how long does CJH stay at UT?

How much do you think someone else will pay Heupel? What is it worth to stay? He has built something here. Has tje fanbase, the AD, the state AG on his side.
I know money seems like it monopoly money in cfb these days, but 10 wouldn't do it, it would probably take 14-15 million a year to get his attention. TN income taxes are basically like a bonus as well.
I don’t think Heupel is going anywhere anytime soon. But even if he did, i think UT has already made itself much more attractive. Heupel has UT back in the spot light and i think it is important to remember that Danny White has been on the cutting edge of NIL this whole way. If we end up with another coaching search in the next few years, it has to be less gloomy than the last few.

Josh has been a wonderful surprise but the UT job was not looking so good back then.
I think he'll go back to Oklahoma eventually, but not before he accomplishes what he's set out to accomplish at Tennessee.
As long as Stoops is anywhere near that program, he won’t be going. He’s not risking getting ran out of town twice by the same man. Gotta remember they had Stoops to coach the bowl game while they where searching for a HC after Riley left.
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If I’m making that kind of money, I hope I’d be content with the income; but there exists a reasonable climate to leave the job. That entails a new job offering the same benefits for my family and all outside-of-work privileges, but a new challenge or hurdle.
Let’s say y’all are head coach now at Nebraska and bring them back into elite status and you get a national title. Your goal has been reached there , but you’re chasing goals as a career. You take a job at Virginia Tech in a prettier part of the country and have a new challenge to drive you…
Til retirement or fired (which obviously won’t happen at this rate anytime soon)

CJH has closed the chapter of the Oklahoma part of his life. His new home is here. Period
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As of right now, I just don’t see many College Head Coaching jobs out there better than TN. That wasn’t always the case before, but it is now. TN is ahead of the curve with NIL, they have an Administration and an AD that are more than willing to help out and do what it takes to put winning sports teams out front in every major sport, they have the facilities, fan base and boosters to get out front and stay out front. When you have the backing from everyone involved in the athletic dept behind you it makes being happy and content where you are pretty easy. Plus, I think JH just plain likes it here a lot. He may leave at some point way down the line, but not anytime soon unless he screws the pooch somehow. Just my opinion.
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CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
Truth is, none of us know this answer, but my gut says, he would stay.
Some people want to be low profile when they retire and couldn't care less whether anyone is thinking about them. I don't know if Fulmer is "hanging" around the program or not but we don't hear about if so. He would lack self awareness if so
Heupel takes weekly lunches with him and Fulmer does occasionally attend practice.
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CJH is not a Kiffin. I believe CJH has his dream job. Now we have a AD in Danny White that knows what he is doing. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
That is completely impossible for some on this site. They have to have some reason to freak out on a daily basis. I am massively ADHD, but i find other means for dopamine stimulation.

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