hunter being hunter

I posted a few weeks ago on how he disappointed me while he was at UT (post injury). Sry ppl, but facts are facts and he blatantly avoided contact after his injury. call it what you want to call it but it broke my heart to watch a volunteer give up like that.

Agree with you... and he dropped passes that he previously caught as well. He relied on D Rogers more than I ever knew also.
Yeah, we did....would you of rather went 4-8?

ORRRRR.... maybe without him someone who was giving their all and not hurting team morale by obviously playing to protect their draft status would have made the team better? Maybe someone willing to actually throw a block for a RB would have made a difference on several occasions?

Before last year, I was a huge Hunter fan. I still like him and want him to do well. It is easy to see why he did what he did... I simply cannot respect it. He let his teammates down.
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It is my opinion that some of Justin jumping back and retreating was the result of him trying to be like CP last year. You think about and CP goes backwards a lot only to wiggle out of it and end up turning it into a big gain. Justin does not have great lateral quickness but instead is more straightline fast and of course an exceptional leaper. I can't explain the drops last year any other way than the injury but just my opinion that he got into going backwards last year somewhat as a result of trying to be like CP. I do know as a sophomore before the injury I thought he was the best WR in the country.
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This. He doesn't realize he doesn't have that kind of ability IMO
He did try and avoid contact and made sure to protect himself when he already had made the first down or just had no chance at getting it. He wasn't the greatest at it but if he was a yard or two short from a first down he would fight for it and not just flop down like some of you are saying. I am not arguing the fact that he seemed to play timid at times, probably more times than anyone would liked to of seen. A lot of players do tend to play a little like that when coming off a bad injury. The great players that come off bad injuries quickly get the fear of a re injury out of their minds and move on from it and go back to their original form. Hunter has had two years to get back into the right mindset and get back to the player he once was. I am not saying he is a lost cause, maybe he just needs a little more time to get back to trusting his body. When it comes to his back step or retreat, more than anything I think that had to do more with him trying to be like CP and bust the play open like WTNVOL stated. One could argue his dropped passes could be due to him hearing footsteps. Maybe I am completely wrong and he was just playing scared all the time and was dead set on not taking a big hit at all costs. If that's the case then id bet the dropped passes are from exactly that. In this situation he would hear footsteps and know a big hit was coming and be more worried about how to get away from it than focusing on catching the ball and securing it.
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He did it as a Fr too.

I didn't notice him doing that as a frosh but maybe it's because he was catching everything and I wasn't seeing the negatives in his game. Also he wasn't "the man" his freshman year so any production was almost viewed as a bonus that year.
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If you watch his highlights his back step is an attempt to avoid being tackled by the first man in order to try to break the play open. This just so happens to help avoid contact because like I said injury is always going to be in the back of his mind. I would agree that avoiding the contact is a little part of his retreat but trying to create something is the biggest reason for it. I agree that if your a yard or two short you should put your head down and try to drive threw for the first down and he will have to learn that the hard way. However if you have made a big play for a first down or just not even close you should protect yourself at all costs. Playing wreck less will get you hurt in a hurry. Look at Jerry Rice, the greatest WR ever to play the game. Did he play wreck less or did he get down and out of the way? He just about always went out of bounds before getting hit when he could of most likely picked up a extra yard or two most of the time if he had of stayed in bounds.

So is him flopping straight to the ground an evasive maneuver too?
He is who he is at this point. Only time will tell if her grows a set and plays up to his potential.
This^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The question is what is his potential? The Hunter we saw early or the post-injury Hunter?

I vote the latter. :shakehead:
I have legs and hands too, should they put me in?

The difference between you and the backup WRs is that they were offered a scholarship to play that position. Hunter wasnt the only WR we had capable of catching a ball.

Id take a guy with 75% of the talent of Hunter, giving 100% over Hunter giving 75%

Just for S&Gs name one big play he made in an SEC game besides Kentucky and Mizzou? Im pretty confident the only one out of our 6 other SEC games would be 1 catch against UF

So please, entertain me with all the games he "changed"
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The difference between you and the backup WRs is that they were offered a scholarship to play that position. Hunter wasnt the only WR we had capable of catching a ball.

Id take a guy with 75% of the talent of Hunter, giving 100% over Hunter giving 75%

Just for S&Gs name one big play he made in an SEC game besides Kentucky and Mizzou? Im pretty confident the only one out of our 6 other SEC games would be 1 catch against UF

So please, entertain me with all the games he "changed"

This is gonna be good....:popcorn:
The difference between you and the backup WRs is that they were offered a scholarship to play that position. Hunter wasnt the only WR we had capable of catching ball.

Id take a guy with 75% of the talent of Hunter, giving 100% over Hunter giving 75%

Just for S&Gs name one big play he made in an SEC game besides Kentucky and Mizzou? Im pretty confident the only one out of our 6 other SEC games would be 1 catch against UF

So please, entertain me with all the games he "changed"

I dont feel like looking it up this late and the only 3 WR worth a damn on our 2012 team was Cp, Hunter and Z. Rogers. Who would you put in instead of hunter smart guy?

And I will look at Hunters yards vs Troy Tomm. (The only game I was talking about in the first place)

Prepare to eat **** Sunday morning.

And no one on our 2012 team had 50% of what Hunter had. (Besides CP and Z Rogers) so basically you are saying 25% of Hunters Talent and 100% effort is better then 100% of hunters skill and 75% effort.

What a dumb thing to say, can't wait for you to say Pig Howard so I can LMAO at you. Lol
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I dont feel like looking it up this late and the only 3 WR worth a damn on our 2012 team was Cp, Hunter and Z. Rogers. Who would you put in instead of hunter smart guy?

And I will look at Hunters yards vs Troy Tomm. (The only game I was talking about in the first place)

Prepare to eat **** Sunday morning.

And no one on our 2012 team had 50% of what Hunter had. (Besides CP and Z Rogers) so basically you are saying 25% of Hunters Talent and 100% effort is better then 100% of hunters skill and 75% effort.

What a dumb thing to say, can't wait for you to say Pig Howard so I can LMAO at you. Lol

Its ******* TROY!!! Last time I checked deion sanders doesnt play for them

Darick had 300 yds in a game for TTU....Should he have been anointed king for that too?

Btw ill add this, as far as on the field goes. DaRick is a far more complete WR than Hunter.

And ur damn right Id rather have Pig out there if he wouldnt half ass it like Hunter
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Its ******* TROY!!! Last time I checked deion sanders doesnt play for them

Darick had 300 yds in a game for TTU....Should he have been anointed king for that too?

Btw ill add this, as far as on the field goes. DaRick is a far more complete WR than Hunter.

And ur damn right Id rather have Pig out there if he wouldnt half ass it like Hunter

Lol Pig Howard wasn't worth the paper his scholly was written on last year, I guess you know more then the past head coach of Tennessee and the current wide receiver coach for the Dallas Cowboys?
Lol Pig Howard wasn't worth the paper his scholly was written on last year, I guess you know more then the past head coach of Tennessee and the current wide receiver coach for the Dallas Cowboys?

He was a freshman and was put in on a damn wildcat that was predictable as hell...and I can tell u this much, idk how well id do but if he was so smart he would stillr be here, wouldnt he?

Hell id rather have dallas or carter in if they will give 100%.

Like I said, I expect have a great pro career but im not enamored by his last year here in the slightest.

Same standard for every player. All out, all the time. No BS excuses. Ive heard enough of those from that garbage coach the last 3 yrs.

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