How Do We Score 50 at Oregon? pose odd statements and ask questions that aren't your bidness. My post history is your friend.

But yeah, have a well and that hard to get running water in these states that are united. Schooling? Why does this intrigue you so?

Are we only judged by our level of schooling?

Not about to read all your go ahead and get over that real quick. I have a well too, not hard to get running though. We get judged by all sorts of things,......good grief, dude. You seem a little thin feathered to be so far from home.
Your response, like your questions, are odd for an opponent.

Let's get back to the part where you will submit in Autzen.
Your response, like your questions, are odd for an opponent.

Let's get back to the part where you will submit in Autzen.

There you go changing the subject. Quick recap... we are not scared of ducks. Little smelly though.. try to keep up. You are very over confident. which is good i commented, and I inquired of your plans to attend the game. In which you did not respond...... so Now. You going to the game?
My team gives me that luxury. Sorry if that's a problem.

why talk trash? youre the number 2 ranked team. outside of Bama your team is on top of CFB right now. enjoy while you can. were in complete rebuild. makes no sense to come on here doing that. everybody knows how good Oregon has been the last few years.
I was going as I have season tixs but I have decided to not pass up on a hunting trip. I'll watch Sunday via dvr.

Why you care?
why talk trash? youre the number 2 ranked team. outside of Bama your team is on top of CFB right now. enjoy while you can. were in complete rebuild. makes no sense to come on here doing that. everybody knows how good Oregon has been the last few years.

Not that good, no title no care. Amirite?


Welcome to my ignore button. You're not fun like other fans from opposing teams, including other Duck fans. You're just tedious and annoying. And I live out your way, so I see happy older hippies every day. They're a dime a dozen. Nothing special there.

VN, you might want to consider stop feeding the troll. :hi:

oh, edit to add: If y'all would stop quoting PortlandDuck, the rest of us would appreciate it. That way we wouldn't have to read his blahblahblah. Thanks muchly.
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Welcome to my ignore button. You're not fun like other fans from opposing teams, including other Duck fans. You're just tedious and annoying. And I live out your way, so I see happy older hippies every day. They're a dime a dozen. Nothing special there.

VN, you might want to consider stop feeding the troll. :hi:

Oh, but I'm fun. Darn tootin am I a hoot.

I'm all these things yet you cared to respond.
Your response, like your questions, are odd for an opponent.

Let's get back to the part where you will submit in Autzen.

Taking a page from Inky Johnson here, "Tennessee takes the backseat to NOBODY." That's including your number 2 ranked Ducks. I don't care how stacked the odds are against us, we will not back down from y'all and we will carry the fight for 60 minutes. Whether that translates to a win or not, remains to be seen, but you're gonna get the best this Tennessee Vols team has to offer come Saturday.

They did not come to seek you, you chose to come here, their house. I have been reading your threads from you earlier this morning. You need to knock it off. You are at their home, not the other way around. If you want to point out stuff to people making silly claims, that is one thing. You want to defend your team, that is one thing. But you are flat out being a jerk to many on this site. You are intentionally stirring them up and trolling them in a infuriating way. Several in here, all day, had asked you over and over to please leave. You should have. This is their place, not yours. You are a guest. Act like one. And over and over and over many today have told you that they have seen such classy fans and are shocked with you in how you are such a jerk. This is not about anyone age, or if they are a old school or new school Duck. This is about you and your attitude and being a pompis prick to Tennessee people. Yes Tenn has been really bad the last several several years. And they already know that. And you do not need to rub it in their face all the time either. You need to read the guidelines for this site. I am not the type to RA anybody or complain. But if you keep being such a loud mouth cocky asshat to people on this site, while you are rep'n my school, I will indeed be having a talk with Freak requesting that you be banned. You need to show some respect and class, both of which you do not posses. There are several other Ducks on here who have worked really hard to foster classy communication in here. And Tennessee people have liked us and thanks us many times for being here. And you come in one day and blow it all up. Do it again. And I will personally make sure you will be gone forever from this website! Try me...

I am just now seeing this ridiculous post.

You are hilarious for telling me about rules, being classy etc.

Everyone, this guy has been permabanned on Tigerdroppings because he's so terrible. I see you are a long talker regardless of what site you're on. BTW, since I lurk there, they still make fun of you when talking about Duck fans. Good call mate....

Threatening me is not against the rules? Mirror brah, check it out. Only bit**es rat. If mods wanted me gone they can do so at any time. They don't need help from a hypocrite.

Boom sucka....
Ducks always police themselves. Always have, always will. And as for the other remarks you are quite deluded. "Boom sucka"? Are you 5 years old? We shall see if by noon tomorrow if you are not cut off from this site.
You're the five year old obviously.

Do you deny what I said, hypocrite?

So, you're saying you aren't banned from tigerdroppings?
You don't remember being shunned by the other Ducks? You constantly embarrassed yourself, especially after we got handled by LSU. Got our butts beat but you couldn't take a loss honorably.

Remember? I can easily search your handle and tigerdroppings.

Small world huh?
if our gameplan is to try to win this game 50 to 49 butch jones should be fired right now. the goal needs to be minimize possessions and try to keep this game in the 20-30 point range if we are to have any shot of winning.
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Relax a bit killer.

It was a great quote because it showed what a war where the president and politicians control everything from Washington, can do to the men who actually have to fight it.

Didn't say it wasn't a great quote or a great movie, simply pointing out the hypocrisy of bringing that up in the same breath the poster is b-tching about positive attitudes.

Maybe he was saying something about the duality of man and I am missing the message.

Hope to come on board for the big win this weekend but i expect we will be eating Oregons corn this weekend.

Seen the movie a couple of times myself.
I may be one of the few, but I don't see this as a high scoring least not to the extant people have posted, I think the harder part will us trying to score in the 30's, but ducks will not break 40. We may not be 100% but we are likely the best defense they will see this year outside of a bowl.

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