How many from VN can "man-up" and get behind UT after a whuppin'

regardless of the attitude on VN, we are in for a long season. everyone will still support the team with realistic expectations, which currently is that we are going to win about 5 games. maybe 6.
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I am tired of watching something I love be a disappointing, emotional mind f***!

That said I am still behind this team, and this school, and this great state.
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regardless of the attitude on VN, we are in for a long season. everyone will still support the team with realistic expectations, which currently is that we are going to win about 5 games. maybe 6.

I would call a bowl game for this team an outstanding accomplishment for coach jones and this staff
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I'm all in!...Go Butch!...Do your than...real Vol fans got your back!
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I hope to still see some orange on Saturday in the swamp. Not entirely sure I will though.
We're all behind the team and Butch. No one expected a win yesterday.

However, we just got a big heapin' helping of Groundhog Day, and if it had been a 17-point loss that just got away late, most of us would be feeling pretty damn good this Sunday.
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Doesn't matter what the score is, I always support the team and pull for a win, if I didn't I wouldn't be a fan.
The strongest steel blades are made from heating and beating iron ore into the finally product. It`s not easy or quick but when done right it will be better than what you started with.
That is what CBJ is now our blacksmith let`s give him time to mold this and our future teams.
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Snap and Clear! We will bring the pain to the Swamp. As a fan base, we all need to be positive. With the schedule we have, the lack of depth,etc....We need to snap and clear after any loss that comes our way. We are rebuilding and will rise to the Top. I'm all in. GBO!
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"Lets Roll" I'd love to have some " Gator Tail" :good!:

I think Butch will Keep his Promises.
I'm all in too. I've stood by this program through thick and thin for 46 years and I will continue doing so until the day I depart this Big Orange world.
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The only thing that will ever come between me and my Vols is 6' of dirt. Even the I will be buried in my orange casket with the power T. It is hard to stop a real Volunteer.
I'm tired of the "pity party." What say you?

The "Pity Party " people are fans also . They are whiny needy people . Yet still fans . Also I Personally don't need a "realist/Pessimist" to tell me what my expectations should be . I am 52 . I have my own version of "reality" stop trying to make me as sad as some of you .

The realist rant there is not directed at you or anyone in particular btw .
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