I hope Peyton Manning...

I like Sherman just because he upsets most of you and makes you uncomfortable.
Go Seahawks!

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

Like your post because it brilliantly points out something.
The eagerness in which some here go to spiteful, biased, judgmental, arrogant and ignorant mode at the slightest opportunity.
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No, I love good defense. I just don't think defense that leans on pushing the boundaries of cheating is actually good. I leave that to the Bammers

Playing physical isn't cheating. If they are pressing and the WR isn't physical enough to get off the LOS, that's the WRs fault.

Please read this as being not an attack on you but a stiff defense of my right to free speech.

I'll call him whatever I want. It is typically American to create and use nicknames and monikers as well as acronyms. The Constitutions provides me with the right of free speech. [End defense]

Now about your vendetta against the Seahawks, I will not question your justification. I will however remind you that while humans can be practically angelic in their behavior, they can also be demonic. Recall how both Condredge Holloway and his mom were treated by Vols fans when he was hurt and not able to play with his past effectiveness. Then there's the mailing of manure to panel voters because our man Pey didn't get the Heisman. And now plans being made to make genuine azzes of ourselves when Kiffin comes to Knoxville with the Crimson Tide. In short when you point at the other guys, don't be surprised if you (we) are just as bad if not worse. That's the problem with judging your fellow man, you see, he is us.

Did you seriously just pull the First Amendment card on an internet forum??? This isn't a .gov site, smh

And anybody who calls him Pey on VN should be called out.

However, I don't have any problem w/ Sherman's antics but I don't condone them either. I'll just enjoy Peyton floating 'ducks' for 1st downs and TD's on him.
Did you seriously just pull the First Amendment card on an internet forum??? This isn't a .gov site, smh

And anybody who calls him Pey on VN should be called out..

I'll be darn!!!!!!! The "Leave It To Beaver" TV series has returned with Dagwood Bumstead as the lead character!
I better let Pey know about this. Since we're retro and I like to do things differently, I'll send him the message via duck instead of carrier pigeon. :hi:
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I'll be darn!!!!!!! The "Leave It To Beaver" TV series has returned with Dagwood Bumstead as the lead character!
I better let Pey know about this. Since we're retro and I like to do things differently, I'll send him the message via duck instead of carrier pigeon. :hi:

So does this guy


And you both make about as much sense doing it.
So does this guy


And you both make about as much sense doing it.

Fishing for a fight I see. Tell you what Susie Q, I'll leave it to you to bring unwarranted drama to the thread and board. I have no time for a drama queen who hunts out an old post to drag forth and try to create an argument with it. Then brags about dating Carrot Top--geez!
Playing physical isn't cheating. If they are pressing and the WR isn't physical enough to get off the LOS, that's the WRs fault.

Grabbing and holding well beyond the 5 yard buffer, or while the ball is in the air, is cheating. Which they do. And their coaching staff has admitted to coaching them that way. Because hey, they can't call it every time. But thanks for the info

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