How many from VN can "man-up" and get behind UT after a whuppin'

I am a Dolphins fan in the pro's and have been for 24 years now, so UT losing to Oregon doesn't even phase me in the slightest. I wore my Dolphin hat through a 1-15 season a few years back, so it didn't even bother me at all to wear my UT hat all day today.

We got beat by a team that is light years faster than us at every position. They recruit for nothing but speed at Oregon and it shows. Their LB's are as fast as our WR's, what do you expect. For those curious about how our offense is supposed to look when you have the right people, Oregon's Offense is actually really close to it. We have young inexperienced players at WR, and a QB who should not be running this system.

We need a QB who can run. I hear Peterman can run and I am pretty sure Dobbs can. Hell at this point Ferguson would be a serious upgrade because he's a really accurate passer or at least he was in high school. If Worley keeps playing like he is, I seriously doubt that Coach Jones will keep him as starter.

My 2 cents
Win or lose I an a VFL. Personally I don't think we will get to see what CBJ is really made of until 2015. Its going to be a tough couple of years but CBJ is rebuilding the program and is going to turn some heads in a couple of years.

So we have to suffer for awhile, we will be back.
How many from VN can "man-up" and get behind UT after a whuppin'

Only bandwagon fans have to decide on this one. There is no choice if you are a VFL.
Always have been a Vol...always will be a Vol. I'm bleeding orange until the day I die no matter our ups and downs. Great days are ahead for our Vols with CBJ at the helm. VFL here...nothing is ever gonna change that. GBFO!!!!
After the game I blasted rocky top as loud as my speakers would blare it, went out side on my back porch and took my Tennessee flag down and waved it for a good ten minutes.
Gotta be honest. I avoided ESPN like the plague after the Oregon game. Also couldn't watch the constant highlights from the local news places. I was embarrassed as a fan, but it's a new week, pick the **** up off the floor and beat Florida.
Always a vol. but you can't blame the past 5-6 years off beat downs to not have an effect on some fans. It's been miserable but were still standing.
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