Hurd likely out for this a good thing for Vols?

I'm used to it. Been working with traumatic brain injury patients for years. This is similar.

I think it's funny that on a blog about Hurd's injury that if you think it's a bad thing that he's hurt, everyone thinks you're a negavol. Interesting how this works!
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I predicted that Hurd was too tall and lanky for the running back position, and that his running style is too "upright." So when he gets injured, everyone jumps all over me. I've been watching football for many years. I've seen players come and go, and I'm pretty good at predicting probable outcomes. I like Hurd as a safety or linebacker. I DO NOT like him at running back at the college level, especially in the SEC. A shorter, more compact running back would NOT have sustained this injury. He also got injured in the first quarter, but nobody wants to talk about this.

He injured his shoulder... If he was running too "upright" as you suggest than he would not get any contact with his shoulder the first time and would not have this problem now.

Too Tall and Lanky? You ever hear of Ahmad Bradshaw? Dude is 6'4" 260lb, and an elite running back in the NFL. Jalen Hurd is just 25lb lighter than him and runs a 4.4 to Ahmad's 4.59.

Get real. Check your stats before you come on here trollin'. Im guessing, by your post count, you're a Vandy fan that just arrived recently, pissed that Hurd is All Vol. Probably the same one that pretended to be a Vol fan on twitter and was stalking a lot of the recruits.
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Missouri. Maybe Auburn. This is where we are as a program.


I like Butch, but I doubt we will compete for National Championships anytime in this generation. The demographics of our region just don't put us in a good position to be contenders any time soon. This year: 6-6, bowl loss. Next year: 7-5, bowl win. Year after, 8-4, bowl. Year after, 7-5, bowl, etc. Just get used to it.

(Posted in June) after which we had a huge recruiting bump, AGAIN...

Call it glue or whatever, but it's beginning to happen. Kentucky is ahead of us, which means we are simply overachieving right now. Losing 7 games this year won't help us either. Just pointing out the facts!

(Posted in June) after which we had a huge recruiting bump, AGAIN...

We are starting to drop in recruiting now. Kentucky is ahead of us. We should finish with a top 15 class though. The big boys (Bama, Florida, LSU, A&M) are holding out and should begin to overtake us soon. Oh well!!

Just a few gems I picked out of his posts... Tell me this is not James Franklin pretending to be a negative UT fan...

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