How Tennessee beats Georgia next season…

Not letting GA dominate the line of scrimmage again would be a huge step. If the Vols can hold their own across the line they have a shot for the upset.
That’s the first thing we must do so that we can run some and give Nico time.

The second thing is our receivers have to be able to get separation. Georgia’s DBs are all super talented and very physical - our guys have to match that physicality and get open.
The only shot we have is for Peyton, Leonard, Eric,
JaJuan, and Big Al to come back for a super senior season.
They are so old, football wise, that they would likely not be able to play two offensive and defensive series without needing an IV. what we need are more players who play the game the way they did 25 years ago. I am encouraged by the progress CJH has made in getting more of players who play as they did.
Welp, to be more Profound, the Defensive Backfield needs a facelift also. However , I believe Nico will hit those passes that were missed LY, and the new Wrs will catch em. At uga will be very tough until the Talent is closer. I really believe Tenn will have the best QB in that game, and that could be a deal breaker.
Considering most of last year’s DB’s are gone (thankfully), I think that group has already had a facelift. I guess the question now is if any of the replacements are any better.
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We need to have the same scoring intensity we had 2 years ago with Hooker/Hyatt Co. And the defense has to improve against both the run and pass. Lastly, coaches need to prep better, put a few new wrinkles into the offense, throw the kitchen sink in play calling.
You know we’re always 15-0 preseason and although perhaps not “realistic” the hope springs eternal for best possible outcomes. What would it take for the Vols to pull it off this upcoming season?
Serious improvements in the trenches and Linebacker. Better than average play everywhere else IMO.
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1. The offense will have to operate at an extremely high level. I mean at least 2022 level especially in the red zone. Cannot kick field goals. In the red zone gotta score TDs.

2. Don’t the the ball over. Pretty simple really. Play as close to mistake free as possible.

3. Gotta hit some deep throws. The WRs are gonna have to be much more sure handed. We have to keep the UGA defense from just stacking the box.

4. Have to establish the run game and not abandon it regardless of what happens. The OL is gonna have to win the LOS. Sampson and Seldon have to get it going early and often.

5. Nico. It goes without saying but Nico is gonna have to play almost a flawless game. He cannot get shook after getting hit. Because he is gonna get hit often. His pre snap reads are gonna have to be on point.

The defense is gonna have to play much better than it ever has. Beck is back and he will be one of the nations too QBs. We are gonna have to pressure him a lot and get sacks. We have to get him off rhythm. If he gets 3 and 4 seconds every pass attempt we are doomed.

Finally coaching. Huepel and Halze are gonna have to call the game if their lives. We are very out matched talent wise. So the only way to make up for that is coaching. Somehow we gotta scheme a way to a win.
A few deep throws were missed 2 years ago and they would have changed the game for sure.

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