how long does CJH stay at UT?

CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
CJH is not a Kiffin. I believe CJH has his dream job. Now we have a AD in Danny White that knows what he is doing. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
Josh has left things in much better shape than he started with so if he were to move on I think we would be fine. My first call would be to Kirby to see if he would jump ship more money. Even though the chances of him coming are slim, I think you have to try. Once Kirby says no, I'd call Kiffin, and I imagine he would come back in a heartbeat. If he says no we could easily get Golesh. So I think we would be in good shape.
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CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
I knew this was coming...surprised it took this long tbh. There were these threads about Dooley, Pruitt, and Butch. UT has the resources to pay any coach what he is worth. It looks like he is working hard for a raise and extension. He won't be going anywhere unless he is fired.
Josh has left things in much better shape than he started with so if he were to move on I think we would be fine. My first call would be to Kirby to see if he would jump ship more money. Even though the chances of him coming are slim, I think you have to try. Once Kirby says no, I'd call Kiffin, and I imagine he would come back in a heartbeat. If he says no we could easily get Golesh. So I think we would be in good shape.
Kirby isn't leaving UGA unless its to the league and Kiffin is a god in Oxford. I would go after Golesh. I just hope UF is still in their dumb phase and don't get him
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If we're going to play this whining "What If" game, what if Newegg hires Josh as their CEO?
Or Tennessee Pride hires him as their marketing guru?

I swear some of you folks can't just be happy when we have good reason to be.
I agree. More click bait articles. "Haven't you heard, Heupel to stay for 40 more years"!
I see Danny white leaving after we’ve won 4-5 more natties(baseball(2),football(2), basketball(1). He’s said himself that he “doesn’t like maintenance”. He will want to go out and build another powerhouse. At that point Josh might consider OU but I still probably wouldn’t bet he leaves at that point.
The way college athletics are changing, it's going to be a long while before being a power 4 AD is just "maintenance".
Heupel is buddies with Venables. If they fire his friend, do you think he’s going to be the first guy in line to fill the position? OU will have to hire someone else in between who isn’t related to the Stoops staff for Heupel to even take the job. At least that’s how highly I think of our coach.
Look how UT nhas done Vittello. Highest paid baseball coach in the country. I don't see us being outbid by anyone. I also don't think the OU threat is nearly as big as some let on. I could see him having a Fulmer like tenure. Hopefully ending better.
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As long as he is fairly compensated on a national scale, gets the resources he needs and has the support of the administration and fan base (and he has all of this at the present) …

He would be a fool to go back to a school where they unceremoniously scapegoated and fired him at the drop of a hat.
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CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
As long as we continue to pay the man what he's worth, he is going nowhere.

There is no program that is more of a "dream job" for him. No, Oklahoma is FAR from that. Josh has less than zero urge to return to Oklahoma. South Dakota is his home, and Tennessee is his forever-home. Oklahoma is just a previous stop along the way. He has already shifted his heart here. In every way you can be short of having a diploma, he is now an alumnus of UT-Knoxville. Forever.

As for other concerns:

-- There is no apparent desire to test himself in the NFL.

--There is no more supportive or capable Athletic Director than his buddy Dan White.

--And there is no program more elite than Tennessee. Several that are our co-equals at the top, but none higher.

Simply put, there is zero reason for Josh to leave, and every reason for him to stay.

Go Vols!
In a vacuum, I'd suspect that OU is probably Heupel's "dream job." That doesn't mean by any stretch he's destined to be their HC though.

Everything I've read about Heupel's relationship with OU is that while he isn't seething with anger about it, it still rubs him the wrong way how it ended and he has complicated feelings about OU. Anybody would in a situation where you are "supposed to" love something but things happened that made it complicated.

Think about this though - what if in a few years OU appears to be firmly entrenched in a tier behind the power schools of the conference, and meanwhile Heupel's got Tennessee rolling and competitive with that group? Other than nostalgia (which can be a powerful thing, but this is also a business), why would he go to OU at that point? It would kind of be a Dabo returning to Alabama thing...what would OU offer him that Tennessee couldn't or wouldn't at that point? And the longer he stays at Tennessee, the more ties he is going to develop here anyway. Say he's got a chance to return to OU in 5 years. That would mean he would have been at Tennessee for 9 years at HC. He was at OU for 12 counting both his time as a player and coach. And he hasn't been at OU since 2014.

Personally, and I have nothing other to base this on other than gut feeling, I think Danny White would be more likely to leave at some point than Heupel. And if DW left that definitely would make it more likely that Heupel would leave.
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Yep, let’s go ruin a nice win vs OU and what could possibly be a really good season on negative conjecture. Let’s just enjoy the guy while he’s here and not worry about the “what if”.
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Some of you need mental help. He’s not going anywhere. If he wanted to he could have gotten the OU job a few years ago. Also Tennessee can spend money with anyone at this point in time. Our dark days are done. They’ve been done for a while because of Big Josh
Some of you need mental help. He’s not going anywhere. If he wanted to he could have gotten the OU job a few years ago. Also Tennessee can spend money with anyone at this point in time. Our dark days are done. They’ve been done for a while because of Big Josh
I don't think they considered him at all for the job at that time. He'd been here just a year.
I should expound on the OU angle as well. As long as Stoops has any affiliation with the OU program I don’t see Heupel being interested. Media plays up the bad blood angle in a lot of situations, Heupel feels he was legit wronged there. They didn’t even speak to each other till recent years. Now I think that relationship has gotten better but still there’s some baggage there.
So you are saying he isn’t interested in a Fulmer situation at OU…..That’s surprising.
I could only see him leaving for a NFL job in the future, and maybe not even that. His recent success has proven that Tennessee has all of the resources, brand, appeal, and fan support to be a forever job. We all got burnt a little when Kiffin left to essentially go to a lateral school. But Kiffin was young, dumb, and unloyal. Josh doesn't share any of those characteristics.

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