Please read this as being not an attack on you but a stiff defense of my right to free speech.
I'll call him whatever I want. It is typically American to create and use nicknames and monikers as well as acronyms. The Constitutions provides me with the right of free speech. [End defense]
Now about your vendetta against the Seahawks, I will not question your justification. I will however remind you that while humans can be practically angelic in their behavior, they can also be demonic. Recall how both Condredge Holloway and his mom were treated by Vols fans when he was hurt and not able to play with his past effectiveness. Then there's the mailing of manure to panel voters because our man Pey didn't get the Heisman. And now plans being made to make genuine azzes of ourselves when Kiffin comes to Knoxville with the Crimson Tide. In short when you point at the other guys, don't be surprised if you (we) are just as bad if not worse. That's the problem with judging your fellow man, you see, he is us.