How Do We Score 50 at Oregon?

Has anyone else noticed every time we play a Less Coast opponent (Cal, UCLA, and Oregon), we always get infected with at least one mouth-breathing troll?
If we shoot better than 50% from behind the arc we have a great shot at it....oh wait this is about the football game...J/K The team will have to do what the rest of the NFL tries to do to Peyton. The best defense is your offense, so eat the clock and keep the O on the sideline.

Broncos have a hurry up concept now. Wearing out your opponent is ALSO a formidable way of taking care of your opponent.
Anyone ever watched the show Portlandia? If so, how can you take this guy serious I am picturing him in a pearl jam T-shirt with a soul patch and a beanie, half ass dreds growing under a hemp beanie, using the coffee shops wifi because EBT does not pay for utility bills.
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Lol....can't speak for it because I'm not here enough. Wtf are you talking about....genius? Awesome, just awesome.

It doesn't make a difference if you were here or not, what is important is that belong in such category because you're a knuckle-dragging troll who offers nothing to the board. You've been trolling and dropping mental manure all weekend. Now, do us all a favor and go play on I-5 in the morning after you smoke another jimmie.
Anyone ever watched the show Portlandia? If so, how can you take this guy serious I am picturing him in a pearl jam T-shirt with a soul patch and a beanie, half ass dreds growing under a hemp beanie, using the coffee shops wifi because EBT does not pay for utility bills.

I've said multiple times I'm of age. Portland has free WiFi. Not great but ebt not needed......the more you know.

I do have what you punk kids may call a soul patch. Pearl Jam is pretty cool, no Willie Nelson but ok. My kids love them. I'm just an old hip guy who lives life and does many things the old way.
It doesn't make a difference if you were here or not, what is important is that belong in such category because you're a knuckle-dragging troll who offers nothing to the board. You've been trolling and dropping mental manure all weekend. Now, do us all a favor and go play on I-5 in the morning after you smoke another jimmie.

My acreage is way too far away from the interstate. Maybe ill get trampled by a bull elk whilst out hunting. And yeah, ill be smoking a jimmie but they sure as heck won't be rustled.

Go Ducks.
I've said multiple times I'm of age. Portland has free WiFi. Not great but ebt not needed......the more you know.

I do have what you punk kids may call a soul patch. Pearl Jam is pretty cool, no Willie Nelson but ok. My kids love them. I'm just an old hip guy who lives life and does many things the old way.

You have running water and such ..... right......oh well... not that there is anything wrong with that if you don't I guess.........

How far did you go in school?

They did not come to seek you, you chose to come here, their house. I have been reading your threads from you earlier this morning. You need to knock it off. You are at their home, not the other way around. If you want to point out stuff to people making silly claims, that is one thing. You want to defend your team, that is one thing. But you are flat out being a jerk to many on this site. You are intentionally stirring them up and trolling them in a infuriating way. Several in here, all day, had asked you over and over to please leave. You should have. This is their place, not yours. You are a guest. Act like one. And over and over and over many today have told you that they have seen such classy fans and are shocked with you in how you are such a jerk. This is not about anyone age, or if they are a old school or new school Duck. This is about you and your attitude and being a pompis prick to Tennessee people. Yes Tenn has been really bad the last several several years. And they already know that. And you do not need to rub it in their face all the time either. You need to read the guidelines for this site. I am not the type to RA anybody or complain. But if you keep being such a loud mouth cocky asshat to people on this site, while you are rep'n my school, I will indeed be having a talk with Freak requesting that you be banned. You need to show some respect and class, both of which you do not posses. There are several other Ducks on here who have worked really hard to foster classy communication in here. And Tennessee people have liked us and thanks us many times for being here. And you come in one day and blow it all up. Do it again. And I will personally make sure you will be gone forever from this website! Try me...
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You have running water and such ..... right......oh well... not that there is anything wrong with that if you don't I guess.........

How far did you go in school? pose odd statements and ask questions that aren't your bidness. My post history is your friend.

But yeah, have a well and that hard to get running water in these states that are united. Schooling? Why does this intrigue you so?

Are we only judged by our level of schooling?

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