How many points does Tennessee score on Austin Peay?

For some reason Peterman don't get any love these days. I really don't understand.
Peterman is a has been to VN posters. We have 2 new guys on the way. One of them is a member of Mensa, a rocket scientist, good to his mother , and is at least a triple threat quarterback. He runs like a gazelle, cuts back like Coradelle, throws it like Bray( on a good day against a weak opponent), and studies film obsessively, and makes decisions that put Peyton to shame. I heard that he learned the entire playbook in 35 minutes.
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Peterman is a has been to VN posters. We have 2 new guys on the way. One of them is a member of Mensa, a rocket scientist, good to his mother , and is at least a triple threat quarterback. He runs like a gazelle, cuts back like Coradelle, throws it like Bray( on a good day against a weak opponent), and studies film obsessively, and makes decisions that put Peyton to shame. I heard that he learned the entire playbook in 35 minutes.

in other words shut the FFFF up right, thats what you are saying.
in other words shut the FFFF up right, thats what you are saying.
What I'm saying is that VN posters always fall in love with the qb they know the least about. If he can add 2+2 and get more than 3 and anything less than 5, they think he's a sure bet for the Heisman. Maybe it's because our last few qbs haven't been the sharpest knives in the drawer.
42-10, I think they will get lucky and squeeze out a TD some where and our D continues to settle in and only gives up a FG. I wouldnt be suprised if its around 50, I could see our D making some Defensive turnovers/TDs to increase the score.
Butch will call the dogs before it gets to crazy. In the 40's.

Actually, we will see a lot of subbing if the score goes up. But it won't be due to calling off the dogs. CBJ still needs to be sure who our playmakers and backups are. He will play a variety of packages and players to further evaluate the team. There's just too many unknowns for him to pass up "practice" in a game-like atmosphere. So you will see starters reinserted, perhaps in various roles. The only player I'd see seated for any real length of time would be McCullers due to his overwhelming dominance atthe line and to keep him away from a meaningless injury.
In 2011 CBJ's Bearcats put up 72 points on the Govs, why would he call off the dogs and only score 50 or 60?
In 2011 CBJ's Bearcats put up 72 points on the Govs, why would he call off the dogs and only score 50 or 60?

Truth be told, with the exception of the OL, McCullers and our expected starting RBs, we don't have any proven dogs to call off. I do anticipate the RBs having a field day.
Ap better not score at all.

That's hard to pull off even for a minimalist program like AP. Could happen, though. You guys know they are breaking in a new HC too? So it will be new HC vs. new HC. Of course I think we got the better one.
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