How Do We Score 50 at Oregon?

What's the idiocy with the travel equality? Is Oregon hanging around Charlottesville all week and flying back Friday? I'd imagine that they're already back home or nearly so.

The Ducks aren't traveling, sheesh. smh :no:
Now I see why you have 388 post and only 6 likes! Some people are just idiots and a lot of them are duck fans!

he has 7 now bc I just gave him one. Boards get kind of boring when its the same people posting the same crap over and over and over.

I live out west and while I despise USC fans, the Oregon guys i have met are not all that bad and are defiantly better than going to Athens or Gainesville.
he has 7 now bc I just gave him one. Boards get kind of boring when its the same people posting the same crap over and over and over.

I live out west and while I despise USC fans, the Oregon guys i have met are not all that bad and are defiantly better than going to Athens or Gainesville.

Hahaha you have 736 with 72 likes. Y'all must be Kin?
What's the idiocy with the travel equality? Is Oregon hanging around Charlottesville all week and flying back Friday? I'd imagine that they're already back home or nearly so.

The Ducks aren't traveling, sheesh. smh :no:
I expect they are home now, after crossing four time zones on a Thursday, playing football, and crossing four time zones again on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. We travel four time zones on a Thursday before the game on Saturday. The point is they have been traveling more than UT.

You can choose to see travel as a non-factor if you want, however, NFL teams from the east all say its a factor. I'll consider their opinion on the subject more credible than a Bay Area inhabitant's snide remarks and personal jabs.
I expect they are home now, after crossing four time zones on a Thursday, playing football, and crossing four time zones again on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. We travel four time zones on a Thursday before the game on Saturday. The point is they have been traveling more than UT.

You can choose to see travel as a non-factor if you want, however, NFL teams from the east all say its a factor. I'll consider their opinion on the subject more credible than a Bay Area inhabitant's snide remarks and personal jabs.

It may be a factor, but it will be a very minor one.
I expect they are home now, after crossing four time zones on a Thursday, playing football, and crossing four time zones again on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. We travel four time zones on a Thursday before the game on Saturday. The point is they have been traveling more than UT.

You can choose to see travel as a non-factor if you want, however, NFL teams from the east all say its a factor. I'll consider their opinion on the subject more credible than a Bay Area inhabitant's snide remarks and personal jabs.

Goodness gracious, you're touchy. I'm saying that travel is a factor if you just got off the plane within the last day or so.

If you've been back all week, your clock is back on normal.

So Oregon might have been affected in Virginia (geeze, what would the score have been if they'd been home), but I very seriously doubt that they will be affected once they've been back home in their own time zone for 5-6 days. Hope you enjoy the remainder of your weekend. :hi:
Goodness gracious, you're touchy. I'm saying that travel is a factor if you just got off the plane within the last day or so.

If you've been back all week, your clock is back on normal.

So Oregon might have been affected in Virginia (geeze, what would the score have been if they'd been home), but I very seriously doubt that they will be affected once they've been back home in their own time zone for 5-6 days. Hope you enjoy the remainder of your weekend. :hi:

I will, thanks, you enjoy yours, too:hi:
So, how will you feel when we still win by 30? The travel isn't an issue brah.

I know you want everyone to kiss your teams a**, it's obvious by you starting crap with posters that say we have a chance. There may be a few that think we have no shot, but you're talking to the wrong fan base as a whole if you expect a slurpfest.
Sad that NIKE (Uncle Phil) had to build your facilities, and his company designed the ugliest uniforms in all of sports.
Your Ducks may beat our Vols in your 56,000 seat house, but your Ducks fanbase will never know what it's like to play in the best college football conference, period.

So put that in your hookah pipe and go outside in the rain and smoke it !!

May beat your vols? Not a question if they MAY beat them. It's only about how much.
Im going in to the duck game expecting a WIN by the Vols. If it don't happen I'll deal with it. But for now I think our Defense is going to force some turn overs and our Offense will do enough to control the game.

It's much more fun like this......

Go Big Orange!
May beat your vols? Not a question if they MAY beat them. It's only about how much.

IF, and it is a BIG IF, the Vols are able to pull the upset, I do hope you will return to this board and eat your crow. I am certain there are many here that would be willing to feed it to you.
I know you want everyone to kiss your teams a**, it's obvious by you starting crap with posters that say we have a chance. There may be a few that think we have no shot, but you're talking to the wrong fan base as a whole if you expect a slurpfest.

I don't want our butt kissed, but I'll go for hated and feared.
IF, and it is a BIG IF, the Vols are able to pull the upset, I do hope you will return to this board and eat your crow. I am certain there are many here that would be willing to feed it to you.

I'll be the first one to come crow.....don't worry.
I don't want our butt kissed, but I'll go for hated and feared.

Then why do you continue to attack the posters that are saying UT has a shot, which they do. Oregon may be good, but good luck with the feared part. You're definitely trying to do your part when it comes to hated.
Then why do you continue to attack the posters that are saying UT has a shot, which they do. Oregon may be good, but good luck with the feared part. You're definitely trying to do your part when it comes to hated.

No you don't. I'm just talking, if that's an attack then I'm sorry yall are that sensitive.
If we shoot better than 50% from behind the arc we have a great shot at it....oh wait this is about the football game...J/K The team will have to do what the rest of the NFL tries to do to Peyton. The best defense is your offense, so eat the clock and keep the O on the sideline.

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