how long does CJH stay at UT?

He clearly loves it here but seeing how emotional he was over the weekend does make me wonder if he would make that move.

On the other hand, no reason to borrow trouble, it's not on the near horizon..
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These questions are why Johnny Majors talked about the “legion of the miserable.” Some people aren’t happy unless they have something to worry about. I’ll save my worrying for Bama and Georgia.

I have always wondered why these type of posts come out when we are successful. It does seem that some just can't handle success. Worry about something you have control over not something you don't.
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CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
Jeeze. Is it in the Water or the Weed?
I don't think he'll ever leave as long as we're rolling.

But if were not, he'll stay here until he has a down year or two. Everyone will forget the dumpster fire we were when he got here and how far he's brought us. The mob & media will start screaming that his offense is obsolete and the game has passed him by. We will fire him, and bring in some dip$hit like Dooley or Butch, aight?.

Look at what's happening to Dabo at Clemson just a few years after winning two Natty's. And I wouldn't even consider them a Tier 1 prestige program to begin with. It's not like they're Bama and used to winning it all.

Let's say he does win a natty or two, then puts out a few 7-5/6-6 seasons. I can't imagine the fans & people behind the money putting up with that after becoming a powerhouse again.

I'd love for him to stay here 20 years. I think he's a good guy, he's good for the program, and knows how to build a good culture. But, CFB fans are a fickle mistress. We shall see.

Just my $.02
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CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
If we have a coach that nobody wants, we don't have a coach.

Tennessee takes a second seat to no one.

See Tony Vitello.
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CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
This is truly a ridiculous topic. Stop this nonsense. Projection is a really dumb thing to do at this point. It doesn’t matter.
CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
CJH has been a miracle worker since coming here. Tennessee is an outstanding place to coach. He's building an empire. But there is almost a certainty that he is going to get approached by someone like OU, Mich, FL, etc. and they are going to back a truckload of money up to his house and try to get him in the truck. My gut says that he stays just because he's built the empire or UT passes the hat to every fan in America to keep him here. I know he loves being here and Tennessee has treated him like royalty. But I can't help but fear that, despite the treatment at OU, he has a desire to coach there. I mean, the only thing that could be better that resurrecting a former football powerhouse is resurrecting you old Alma Mater. They haven't won a National Championship since he graduated. If he were to go there and do what he is doing here, he would go down as a Saban like legend. It would kill me to see it happen. Anyone else got any objective thoughts on this?
What makes me feel better is your avatar. I see a guy that has no clue as to what's going on. I mean what would a guy like you know about the current landscape of Tennessee football, let alone sports. My advice, quit tripping out on acid before starting threads.
These questions are why Johnny Majors talked about the “legion of the miserable.” Some people aren’t happy unless they have something to worry about. I’ll save my worrying for Bama and Georgia.
Yes. If we don't drink the Kool aid and just spout stupid crap like "we're going to kill Georgia!", we're just miserable BVS's.
Most of the people who post here are mouth breathers that only know how to say one thing, "Vols by Diddy" or "Gruden's plane is in Knoxville!" Y'all are worse than Bama and Georgia fans. At least they have the rings to back up the stupid talk. We haven't had a sniff of a ring in pushing 30 years and you think we are the second coming of Christ. We had a great year......2 years ago. We're having a great start to this season, but get grounded. 2022 was great until South Carolina.........SOUTH FRIGGIN CAROLINA........smashed us and ended Hooker's season.
I love my team but stay objective.
What makes me feel better is your avatar. I see a guy that has no clue as to what's going on. I mean what would a guy like you know about the current landscape of Tennessee football, let alone sports. My advice, quit tripping out on acid before starting threads.
I trust the opinion of any random guy on a web forum who puts the coach of the moment in his screen name. Not just the coaches name, but the only year we had a really good season in nearly 2 decades. Shows real dedication and forward thinking. I look forward to chatting with you next year as "CoachHuepelDidRealGoodAgainIn2024"
It's the best of the best as far as players are concerned. Don't get the boring statement. And NFL offenses are already implementing parts of his style offense
NFL players are the best of the best, no doubt. I just think every college game just means more. College used to have a vastly superior overtime method until they pussied that up in the interest of "shortening the game". But in college if you lose 1 and you MIGHT make the championship, lose 2 and it's highly doubtful. The 2007 Giants lost 7 and won the Stuper Bowl. True they play more games, but still.... And I'll have to take your word on NFL adaptation of Heupel's offenses. The NFL bores me because it is the same old thing over and over. And now they apparently have some retarded new kickoff rule??? (I saw a part of a kickoff the other day) Why don't they just spot it at the 20 and be done with the special teams part of the game?

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