How is this Jones fault?

Jancek absolutely sucks. You'd think he'd adjust and quit leaving 10 yd cushions on the receivers. I know, maybe put in a spy? Oh no, that won't work. Let's just cushion even more and let them score in 20 seconds. He never adjusts the defense!
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RoanokeVol they ran the same running plays because he can't complete a pass. I would love for anyone on here to give a proposal on what Jake should do with an inept QB. They even ran the ball well. Should they have not ran so much and threw more ibcompletions and picks?

I don't understand why the coaches praise Dobbs every week in practice, then in games, he doesn't do squat
Is They had a good day of rushing.

They held them to 7 points until the refs screwed them on 3rd and short (when they clearly lost yardage before the sneak).

Dobbs absolutely sucked today. Worley could have throw with his left hand and played better.

Your kicker looks hurt cuz he plays bad.

The fake FG was bad but it wouldn't have mattered. This was an embarrassing game no doubt. However, I don't see why we should bash Butch. Same team with Worley and they beat SCjr and nearly Ga. Dobbs bad play is the key. Not trying to defend the staff but the problem is more QB than coaching.

Coaching still is partly responsible. Our DB's backed off the line 6 or 7 yards each time allowing Matthews to take 1 step and catch. All he had to do is get by the first db , which he usually did because we couldn't/ wouldn't wrap him up good. He made several 1st downs or put us in countless 2nd a 2 or 3 yard situations using the exact same play. You'd think our coaches would have figured a way to stop this same play after the 5th time they ran it. A good coach would have.
Have you thought the reason we didn't throw it down the field more was because the only guy who can beat anyone down the field and then catch it (North) got hurt in the first quater and didn't return. When he did throw it down the field it was another drop.
I know it will be more freshman and we will have freshman mistakes but I can't wait for the new recivers to come in next year. We need a few more like North that can stretch the field and catch the ball down field. Because he was our only real weapon and you saw how much worse it looked with him out.
I'm not ready to give up on Dobbs just yet. The first interception was his fault trying to fit it in . The second interception was on Croom . He was suppose to stop and come back for the ball. They came off the field right in front of us and Dobbs got on Croom right as they hit the sideline and stayed in his ear the whole length of the bench .

Id like to have seen Croom pick Dobbs little bit*h Azz up and drop him on his head. HE THREW FOR 5 YARDS And 2 PICKS in the first half and lost 2 snaps...he was incapable of getting the ball to the endzone from 55 yards away on the final play...which I guarantee you there are 20 people or more on our team that can do so. I CAN THROW A bALL that far...I do it frequently and whether or not you believe that means absolutely nothing to me. DOBBS IS A JOKE. His backtrack all the way to the goal line was absolutely effin stupid. Stupid as hades. Rocket scientist is dumb as a bag of sheet.
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some people must have thought some miracle workers joined the staff. you can't coach up bad football players. heck we shouldn't even have 4 wins with the team we have and the schedule we played. we didn't have good players that just needed a good coach. we have bad football players who need to get cut

This same team beat scJR...if they'd open up play calls dobbs might could make some plays too...

Here's what annoys me about this. We didn't try. Yes our running game was going well, but we didn't use play action once. I think we could have used that to throw a couple of passes deep to Croom or Smith even if they don't catch it, it puts doubt in the D's mind so they aren't loading the box. Their DBs were all second teamers and we didn't test them out. We didn't get the ball to our faster receivers including Pig down the field at least 5 to 10 yards. We could have run quick slants with 3,5 or 7 step drops to get his confidence back and when the D bit up, run some double moves. Dobbs has had 3 full games and there should be some plays that they know that work for him and they should have used them.
Two weeks to prepare. A junior LB who spins the ball after recovering a fumble. A senior laden offensive line that can be described as... offensive. Playing the first half flat and uninspired. 28 seniors who should have been in people's faces getting the others fired up. That is on the coach and his staff.
Well it could have something to do with the fact that they are the better team at this point. The teams they have beaten speak for themselves as do ours. But to you geniuses we should hammer a team that beat us by 25 last year with 2 NFL type receivers on offense. We don't have 2 CFL type receivers and a true freshman starting qb. We still had a chance to win nonetheless.

The fact that you are having to come on after the VANDY game and make excuses for CBJ and this staff speaks volumes
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In a press conference earlier this week CBJ called the bowl game "superficial" that tells me everything I need to know about the last 2 weeks of preparation. Hey butch your not at cinci anymore your not fooling anyone!
This same team beat scJR...if they'd open up play calls dobbs might could make some plays too...

Open up play calls? Seriously? Have you not been watching? Dobbs cannot read defenses, cannot see the field, and appears to just panic and throw the ball in the direction of players. In the first half, he threw up field 4 times and 2 were picked, one was dropped by a DB and the other one was broken up by a WR.

The team is hamstrung because Dobbs is the only option at QB right now, and he is inept.
Dobbs is a poor excuse for a quarterback, and the coaching was pathetic. Vanderbilt's first string secondary out, and they refuse to throw the ball.

You talk about how bad our quarterback is, and then complain that a they didn't let him throw it... Makes sense
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This years Vols just don't play well as a team. Vandy was the better team today. Jones is going to clean some house this year which needs to be done. This is a complete rebuild in my opinion, and from what I've seen in recruiting from this staff; they understand that. It will take 3 years to realistically get the talent here, and have them in the physical and mental condition it takes to compete in the SEC.
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Jancek absolutely sucks. You'd think he'd adjust and quit leaving 10 yd cushions on the receivers. I know, maybe put in a spy? Oh no, that won't work. Let's just cushion even more and let them score in 20 seconds. He never adjusts the defense!

We have the slowest linebackers and few speed demons in the secondary and you complain about giving receivers cushion? Seriously?
Is Jayson Swain a paid member of Jones staff? his sunshine pumping on WBIR is even embarrassing Hubbs...

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