I am sorry but I can't believe we hired CBJ

I'm as disgusted at the state of Tennessee football as Nyone, but it never ceases to amaze me how people can be so passionate about something yet seem so clueless about how it works.

And if Nyone is disgusted, some heads are gonna roll!
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I'm as disgusted at the state of Tennessee football as Nyone, but it never ceases to amaze me how people can be so passionate about something yet seem so clueless about how it works.

I don't entirely disagree...but in my lifetime, I've never Tennessee start a QB that can only make 50% of the throws (and that is being generous) for three games. We are in unprecedented territory in that respect.
I don't entirely disagree...but in my lifetime, I've never Tennessee start a QB that can only make 50% of the throws (and that is being generous) for three games. We are in unprecedented territory in that respect.

Just shows the level of talent at certain positions.
I'm as disgusted at the state of Tennessee football as Nyone, but it never ceases to amaze me how people can be so passionate about something yet seem so clueless about how it works.

Sounds like you're describing my marriage.
Some of you rag on the OP but he is right. Coaching is so much more than calling plays on gameday and putting in the 2nd team QB who could not win the job to start with. Let the season play out and see what happens.
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I can't beleive UT tried to force Millions of $ dollars to 4 other coaches and they still said No Way, I don't want your money?
Hung out with some of the players' parents before and after the game and all of them expressed their admiration of CBJ and staff. Previous staff not so much.

Time to forget about the Ducks and move on. CBJ will make the correct decision regarding the QB and get the best personnel on the field this weekend. Saturday was miserable but we will rebound.

Lastly, all the Duck fans I hung out with at the game were great. Every single one of them mentioned that the Vol fans were the best fans ever to visit Oregon. This doesn't ease the pain but at least we handle losses and wins with class. VFL
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Technically, I have been playing NCAA Football every year it has been out, cut my teeth on Tecmo Bowl. 2000+ wins, at least 75 National Championships.

I am qualified :D

yeah.your d would still give up 600 plus yards to the ducks.armchair qb's are a dme a dozen.
CBJ said that building tennessee was going to take time.we have to show some patience.plus look at the hand he was dealt.most of his younger players try harder than his veteran players.its sad but true.a good example for me was the way alden hill ran the ball.if neal and lane would worry more about moving the chains instead of running east and west they would get more yards.hill the few times he ran looked better than the other 2.just my opinion.go vols...

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