How many from VN can "man-up" and get behind UT after a whuppin'

I learned about two years ago to stop tallying up the wins and losses before the games are played. Im was born a Vol fan and I'll die a Vol fan. There is no alternative, regardless of the win/loss column. Its about sticking through it with our team and being there when the road to redemption finally leads back to the mountain top.

Overcoming adversity is what seperates the great from the pretenders.

I'm in for sure.
We're all behind the team and Butch. No one expected a win yesterday.

However, we just got a big heapin' helping of Groundhog Day, and if it had been a 17-point loss that just got away late, most of us would be feeling pretty damn good this Sunday.

I agree with everything you said, but I absolutely thought we could win, especially after the first six or so minutes of play. I would have never imagined we would be man handled the way we were. I'll root for the Big Orange Saturday, but after a large dose of reality think we have less than a 50% chance of getting a win in the Swamp. Hope I'm wrong.
I think what happened was we were so fired up over jones and he was doing so good with everything he did involving this team. We came out killed peay then all this WKU talk had us thinking they were good we killed them, so then we thought we might keep it close with Oregon and when we got killed we have started to realize we're still a 5 win team maybe 6. We came back to reality on Saturday
I aint going nowhere! I'm a Vol through and through. It hurt to see us lose like that but that doesn't mean we won't be back. It just shows how hard we gotta work and how far we have to go to get back on top
I agree with everything you said, but I absolutely thought we could win, especially after the first six or so minutes of play. I would have never imagined we would be man handled the way we were. I'll root for the Big Orange Saturday, but after a large dose of reality think we have less than a 50% chance of getting a win in the Swamp. Hope I'm wrong.

The UT-UF matchup has been a challenge for the better part of 40 years even when we have been at our best. You don't go into the Swamp and expect to walk out without a fight. Statistically ANYONE playing there has less than a 50% chance of leaving with a win. UF may be at their weakest in some time but don't kid yourself. They are a good team and we, at this point, are not.
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I'm highly offended by being called a negavol! I think my post qualified as an enemy troll (fill in the blank) fan who spends his time trolling other teams sites!

Exposed! I have revealed you for what you really are! Butch gets it! I get it! You get out! Rabble rabble rabble!
Fan of 55 years. Will always be a Vol. And will always stand by my Vols. Been very disgruntled the past several years but mostly upset with coaches and upper mgt. They are ultimately responsible for our Vols. That's why they get paid the big bucks. Go Vols..
Always all in for Tennessee. We all knew this was a long trip to get back on top. It will NOT happen over night.
The way for the team to respond to a whipping like they took in Oregon is to go out and put one on somebody else. That would be the Florida Gators. And don't tell me they can't do it, because they can!
Been a fan all my life and still been wearing my orange since 2008. That being said I am getting sick of losing to every big team we play. It was pretty sad that beating NC State felt so good last year. Back in the day that would have been an opening day easy win game. If we could just upset Florida, Georgia or SCAR and win the games we are favored to win I would be pleased with that progress for this year.
Been alive for 30 years and been a fan for 30 years. Why stop now. This captain goes down with his ship.

Honestly thought new going into Oregon we were outmatched. They do things were teraible at. Now honestly I think we loose a close one to Florida. I hope im proven wrong and we go down their and beat the shiit out of them.

For the record I'm 100% convinced CBJ will turn us around but it will take time. Good things are to come just not going to see drastic improvement overnight like some people think.
I stand behind butch because he's our coach, the same why I've stood behind every coach. However, you can't blame me for being a cynic until I see proven results, I've had my heart broken too many times these past 5 years.
The only thing in doubt Saturday was the final score. The outcome was not unexpected.
I am hoping that we can be a dark horse and play spoiler somewhere in someone's schedule.
This game will help us grow and show what positions where we are soundly weak and what needs work.
You only get better by playing the best competition out there. That we will be doing this year.
Totally behind our team because they are our team. Those that can't take it go cheer for someone else. I hate to lose! However my blood is and will always be orange. I'm supporting Coach Jones and Team 117 and beyond. It's great to be a Tennessee Vol!
In the quest for silver linings, it is worth noting that Herbstreit stated yesterday, on ESPN GameDay, that "Tennessee's coming. Their great times are ahead of them with Butch Jones."
Snap and Clear! We will bring the pain to the Swamp. As a fan base, we all need to be positive. With the schedule we have, the lack of depth,etc....We need to snap and clear after any loss that comes our way. We are rebuilding and will rise to the Top. I'm all in. GBO!
What he said. GBO!

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