If you're scared for our opponents, you can't be a true Vols fan. We've been punk rocked, funk rocked, and plain rocked to death. We've been rocked so much we hardly know ourself. I say have no pity and stomp the opposition beneath the soil. Soak the ground with kerosene, turpentine, and Quaker State Oil. Then using a flare gun, set the bassards on fire. Watch the orange flames leap and never tire - - - of yelling over and over "GO BIG ORANGE! GO BIG ORANGE! GO BIG ORANGE!"
What the hail this being scared for our opponents all about??????????? After years and years of being laughed at, mocked, and even Vandy-ized!? You ain't no Vol fan, kiddo. Don't know whatcha ar but you ain't no Vol fan. No siree.