Of course the coaches get the blame; they should, and they take it and would be the first to admit it's on them.
Some people have/ or had their expectations way too high...this year was NEVER going to be a walk in the park. We are starting at the bottom and have a heck of a long way to go...I know in the age of "instant" everything, many think we should be pulling rabbits out of the hat already... just ain't gonna happen. It's going to take time.
The best thing we can do as fans is support our team and players through this growing stage. We all need to simmer down, as painful as it is sometimes, and let's give them the encouragement and support they need and deserve(will also be good for recruits).
One positive I saw yesterday was that our players didn't give up...that was huge, in my book, compared to last year...baby steps, folks, baby steps.
just my 2 cents...