hunter being hunter

That's just what he does. He has great hands and is great at running routes.

Who cares if he catches a 30 yard pass and then retreats a yard. It's still a 29 yard play.

Except he would have had a first down if he hadn't retreated...
He have any drops?

That's apparently been an issue he's been having in training camp.
He have any drops?

That's apparently been an issue he's been having in training camp.

He just had that one and got chewed out for it, as he should. If he held his ground he would have kept the drive alive.
Ok Pope John tard, anyway how did he kill us, he was our leading receiver, without him we would of went 4-8 at best. You should be thanking him.

I can't tell you how many times i was screaming at the TV when Hunter for the ball and danced backwards. Someone pointed out the msu game, and though i have no specifics, I know there werea lot of those occasions last season. I root for ex Vols but you have to admit he makes bonehead decisions that cost the Vols, and now the Titans, first downs in important situations. Not to mention crucial drops last season. Great players make great plays. The
Ok Pope John tard, anyway how did he kill us, he was our leading receiver, without him we would of went 4-8 at best. You should be thanking him.

Easy tiger. What should I thank him for? Puttin up numbers in garbage time and dropping balls and blowin yards he'd already gained on what he did catch? Don't think so. I'm not sure you actually saw any of our games last year. I can appreciate your blind loyalty to a Vol, but I calls em like I sees em.
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Ok Pope John tard, anyway how did he kill us, he was our leading receiver, without him we would of went 4-8 at best. You should be thanking him.

Ive broke this down before....he had 550 yds against SEC teams and 2 TDs....1 against Mizzou, 1 against Kentucky....not to mention the times he just fell to the ground on his own a few yards short of the 1st, drop easy 3rd down catches, and blatantly wouldnt go for anything over the middle.

People will tear Bray to pieces but will look past the fact that he had 1 WR that didnt know his route all the time and another that played for himself instead of the team, then will say its ok because he had a kid.

Doesnt Mo Couch have a kid? I didnt see him playing the way Hunter did? Mo Couch may have been part of a bad D but it always appeared he was giving plenty of effort. And im sure those arent the only 2 that have kids. The standard should be the same for everyone, no exeptions. If my job is on the line too and u arent going to give me everything u have I will put in someone who will.
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Anyone who thinks it isn't acceptable in the NFL to avoid contact as a WR, has no business offering their opinion towards anything related to football, because they obviously dont watch it. More WRs avoid contact in the NFL than those who crave it. Most of their bodies can't handle intentional contact over the course of a 16 game season, especially those similar to Hunter.
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Anyone who thinks it isn't acceptable in the NFL to avoid contact as a WR, has no business offering their opinion towards anything related to football, because they obviously dont watch it. More WRs avoid contact in the NFL than those who crave it. Most of their bodies can't handle intentional contact over the course of a 16 game season, especially those similar to Hunter.

Stepping out of bounds on the sideline to avoid a hit is different than immediately running towards the line of scrimmage after a catch, only to turn around and be tackled anyway.
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Ive broke this down before....he had 550 yds against SEC teams and 2 TDs....1 against Mizzou, 1 against Kentucky....not to mention the times he just fell to the ground on his own a few yards short of the 1st, drop easy 3rd down catches, and blatantly wouldnt go for anything over the middle.

People will tear Bray to pieces but will look past the fact that he had 1 WR that didnt know his route all the time and another that played for himself instead of the team, then will say its ok because he had a kid.

Doesnt Mo Couch have a kid? I didnt see him playing the way Hunter did? Mo Couch may have been part of a bad D but it always appeared he was giving plenty of effort. And im sure those arent the only 2 that have kids. The standard should be the same for everyone, no exeptions. If my job is on the line too and u arent going to give me everything u have I will put in someone who will.

You know it and I know it, we would of went 4-8 at best without hunter last year.
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I need a sarcasm button.

Here ya go:

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You know it and I know it, we would of went 4-8 at best without hunter last year.

We may have won 6 without him considering he had crucial drops in winnable games. I am not a fan of wimps. I do hope he does well in the NFL though. He needs to get rid of the alligator arms, although he had a hard time catching with no threat. :hi:
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