicans, but it applies to GOP voters too:
They're all "pathetically weak."

I did chuckle at the suggestion that he become "un-Trumpian." Good luck with that. He's an embarrassment to American politics
and the presidency.
Captain Dementia was an insensitive comment.

Fair point.

No matter the opposition, the D base will vote for a guy with rapidly diminishing mental capabilities that will intensify as he ages and an under-qualified VP who has screwed her way to where she is at.

That better?
Fair point.

No matter the opposition, the D base will vote for a guy with rapidly diminishing mental capabilities that will intensify as he ages and an under-qualified VP who has screwed her way to where she is at.

That better?
I guess captain dementia will have to do. Not sure what the hell I was thinking.
The gangster lost moderates and independents last time and the defections will be much worse if the GOP is stupid enough
to nominate him again. It's like Newsom said yesterday, speaking of congressional Republicans, but it applies to GOP voters too:
They're all "pathetically weak."

I did chuckle at the suggestion that he become "un-Trumpian." Good luck with that. He's an embarrassment to American politics
and the presidency.
The Orange gangster will be triumphant once again Turblow. You will confess that Donald is the TRUMP!
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The gangster lost moderates and independents last time and the defections will be much worse if the GOP is stupid enough
to nominate him again. It's like Newsom said yesterday, speaking of congressional Republicans, but it applies to GOP voters too:
They're all "pathetically weak."

I did chuckle at the suggestion that he become "un-Trumpian." Good luck with that. He's an embarrassment to American politics
and the presidency.
Facts over sound nervous

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Fair point.

No matter the opposition, the D base will vote for a guy with rapidly diminishing mental capabilities that will intensify as he ages and an under-qualified VP who has screwed her way to where she is at.

That better?
Just like Republicans will vote for a guy with the same issue but watching it all take place is gonna be great theater
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