How Can Trump Win?

Is it also a conspiracy theory to think almost every predictable metric for a Presidential Election all failed on the same night? Calling William of Occam....

Somehow historic bellwether Counties that predicted the winner from Clinton to Bush to Obama to Trump, coincidentally failed in 2020? Not only failed, but failed tremendously as Trump won 18 out of 19. Paging William of Occam....
Is it also a conspiracy theory to think almost every predictable metric for a Presidential Election all failed on the same night? Calling William of Occam....
What metrics failed? That some rando county in Ohio failed to predict the winner for the first time in 8 elections. That type of metric?
Gosh, you're right, I wish there was a method by which litigants could challenge lower court determinations. Hold on. An idea is coming to me. Maybe we should have a device, let's call it an "appeal," by which litigants can challenge a determination by the lower court that they lack standing. That way, if they feel the lower court got it wrong, they can take that argument to a higher court.

And what happened upon appeal? Shocker, the appeal court didnt want to adjudicate the election either. Also, I am not saying the courts were ultimately wrong as I dont know if I want courts deciding elections. However, the leftist narrative that courts heard the evidence is absolutely not true.
What metrics failed? That some rando county in Ohio failed to predict the winner for the first time in 8 elections. That type of metric?

Is rando your attempt to discredit? They are counties scattered across the US. 18 out of 19 and a good percentage of the 18 werent all that close, but lets hear more conspiracies about "rando" counties, lawyer boy.
And what happened upon appeal? Shocker, the appeal court didnt want to adjudicate the election either. Also, I am not saying the courts were ultimately wrong as I dont know if I want courts deciding elections. However, the leftist narrative that courts heard the evidence is absolutely not true.
It's not like standing is some newfangled concept. Litigants have always needed standing. Without it, you don't have a case or controversy that a court can hear.
Most of the reasons Trump wont or very likely cant win, have nothing to do with Trump.

It is all infrastructure. From getting out the vote/ballot harvesting in battleground States, which the DNC is running circles around the GOP, to who controls battleground States Governor/AG/Sec of State. As Courts showed in 2020, they want no part in adjudicating elections, so it comes down to those key positions in battleground States and those are almost all currently held by Democrats.

Example. If Dems vote by mail in much larger percentages than Republicans, what are the chances in Dem controlled battleground States, that the signature verification on those mail in ballots, is as lenient as possible?
Thats Biden level thinking right there. It is 100% because of Trump and his behavior. You can be an every mans man and not be a total douchebag a$$hole about it.

And Trump just haaaas to respond to every single criticism. If its a chick she must be a fat old whore. If its a dude they are a short fat bald failed businessman looser left wing commie in right wing sheeps clothing.

I never had a single problem with any of Trump's policies but the dude just wouldnt stfu so like the last election I'll just write myself in.
Maybe the Democrats are lousy at cheating?
Well apparently Biden doesn’t know his —- from a hole in the ground but him and the Dem created a master plan to cheat Trump from winning plus have 91 fake felony charges brought against him. Dumbest criminal ever 😂
Thats Biden level thinking right there. It is 100% because of Trump and his behavior. You can be an every mans man and not be a total douchebag a$$hole about it.

And Trump just haaaas to respond to every single criticism. If its a chick she must be a fat old whore. If its a dude they are a short fat bald failed businessman looser left wing commie in right wing sheeps clothing.

I never had a single problem with any of Trump's policies but the dude just wouldnt stfu so like the last election I'll just write myself in.
We have a winner..he can’t get out of his own way
The other side is an lying, immoral insecure, misogynistic, sexist pig...

Decisions, decisions

Trump has to play to the independent, slightly red suburbs. His base will vote for him no matter what. The Ds base will vote for Captain Dementia and Heels Up no matter what.
Tell us how you really feel about the candidates, Mojo! I feel like you’re holding back. 😆
Are you trying to make the argument that Trump is on the same level as Biden cognitively?
They both have cognitive issues. Both are too old. In different ways, they're both terrible for the office. Neither have any business being anywhere near the oval office. It's laughable on too many fronts that these two are our choices
They both have cognitive issues. Both are too old. In different ways, they're both terrible for the office. Neither have any business being anywhere near the oval office. It's laughable on too many fronts that these two are our choices
So who you got in a debate between the two. 🤣
They both have cognitive issues. Both are too old. In different ways, they're both terrible for the office. Neither have any business being anywhere near the oval office. It's laughable on too many fronts that these two are our choices
Politics is the perfect reflection of its people. We have no one else to blame except ourselves.
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Politics is the perfect reflection of its people. We have no one else to blame except ourselves.
Trump vs. Biden is a result of smart technology and social media. About what you would expect with tribal discourse. It has existed forever, but now it's readily available for public viewing
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Agree with Hog, Trump can’t and won’t win.

However, for this discussion, if Trump could just let go of 2020 and try to win suburban women and Independents, he’d win in a landslide. He also needs a moderate VP, not some extreme MAGA politician.
It's like asking a rattlesnake to stop biting things.
You're either on the same level as Biden intellectually or you're a liar. You're a communist so I'm betting on the latter.
"Communism is a political and economic ideology that advocates for a society without classes. In a communist society, the government or community owns the land, factories, and machinery, and everyone shares the wealth they create." BernardKingGOAT doesn't meet the criteria.

"Communism is a political and economic ideology that advocates for a society without classes. In a communist society, the government or community owns the land, factories, and machinery, and everyone shares the wealth they create." BernardKingGOAT doesn't meet the criteria.

If you're a Democrat and support the modern Democrat party, you absolutely prescribe to those ideologies. Whether you realize it or not. Communism is socialism at the end of a gun barrel.

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