How Can Trump Win?

Most of the reasons Trump wont or very likely cant win, have nothing to do with Trump.

It is all infrastructure. From getting out the vote/ballot harvesting in battleground States, which the DNC is running circles around the GOP, to who controls battleground States Governor/AG/Sec of State. As Courts showed in 2020, they want no part in adjudicating elections, so it comes down to those key positions in battleground States and those are almost all currently held by Democrats.

Example. If Dems vote by mail in much larger percentages than Republicans, what are the chances in Dem controlled battleground States, that the signature verification on those mail in ballots, is as lenient as possible?
Blah, blah, b*tch whine, blah blah blah.
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I can't see anything changing from the last election. Dead people aren't going to change their vote and there are millions more of them than there were in '20. :rolleyes:
What if I bump the Ultra MAGA thread? That could help.
Most of the reasons Trump wont or very likely cant win, have nothing to do with Trump.

It is all infrastructure. From getting out the vote/ballot harvesting in battleground States, which the DNC is running circles around the GOP, to who controls battleground States Governor/AG/Sec of State. As Courts showed in 2020, they want no part in adjudicating elections, so it comes down to those key positions in battleground States and those are almost all currently held by Democrats.

Example. If Dems vote by mail in much larger percentages than Republicans, what are the chances in Dem controlled battleground States, that the signature verification on those mail in ballots, is as lenient as possible?

With all the ballot stuffing and cheating by the dems since 2020, the GOP will never have a house majority again..
Where did I whine? Where was I wrong for that matter?
"As Courts showed in 2020, they want no part in adjudicating elections ...."

No, the courts listened to all of Trump's bellyaching and whining about the election and decided it was just that - the bellyaching of a petulant toddler upset he didn't get his way.
"As Courts showed in 2020, they want no part in adjudicating elections ...."

No, the courts listened to all of Trump's bellyaching and whining about the election and decided it was just that - the bellyaching of a petulant toddler upset he didn't get his way.

The courts absolutely did not hear most of the legitimate (there were some crackpot cases, Wood, Powell and others) cases.
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Maybe the Democrats are lousy at cheating?
I love how Democrats are the most talented and sophisticated people in the world when it comes to orchestrating an election heist, but bumbling idiots when it comes to anything else. The GOP goobers never seem to recognize the tension there.
EO IPSO, they weren't good cases if they couldn't meet threshold jurisdictional requirements.

Bullsh1t excuse and you know it. The Courts wanted nothing to do with adjudicating the election. There is an honest way for you to argue this, but of course you chose the other way.
I love how Democrats are the most talented and sophisticated people in the world when it comes to orchestrating an election heist, but bumbling idiots when it comes to anything else. The GOP goobers never seem to recognize the tension there.

It was either the most anomalous Presidential Election in modern history or there was foul play. Those are your only 2 options.
Bullsh1t excuse and you know it. The Courts wanted nothing to do with adjudicating the election. There is an honest way for you to argue this, but of course you chose the other way.
Yep, the courts just created standing rules out of whole cloth specifically to get rid of these cases. You got us.
It was either the most anomalous Presidential Election in modern history or there was foul play. Those are your only 2 options.
Calling William of Occam. We have a GOP conspiracy theory cleanup needed in aisle 3.
Calling William of Occam. We have a GOP conspiracy theory cleanup needed in aisle 3.

Is it also a conspiracy theory to think almost every predictable metric for a Presidential Election all failed on the same night? Calling William of Occam....
Courts never misapply they?
Gosh, you're right, I wish there was a method by which litigants could challenge lower court determinations. Hold on. An idea is coming to me. Maybe we should have a device, let's call it an "appeal," by which litigants can challenge a determination by the lower court that they lack standing. That way, if they feel the lower court got it wrong, they can take that argument to a higher court.

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