Hundreds of examples of fraud by Trump and his family, corporations

Some polling data on NY AG race

Hochul Holds Early 14-Point, 53-39%, Lead Over Zeldin; Schumer & DiNapoli Each Up 21 Points, James Up 14 Points

who knows what the real spread is - the Trafalgar is current vs 6 or so weeks ago for James but they are pretty different in findings. FYI 538 rates Trafalgar as A- and Sienna as A in terms of quality of pollsters (both are high ratings)

Still a close enough race to incentivize James to make a splash ahead of the election

IOW..polling methods are trash
Agreed, one has to wonder if the lending institutions or insurance companies simply need to file a formal complaint with the NY department of financial services. I'm not versed in the nuances of what triggers a civil or criminal white collar crime.

Can’t say that I’ve ever heard of someone securing a loan, paying back the loan, and then being accused of wrongdoing.
to clarify - I'm not making any claim of whether or not Trump committed fraud.

I'm critiquing the particular suit brought by James against Trump & Co. None of the companies that were allegedly defrauded brought suit. The choice of civil charges brings a host of unanswered questions and conflation with criminal charges which do not exist (at this time).
It’s nothing more than another distraction and smear tactic
When providing insurance coverage on real property, do you consider what the owner thinks it is worth?
To a point…. But if the number is unrealistically low we have reconstruction cost programs we can plug their building’s characteristics into to come up with an amount. I’ve not seen an insurance company complain about putting too much coverage on a building …. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it hasn’t happened to me.
To a point…. But if the number is unrealistically low we have reconstruction cost programs we can plug their building’s characteristics into to come up with an amount. I’ve not seen an insurance company complain about putting too much coverage on a building …. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it hasn’t happened to me.
Is it possible in your experience to over insure a property while lowering rates?
Our first one? Over 290,000. Would've been more had I known about the transmission fluid sensitivity.
I’ve noticed you get a very slight almost unnoticeable sound from the transmission when the fluid has around 30k on it. I’ve changed mine twice and it’s gone away each time. You have to be on a very smooth road to hear it though
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I’ve noticed you get a very slight almost unnoticeable sound from the transmission when the fluid has around 30k on it. I’ve changed mine twice and it’s gone away each time. You have to be on a very smooth road to hear it though
Yeah, I wasn't perceptive enough with my first one.

I noticed the tach "jumps" around 100 rpm or confused about which is best gear...when it's time to change. Thankfully, it an easy job.
Didn’t Trumps accountant or CFO or whatever just plead guilty to fraud? Might that have something to do with this lawsuit? Maybe he cut a deal to lessen his sentence by providing information?
So a civil lawsuit is the best you’ve got after all this time?

All this time, and still no crime?

Give it a little time.

Real things James said during her press conference:

"Mar a Largo made less than 25 million, and should have been valued at about 75 million"- who in the world would ever value a business at 3x earnings? There may be some rare times where that happens, but it's 100% not the norm.
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