Hurd likely out for this a good thing for Vols?

I don't think the injury made any of them better. I was attempting a little humor with the post but being hurt is never good.

Injury itself makes no one better. It's an INJURY. The inevitable time off, however, could be extremely beneficial.
Like I said, he is going to have to gain a lot of weight to protect himself if he is to play RB... otherwise he will have many more injuries playing an SEC defense.

Dude already weighs more than all 4 of our backs now. Crazy statement!!!!!!!!
Like his mom said, "he's getting ready for his vols". Every year the vols have a player leave ayear early for the NFL, so I see nothing wrong with having his surgery "now" & healing over the coarse of the year to give him a better chance of being more successful in college! Looking foward to seeing him in Orange (or gray w/orange highlights)!!!
Go kick yourself in the nuts.
Appears that may have occurred in the past.:crazy:

...we will do great with him and Paulk coming in. GO VOLS

Well, again, your an idiot. ...The injury is only a minor tear, in a completely different location of the shoulder. He could play Friday, if he wanted to. He is CHOOSING to not play the rest of his Senior season, so that he can be available for UT come January.
Go back and watch the play. The injury was not directly caused by his contact with the ground, but by the other player landing on his shoulder at the point of rotation, driving it into the ground and overextending the joint. Unless your "smaller, more compact" running back is also double-jointed, he would be...out for the season with surgery. Height has nothing to do with this injury....
Let me go ahead and debunk your other claims while I am at it. "Upright" runners, whilst not prototypical, are not sure fire disasters either. Notable "Upright" runners include: Hall of Famer (and fellow "tallback") Eric Dickerson, NFL back and Heisman winner Eddie George, current NFL leader Adrian Peterson, top 10 current NFL back Steven Jackson, and the list continues to go on and on.
... This is a trait that Mr. Hurd demonstrates time and again naturally, constantly taking just the right lean into tackles so that would-be-tacklers seem to just bounce right off of him.

Jalen Hurd is an expectional all-around athlete, but when you watch him, he has an obvious extra passion for the runningback position, and it translates on to the field. Every prospective running back could add a little more weight to their frames, and a few extra moves to avoid tackles would be a nice addition, but Hurd is overall an exceptional RB prospect. If the tear was in the same spot, I would agree that injury prone could be considered, but it is not a related tear, the previous injury is completely intact, and though the injury is minor, they are doing surgery not only to repair the tear, but to stabilize his shoulder now so that his body will be fully prepared for football come spring, and so that a chance for reinjury will be significantly reduced. You could make the argument that the Hurd we will get now will be even better, without the wear and tear of an entire football season (along with the inevitable playoffs he would have taken them to), and with a fully healed body. His senior season would have done nothing more for him from a technique or body standpoint but hurt him....this was a very smart move, and one that will pay dividends in his and UT's future.
SOLID post!
From Jalen's mom on TOS.....
his main concern now is to being healthy for his Vols.
Hell YEAH!:thumbsup:
Our star recruit is injured and will miss his senior season. No way this is a good thing.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

The key word is "our" even if he doesn't take the field for Beech again and his Rivals ranking goes down he will still be our star recruit the kid can flat out play. Its never a good thing when someone gets injured all we can do is hope for a fast recovery.
This injury is not a good thing because you never want to see a kid get hurt, UT commit or not. The injury isn't, however, a bad thing for UT because it should be healed and rehabbed before he gets to UT. Looking at the hit, it looks like a freak play and not necessarily an injury prone kid. Best of luck to him in his rehab and his career at UT.
I hope for this young mans sake this isn't true.hes put alot of work in getting ready for his senior season and I'm sure he doesn't want to sit on the sideline .
Yeah it's really great when one of your star recruits has to spend a year rehabbing instead of getting college ready.
Hellz yeah!

Can't wait for 2014 opener and Mr. Hurd sporting that Power T helmet lined up in the backfield!!!

He also got hurt in the first half when he fell down. I hope he proves me wrong but I foresee an injury-proned career, unfortunately. We need to go after Fournette big time now.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Yeah it's really great when one of your star recruits has to spend a year rehabbing instead of getting college ready.

My point exactly. Other 5 star players are gonna be able to refine their skills while Hurd watches tv. UT needs to recruit another star running back ASAP.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I like Hurd and want him to be successful, but 2 shoulder injuries in less than a year for a RB is 100% cause for concern.

Maybe it never happens again, but, after 2 in less than a year to the same shoulder, the odds are that it does
As someone about to undergo shoulder surgery myself, I hate it for Hurd. However, sounds like he is in good hands, and that young shoulder will heal a lot faster than mine. Prayers for a speedy and full recovery, and that he stays positive about his future at UT and beyond.
It's never good to see an athlete injured, and really the whole premise of this thread, kinda strikes me as being without class, or consideration for our future Vol, his goals, and his team. Hope he recovers quickly.....
He's already college ready.

Running through a bunch of scrubs doesn't mean he's college ready. His conditioning will need to increase tenfold if he's gonna play college ball. Just like 99 percent of college prospects.
As someone about to undergo shoulder surgery myself, I hate it for Hurd. However, sounds like he is in good hands, and that young shoulder will heal a lot faster than mine. Prayers for a speedy and full recovery, and that he stays positive about his future at UT and beyond.

Rotator Cuff by any chance?
Say what you want about good or bad, but here is my humble opinion...
They are saying he should be recovered like around January... Which is when he plans on enrolling in UT (unless I'm mistaken) they just bumped him up to a 5 * and now he gets to sit.. We know the type of beast this kid is, and that he is going to be great here.. But where it gets good, is that now he isn't going to be making anymore splashes in the national spot light.. So we don't have to worry about anyone else trying to swoop in a steal him from under our noses (not that I believe in a million years he would change his commitment)..

So we have a 5* man beast that is pretty much redshirting this year..
If it was a knee it would be much worse. come to Alabama and get dr. Benton Emblom to do the surgery at St Vincent hospital in Birmingham. He is the best. My son had that same surgery in February before his freshman year of college baseball, and he did just fine. You'll be fine, you made a good decision to get the surgery now before you get to UT in January. God bless! jlk
Probably some of the best news UT could get on him. He has 12 months to get back into shape and soooo much better to happen now vs late in season. Good Luck Mr. Hurd. Get strong.

good thing!!! the longer the season goes on the greater the chances are for a MAJOR injury... with this he will heal and its not to his knee! good luck Mr. Hurd work your A** off this year and come to Tennessee ready to dominate!!!
He also got hurt in the first half when he fell down. I hope he proves me wrong but I foresee an injury-proned career, unfortunately. We need to go after Fournette big time now.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

There is no "also hurt", the plays are one in the same, or do I have to explain that 5 more times for that to click? I totally obliterated every point you tried to make, and you don't even respond, you just continue to troll on with the same "points" I just threw out the window. I'm not into generalizations, but I can confidently say that you and anyone else freaking out over this with serious concern are IDIOTS. It is a MINOR tear that he is CHOOSING to skip his senior season to heal, stabilize, and rest his body for winter workouts, and he isn't going to be sitting on the couch, he will be working out other parts of his body as well. THE SKY IS NOT FALLING! Hurd is NOT injury-prone, and he is our 5* running back recruit. IN ADDITION, there is not another "star runningback" left on the board, and the Fournette talk is grade A ridiculous. He is not only overhyped against weak competition, we are not even on his radar of schools. That is a pipe dream within a pipe dream within a pipe dream. It's a pipe dream form of inception. Wish Hurd speedy recovery, tout him with pride, and look forward to spring practice with Hurd on the field.

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