hunter being hunter

We may have won 6 without him considering he had crucial drops in winnable games. I am not a fan of wimps. I do hope he does well in the NFL though. He needs to get rid of the alligator arms, although he had a hard time catching with no threat. :hi:

Playing in the highest level of his chosen sport and getting tackled when he was trying to extend a play. Yep, that makes people wimps.

If he'd juked the guy (and there will be guys he can do this to, or flat out run) and took it ten more yards people would've praised him for it.
Playing in the highest level of his chosen sport and getting tackled when he was trying to extend a play. Yep, that makes people wimps.

If he'd juked the guy (and there will be guys he can do this to, or flat out run) and took it ten more yards people would've praised him for it.

Ive never seen a juke where someones whole body goes limp immediately
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All I can say is he's in the NFL now. If he smiles after dropping a catch in the league......oh boy look out.
He did that against against MSU, and killed a critical drive late in the game. Instead of lunging forward to get the 1st down, he backed up, danced around and allowed the pursuit to converge on him and keep him short of the sticks.

He is not Cordarelle Patterson. I am thrilled to have him as a Titan, but he has got to stop that and he needs to find a cure for the dropsies.
Actually he caught the pass for the first down then went backwards trying to Juke and jive on a third down and they had to punt. The look on the WR coach was priceless. That's probably the last time he does that. I don't see him beating out Britt, KWright and the other receiver they picked up. Not yet.
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I kind of figured he would be over the thought in his head of the ACL but I guess not. I hope he can get over the injury.
For some reason there seems like there's been some kind of curse against the Titans using former Vol wr's. Hoping Justin breaks that trend.
I didn't see that play, but I did notice that he was late coming off the line of scrimmage on almost every play. All I can add is he never mentally recovered from the injury. It's hard to argue against that.
bad habits are hard to break. It seemed to get so bad last year that he probably still has a little muscle memory to go down or backward after the catch to save himself. He did that last year in order to save himself for this year, so he better get that cleaned up or like others have said on this thread, he's in for a long year. Yes, the look on the WR's coach was priceless!
People will tear Bray to pieces but will look past the fact that he had 1 WR that didnt know his route all the time and another that played for himself instead of the team, then will say its ok because he had a kid.

I'm only one people, but I say how many QB's in college last season had 2 of their receivers selected in the first 34 picks of the draft, his tight end selected in the 6th round, and his other receiver still on an NFL roster? While none of UT's players were perfect last season, the receivers were pretty dang good. If he wasn't throwing to the most tallented group of receivers in college football last season, then it had to be top 3. What would Bray have looked like throwing to a pedistrian group of receivers? Wish Worley had that group back to catch his throws.
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I didn't like him after his Freshman year.

Didnt like him? the man tore up his knee giving his all for Tennessee! He has developed some bad habits but I hope he can get back to being a dominant force on the playing field.
Seems to me like they want him to get down and play it safe. There is an article on ESPN about the coaches saying he needed to not try and extend the play after every catch.

There are also articles about his teammates (Pollard) picking on him, and questioning his toughness. And articles on passes bouncing off his chest. That never happened last year. <eye roll>
Ya it will as long as his catching passes, and idk why his teammates are on him about it. None of them can catch a pass to begin with, at least he catches them.

Yeah but it was on third down and him doing that cause the titans a first down all he had to do was fall forward.
We may have won 6 without him considering he had crucial drops in winnable games. I am not a fan of wimps. I do hope he does well in the NFL though. He needs to get rid of the alligator arms, although he had a hard time catching with no threat. :hi:

You have been sent a strong delusion.:ermm:

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