How many points does Tennessee score on Austin Peay?

Peterman is a has been to VN posters. We have 2 new guys on the way. One of them is a member of Mensa, a rocket scientist, good to his mother , and is at least a triple threat quarterback. He runs like a gazelle, cuts back like Coradelle, throws it like Bray( on a good day against a weak opponent), and studies film obsessively, and makes decisions that put Peyton to shame. I heard that he learned the entire playbook in 35 minutes.

Sounds like he may be related to one of our recent backup Safeties.
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That's hard to pull off even for a minimalist program like AP. Could happen, though. You guys know they are breaking in a new HC too? So it will be new HC vs. new HC. Of course I think we got the better one.

Virginia Tech only gave up 7 to them last season, and they sucked worse than us. The only reason they won more is because of the crap they played against.

I'd say we could do it. AP is worse than Tennessee-Martin. I just hope we don't beat them too bad- I've got a soft spot for the Govs because my granddad taught there for a while.
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Tennessee: 50s-60s
AP: 20s

then everyone will get on the board and try to make nicknames for our RBs or WRs

"Did you see how fast Howard was on that fly route? That route is called the SQUEALIN PIG!! YEEEEEEEHAAAAWWWWWWW"
We will win the game so I'm not worried about the score. What I want to see is DISCIPLINED play in all 3 phases if the game. That's what will give me hope for the rest of the year. If we win by 30+ but play undisciplined football I will not be impressed or hopeful.
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Compared to our defense last year I think this year's squad is gonna surprise us. I think they get the shut out vs AP. So 56-0
I think Butch runs up score if we start steamrolling. He wants to get attention for the program and may be our only chance to do so. I say 56-3.
35 points against Austin Pea and 37 against South Alabama.....I see the Vols with an average of 23 pts/game for 2013 unfortunately
we score 111 touchdowns but miss every single PAT...then someone does the math and proclaims Butch is the Antichrist...the apocalypse begins here on Volnation.

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