Hyams reporting Bray has signed

What are you talking about? I spelled it properly, you did not. There's no "good catch."

He was on the heroin you stick in your arm and spazz out on the floor for 8 hrs. That heroin.

Heroin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know man. I was just picking. You know, being humorous and you took it personal. Try not to take things too serious. Also, I like people who look to Wikipedia to prove that they know what they are talking about.
That was my point? I think reading comprehension would serve you well. Try looking at previous posters comments before diving in to prove a point. My only point was that it is laughable to even suggest Bray and Manning's abilities are even on the same planet.

Since you want me to go back & pull out the original post on my work time then here is your comprehension test.

[B said:
Originally Posted by SyfiC [/B]I just think its hilarious how much y'all love Manning, but diss Bray. It makes no sense. If you put Manning on this team we've had, y'all would hate him more than anyone.

Manning "won" with a great running game and a great defense. Also, the SEC then wasn't ANYWHERE close to what it is today. Sometimes I feel like most people on this board never played a down of football, and only like the Vols because you live in Tennessee.

Originally Posted by sandune I find it hilarious how someone is so moronic to compare a kid who couldn't break .500 on a team to a first ballot HOFer. And then what's worse guess that no one played football on here because we don't subscribe to your moronic point of view.

Now look at the point of view. The point of view was manning played on Champion type teams with a champion type defense & running backs not to mention great coaches & then you come back with all this crap you keep posting

I never compared bray to manning.
Good luck to Tyler. I really think a year under CBJ would've have been better for him. I remember what Cutcliffe did for Ainge...it was like night and day from one year to the next.
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Hyams will be putting on his rinestones and singing "Southern Nights" at Buddy BBQ on Valentines
Weak link IMO, pretty sure Chaney put that rumor down.

the dude ax'd for one and said the guy was full of b/s and making things up, so i gave him the link. bray did bail, or it was just a rumor, i dont care either way. also, mabye you should actually read the article, which i can tell from your post you didnt. anyway, i just thought it was funny to stick it right back to the kid who was throwing a tantrum.
When I saw that Hyams was reporting that Bray signed, I figured he was talking about signing his Letter of Intent to UT.
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When I saw that Hyams was reporting that Bray signed, I figured he was talking about signing his Letter of Intent to UT.
Witch Doctor say ding ding ding...we have a winner! lol Good luck Bray. VFL
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Eric Ainge 2.0?

Damn shame because if his body was healthy and he had had his head screwed on straight he was drafted I think Ainge could have been something. Just the same he's a vol so I support him and enjoy his radio show.
Since you want me to go back & pull out the original post on my work time then here is your comprehension test.

Now look at the point of view. The point of view was manning played on Champion type teams with a champion type defense & running backs not to mention great coaches & then you come back with all this crap you keep posting

I never compared bray to manning.

But you sure did comment on it, and used a play on words in my previous post in a poor attempt to feel clever.

Here's what I've got for you.

So what argument am I making that's not valid? That Manning is a better QB than Bray? Should I cite other examples as to why? Because that was the crux of my argument.

While I agree Tennessee was up and had better talent then than what Bray had, I would still say Manning would have been above .500 with the same talent. Here's a stat that doesn't even show up on the sheets as to why this would be the case.

Manning is a leader and Bray as of right now is not. Simple as that. You can argue defense this, coaching that, but in the end it's a bunch of semantical rheotric that shows you standing on the wrong end of an issue to prove who knows what.
Bray = Ainge. Thanks, bye and good luck. High three star on him coming out of hs was right on the money imho.

If Bray's career numbers are the indication of what three stars looks like....

...Then we are going to win the next four national championships.

I'd say he's got more going for him physically than Ainge did merely because Ainge was pretty banged up physically.

No way man, Ainge had some talent and brains ( also some bad habits) Bray is a punk- even when he won a game or two, he managed to look like a loser. Another KIffin -picked thug ( the only kind he gets) What a bunch of criminals he signed ( the hold-up guys, Janzen J. Da-rick, etc, etc)

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