how long does CJH stay at UT?

I don't see why CJH would ever leave outside of 2 situations. 1 he is fired at some point or 2 the Oklahoma job comes open at some time where he is feeling 'homesick' or on the hotseat.

UT is not a job coaches leave to find 'better' job's. Because realistically its one of the 5-10 schools that are at the top as far as resources for a coach, fanbase and so on. There are not many programs that have the combination of features UT has. Even compared to other more 'successful' programs, outside of the product on the field what either of them has over this program is minuscule and beaten out by other things UT has over them. Facilities.. there are maybe 5 schools in the conversation with us. Stadium? Fans? Donors? Even recruiting we can recruit with anyone when we are winning and to some extent even when we aren't.

Think about it like this even during the 15 years in the wilderness we were still putting Pro Bowlers in the NFL on a fairly regular basis. We had a lack of talent by our measurement. Not by national ones. Keep in mind there are 134 Div1 college programs. We are in the 80-90th percentile in almost every aspect when it comes to football in our worst years outside of the W-L column.
So maybe the question needs to be “How long will Danny White stay at UT?”

He’s more than football. He’s been masterful across the entire sports enterprise. What’s that worth?
This is the real question. We must keep Danny as long as possible. No one liked the Heupel hire in 2021. Danny sees what we don't. He is responsible for all things happening across our athletic department. Pay him more again and again. GBO!🍊
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I trust the opinion of any random guy on a web forum who puts the coach of the moment in his screen name. Not just the coaches name, but the only year we had a really good season in nearly 2 decades. Shows real dedication and forward thinking. I look forward to chatting with you next year as "CoachHuepelDidRealGoodAgainIn2024"
You should trust someone here that actually played the sport over the console dorks you learned football with because you and your buddies were to fragile and scared to play. You also mentioned 2 decades. Within that 2 decades was a SEC championship appearance in 2007 and a couple of 9-4 seasons in 2015-2016. Same record last year as well. Tells me you’re a Johnny come lately that has more fun on message boards than actually following the sport you know little to nothing about
The only realistic situation, IMO, would be if he wanted to test the waters of the NFL. As a coach, I could understand if he wanted a crack at the biggest stage. I could also understand if he chose to stay put as a handsomely-paid CFB leader.
I didn't read all the posts, but did anyone comment on the short interview Heupel had right before the start of the game? He commented that he thought the fan base "would have been friendlier with him coming back, but maybe not". If seemed like real sentiment to me and that it sort of irked him. I would think that would confirm for him that Tennessee is his real home. Therefore, I think he's one of us now and in it for the long haul.
Kirby isn't leaving UGA unless its to the league and Kiffin is a god in Oxford. I would go after Golesh. I just hope UF is still in their dumb phase and don't get him
Kiffin will probably be at Florida next year or maybe after one more bad Gator hire - He is a perfect fit for that dog-eared program and unfortunately will do well if he ends up there.
Having said that, I have so much enjoyed watching Fla go thru a decade like we went through after Coach Fulmer.
CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
I don't want him to leave but if Okl calls I believe he goes. I am basing it on his actions at the game. Just my opinion.
As long as we continue to pay the man what he's worth, he is going nowhere.

There is no program that is more of a "dream job" for him. No, Oklahoma is FAR from that. Josh has less than zero urge to return to Oklahoma. South Dakota is his home, and Tennessee is his forever-home. Oklahoma is just a previous stop along the way. He has already shifted his heart here. In every way you can be short of having a diploma, he is now an alumnus of UT-Knoxville. Forever.

As for other concerns:

-- There is no apparent desire to test himself in the NFL.

--There is no more supportive or capable Athletic Director than his buddy Dan White.

--And there is no program more elite than Tennessee. Several that are our co-equals at the top, but none higher.

Simply put, there is zero reason for Josh to leave, and every reason for him to stay.

Go Vols!
I sure hope you are right. I just thought we had a strange game plan against Okl. Josh usually keeps pouring it on with a lead, and he didn't Sat. He went very conservative. But again I hope you are right.
You should trust someone here that actually played the sport over the console dorks you learned football with because you and your buddies were to fragile and scared to play. You also mentioned 2 decades. Within that 2 decades was a SEC championship appearance in 2007 and a couple of 9-4 seasons in 2015-2016. Same record last year as well. Tells me you’re a Johnny come lately that has more fun on message boards than actually following the sport you know little to nothing about
You think you are the only one that played football, Uncle Reco? Yeah. I found your picture.....
I was in the stands watching UT when you were still a twinkle in your daddy's eye. Heck, I might even be your dad.
With a name like Believe the Heup2022, You truly solidified yourself as a long time Tennessee fan. Was your name before that PruettistheRealDeal2018? Then before that RideOrDieWithButch2013? Dooleyorbust2010? Kiffin4Ever2009? Heck, you're so knowledgeable and
dedicated to UT. I bet you even had a BradyHokeistheFuture2017........


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This is the real question. We must keep Danny as long as possible. No one liked the Heupel hire in 2021. Danny sees what we don't. He is responsible for all things happening across our athletic department. Pay him more again and again. GBO!🍊
Yes, we found out what happens with bad AD's. Hamilton thru Fulmer was a total disaster. Almost destroyed our entire athletic program. Men's BB with Barnes only sport that stayed above water.

Now its one of the best in the country. Won SEC All Sports trophy 2 yrs in a row with more to follow. Pay the man what he needs!
He would never leave for any of those schools. The only way I see Heupel leaving is for the NFL after winning a Natty at Tennessee :).
Not anytime soon. Heupel's buyout is the 7th highest in the country since Saban retired (and not including DeBoer's contract, which I am unfamiliar with) and would cost around $45 million if he were to leave right now. If he leads us to a spot in the playoffs, I think it is safe to say that an extension would be warranted which would like put him in the $70-80 million dollar range for his buyout, and he would be in the range of the other top 5 highest buyouts like James Franklin, Dabo, Matt Rhule (his contract just started so his buyout is very high), and Brian Kelly.

Let's say that Oklahoma wanted to fire Venables and hire Heupel after this season. Oklahoma would owe Venables, $25 million to buy out the rest of his contract. There aren't any exit clauses for Heupel that would grant him a lowered rate to leave for Oklahoma, so his buyout isn't reduced. Is it possible that Danny White or Donde says no worries, we won't enforce it since you played at Oklahoma? Maybe they would reduce it, but as of right now, that's roughly around $65-70 million dollars to replace your coach. Oklahoma has a lot of wealthy donors, but they aren't A&M, and we still complain about Fulmer, Butch, and Dooley collecting checks in these parts.
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