Hurd likely out for this a good thing for Vols?

Injuries are never a good thing. However, it is what it is. He has the work ethic to recover, and is handling this the smart way.
Just read where he injured his shoulder in last weeks game and is likely out for the rest of the season. Is this a positive for the him rest before he gets to UTK?

Not much can be described as good when a payer is injured, requires surgery, and can not play until next year.
There is no "also hurt", the plays are one in the same, or do I have to explain that 5 more times for that to click? I totally obliterated every point you tried to make, and you don't even respond, you just continue to troll on with the same "points" I just threw out the window. I'm not into generalizations, but I can confidently say that you and anyone else freaking out over this with serious concern are IDIOTS. It is a MINOR tear that he is CHOOSING to skip his senior season to heal, stabilize, and rest his body for winter workouts, and he isn't going to be sitting on the couch, he will be working out other parts of his body as well. THE SKY IS NOT FALLING! Hurd is NOT injury-prone, and he is our 5* running back recruit. IN ADDITION, there is not another "star runningback" left on the board, and the Fournette talk is grade A ridiculous. He is not only overhyped against weak competition, we are not even on his radar of schools. That is a pipe dream within a pipe dream within a pipe dream. It's a pipe dream form of inception. Wish Hurd speedy recovery, tout him with pride, and look forward to spring practice with Hurd on the field.

Ha!! A "minor tear?" Yeah, it's really minor when you have to have surgery to repair it. Clearly you didn't go to medical school. Your rants aren't changing the reality that we need another RB in this class. You are a fool.
Ha!! A "minor tear?" Yeah, it's really minor when you have to have surgery to repair it. Clearly you didn't go to medical school. Your rants aren't changing the reality that we need another RB in this class. You are a fool.

There are various grades of tears. Some are minor and require a stitching or implant. Some are larger, take longer to repair, and require up to 12 or so implants to reattach, which also gives more concern of a re tear.
Now, my opinion since I have have been dead on about this situation since he fell, is that you should stop forming your uneducated opinions, read what people post and you may actually learn something.
I have always wondered this, how do the recruiting sites handle something like this. would he drop stars? since they know he can play will they leave it alone?
Not sure why we keep responding to rcvol, i have made that mistake already way too many times. He has had the same shtick for months now and has the same lame arguments that are in no way true.

He is either related to Fournette or friends with him, maybe even an LSU troll. Either way, he has been trolling hard and now using this injury for his trolling pleasure.
There are various grades of tears. Some are minor and require a stitching or implant. Some are larger, take longer to repair, and require up to 12 or so implants to reattach, which also gives more concern of a re tear.
Now, my opinion since I have have been dead on about this situation since he fell, is that you should stop forming your uneducated opinions, read what people post and you may actually learn something.

This is his second shoulder surgery. But I guess it's not serious.
Not sure why we keep responding to rcvol, i have made that mistake already way too many times. He has had the same shtick for months now and has the same lame arguments that are in no way true.

He is either related to Fournette or friends with him, maybe even an LSU troll. Either way, he has been trolling hard and now using this injury for his trolling pleasure.

So in order to post on this forum you must be a believer in "Group Speak" only? Can't anyone have a 2nd opinion on something?
This is his second shoulder surgery. But I guess it's not serious.

Like I have said to folks before, sometimes if you just shut your pie hole for a little while, you learn something. Unfortunately, some people never figure that out. Guess which category you fall into.
Like I have said to folks before, sometimes if you just shut your pie hole for a little while, you learn something. Unfortunately, some people never figure that out. Guess which category you fall into.

You're just not very convincing.
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Not good news at all IMHO...

Early signs of not being prepared physically for running against SEC defenses like others have said.

A good way to spin this is that he gets time to rest, re-build strength, and work his butt off to be the best he can be.

Praying for him! Hurd is definitely a huge piece to the puzzle.
When you say surgery isn't serious you lose credibility.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I never said that. You are trying to relate the 2 surgeries when a connection does not exist. Couple that with your inability to do anything but bash Hurd as a RB and your aim is clear
I never said that. You are trying to relate the 2 surgeries when a connection does not exist. Couple that with your inability to do anything but bash Hurd as a RB and your aim is clear

I never said they were connected. But two shoulder surgeries at such a young age should give anyone pause. Nothing wrong with trying to get another running back as insurance. I don't want to put all of our eggs in one basket. Paulk is a serviceable backup, but we really need one more 5 star back.
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I never said that. You are trying to relate the 2 surgeries when a connection does not exist. Couple that with your inability to do anything but bash Hurd as a RB and your aim is clear

You must be related to Hurd since you get so emotional when anyone criticizes him. It's nothing personal.
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You must be related to Hurd since you get so emotional when anyone criticizes him. It's nothing personal.
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unlike you I rarely post about Hurd but sometimes idotic statements need to be called out for what they are. You've been doing this since the beginning.
Damn that's bad but He'll be healed up before He comes to Tennessee. Beech will still cruise right along They're loaded at running back.
unlike you I rarely post about Hurd but sometimes idotic statements need to be called out for what they are. You've been doing this since the beginning.

Doing what? Making accurate observations? Guilty as charged!
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Doing what? Making accurate observations? Guilty as charged!
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like when you claimed to know Hurd was lying about his weight because rivals said so?

he got landed on awkwardly and hurt his shoulder. That injury has zero to do with anything you've posted.

it's abundantly clear you have an axe to grind when it comes to Hurd. Seeing as how he's a UT commit and future player that's probably not the best idea
I never said they were connected. But two shoulder surgeries at such a young age should give anyone pause. Nothing wrong with trying to get another running back as insurance. I don't want to put all of our eggs in one basket. Paulk is a serviceable backup, but we really need one more 5 star back.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Do you know how many players go through multiple surgeries? Even at a young age? There are TONS! This is a MINOR tear requiring MINOR surgery, and they are OPTING to do that now, ADD a stabilazation procedure, even though he could play the rest of the season. It's the kind of injury people play entire seasons with ALL THE TIME, including one ERIC BERRY. Is Eric injury prone? He's already torn his ACL, AND needed shoulder surgery, he must be, by your logic. He didn't just get popped hard, he had his shoulder hyperextended causing a minor tear in a completely different location, and the old spot is completely intact. Is Lattimore injury prone, or did he get both of his legs snapped in half in two terribly unlucky instances? It isn't a serious injury, and this is a precautionary surgery to protect his future at UT. The only other 5 star back we have a shot in hell at is Joe Mixon, and that in and of itself is a pipedream. You are such a troll.
Do you know how many players go through multiple surgeries? Even at a young age? There are TONS! This is a MINOR tear requiring MINOR surgery, and they are OPTING to do that now, ADD a stabilazation procedure, even though he could play the rest of the season. It's the kind of injury people play entire seasons with ALL THE TIME, including one ERIC BERRY. Is Eric injury prone? He's already torn his ACL, AND needed shoulder surgery, he must be, by your logic. He didn't just get popped hard, he had his shoulder hyperextended causing a minor tear in a completely different location, and the old spot is completely intact. Is Lattimore injury prone, or did he get both of his legs snapped in half in two terribly unlucky instances? It isn't a serious injury, and this is a precautionary surgery to protect his future at UT. The only other 5 star back we have a shot in hell at is Joe Mixon, and that in and of itself is a pipedream. You are such a troll.

Getting a little hot under the collar are we?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Do you know how many players go through multiple surgeries? Even at a young age? There are TONS! This is a MINOR tear requiring MINOR surgery, and they are OPTING to do that now, ADD a stabilazation procedure, even though he could play the rest of the season. It's the kind of injury people play entire seasons with ALL THE TIME, including one ERIC BERRY. Is Eric injury prone? He's already torn his ACL, AND needed shoulder surgery, he must be, by your logic. He didn't just get popped hard, he had his shoulder hyperextended causing a minor tear in a completely different location, and the old spot is completely intact. Is Lattimore injury prone, or did he get both of his legs snapped in half in two terribly unlucky instances? It isn't a serious injury, and this is a precautionary surgery to protect his future at UT. The only other 5 star back we have a shot in hell at is Joe Mixon, and that in and of itself is a pipedream. You are such a troll.

How many surgeries have Fournette, Mixon, Michel, etc had so far?
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