I hope Peyton Manning...

If Welker hits Sherman across the middle the way he did Talib, it want matter.
Where's a good bounty when you need one? Maybe Denver can hire Greg Williams as defensive consultant just for the SB. Too bad Bowman had his knee shredded yesterday. Should have been Sherman, instead...just saying. :)
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Agreed. Then again, it's not the Seattle fans, or me, that should concern him. His income will not dip by a single dollar due to the fact that I don't care for his behavior. If anything, he will sell more jerseys now.

But I'll wager that every NFL QB and WR outside of Seattle have made it a point to approach any game against Seattle with the mindset that they will "expose Sherman". Eventually, his ego (and it's a huge one) will eclipse his skill.

Seattle fans won't "take him down a peg"...the NFL will. Sooner or later, we all get humbled. All Sherman has done is ensure that his will be rewarding to witness.

I'm done with him, and talking about him. Thanks for the response.

I'd say every team was already trying to expose Sherman. And yes there will be a point where hes not as of a player, but that doesn't mean he will be the same person by that time. He still has a few years in his prime left.

And just because people try to expose him doesnt mean that its going to happen very often.
I don't really understand why folks get so upset about an NFL player running his mouth. Sherman plays a really difficult position and is one of the best. Whatever he needs to do to fire himself up is fine with me. Guys seem to need an attitude to go out there on an island and dominate.

Besides, guys like Sherman come and go. It doesn't seem like anyone dominates at that position long term anymore. Let him have his moment in the sun. We'll be on to a new #1 corner a few years from now. It's not like the Manning v. Brady stuff that keeps getting hyped and keeps repeating the same specious arguments for over a decade. Now that's what gets old.

It's the Volnation way. We got factions of folks who practically lie in wait for a reason to post criticism of players. Usually our own, not limited thereunto. They tend to be Christie, Newt, and Shamus diehards far as I can tell. Know what's really, Really, reallllllyyyyy funny? They didn't post as much about that Auburn player who talked putting their foot on the Vols' throat and keeping it there as they are about Sherman. Contradictions or contradictions, biased bias, it's the VN way, oregonvol. :popcorn:
Good point. "south of Romanowski" was a bit harsh. I stand corrected.

Fact is, that I don't follow the professional or personal lives of NFL athletes, no more so than what the media feeds me. I don't look there for my role models.

Richard Sherman's "island" is, in fact, very crowded. There are a host of current and former NFL players that have committed acts that make Sherman's rant pale in comparison. Romanowski included.

My point was, if I failed to make it properly, that there are NFL players who, by virtue of both the way they play the game, and the way they respect the game, are worthy of our respect. Certainly, Peyton Manning is an example of that. Sherman is not.

Sherman's behavior is neither unique, nor particularly egregious, given some of the idiocy we've seen from other NFL players. But last night he bungee-jumped...sans a cord...off of the pedestal that Seattle fans, Sherman fans, the NFL, ESPN, MMQB, and a host of other media sites had placed him on. It was ugly to watch.

Richard Sherman might be a nice guy. Last night, he was a complete ass, and I have a feeling that what we saw was Sherman without his "public mask" on.

If Michael Crabtree got to him that bad, just imagine what's going to happen when he starts getting torched by the next (if not current) generation of trash-talking NFL wideouts. What will he say then?

I think Sherman made more enemies last night than he realizes. And I think the NFL, in its' own way, will make him pay for those ill-uttered words.

Time will tell.

You might want to climb off your high horse. You might want to judge yourself for the times your mouth dripped something that wasn't savory. And someone thereby considered you as bad as alien protoplasm. I don't particularly care about Sherman one way or the other because like you, I don't really know the guy. His rant to me was teddy bear stuff. Worse is said in the locker room.

When in college, I knew a LB who on the field was a SOB. Even his own team stood away from him on the sideline during games. Heck of a LB, though. Just seemed to be a maniac, mean beyond words, snapped off even at the coaches. But he sure made a difference with his play. He was hated by both his opponents and his teammates. But off the field, this guy had a heart of gold. Always looking out for the little guy. One act I won't forget is when a senior objected to myself and three other freshmen watching the Baltimore Colts vs. Los Angeles Rams in "his" dorm lobby. He got really rude and aggressive in insisting we get out. See, our dorm's TV was dead at the time.

Well, Rod got fed up, put his hulking body in front of Mr. Senior. Asked him the name of the dorm building and demanded an answer. Mr. senior told him. Rod says, "So it's not your dorm. Your name isn't on the building. Sit down and shut up." He turns to us and says if Mr. Senior bothers us ever again, tell him and he'd handle it. That was that.

I'd seen him help students he fell, get up. Help folks who had trouble with homework. Speak to a guy who was mistreating his girlfriend. Letting him know if he heard about her crying or anything else he will automatically assume Mr. Boyfriend was the cause and come after him.

He welcomed newly arrived freshman. Joined their campus tours, spent time talking to them about what the campus offered, places to eat off campus, activities, a volunteer PR man so to speak. Just a great guy who didn't like seeing people bullied or left out. But on the field he was a SOB you wanted to kill if you could get away with it. A classic case that you can't judge a book by its cover.

What little I know about Sherman, he does a lot of good off the field. In all likelihood he does more than you, me and maybe as high as 100% of anyone on VN. He had a lapse or happens to be a demon on the field? And thus an inhuman thing from the Andromeda Galaxy? Good thing you and others like you aren't God because everyone would go to Hell for sure, maybe including yourself despite your celestial status. Get off the high horse, man. That being said, I hope the Broncs turn Sherman's team's rear end inside out.
Good point. "south of Romanowski" was a bit harsh. I stand corrected.

Fact is, that I don't follow the professional or personal lives of NFL athletes, no more so than what the media feeds me. I don't look there for my role models.

Richard Sherman's "island" is, in fact, very crowded. There are a host of current and former NFL players that have committed acts that make Sherman's rant pale in comparison. Romanowski included.

My point was, if I failed to make it properly, that there are NFL players who, by virtue of both the way they play the game, and the way they respect the game, are worthy of our respect. Certainly, Peyton Manning is an example of that. Sherman is not.

Sherman's behavior is neither unique, nor particularly egregious, given some of the idiocy we've seen from other NFL players. But last night he bungee-jumped...sans a cord...off of the pedestal that Seattle fans, Sherman fans, the NFL, ESPN, MMQB, and a host of other media sites had placed him on. It was ugly to watch.

Richard Sherman might be a nice guy. Last night, he was a complete ass, and I have a feeling that what we saw was Sherman without his "public mask" on.

If Michael Crabtree got to him that bad, just imagine what's going to happen when he starts getting torched by the next (if not current) generation of trash-talking NFL wideouts. What will he say then?

I think Sherman made more enemies last night than he realizes. And I think the NFL, in its' own way, will make him pay for those ill-uttered words.

Time will tell.

At the very least, he has cost himself millions of dollars in endorsement fees. I'd be very surprised if he hears from Phil Knight any time soon. Actions have consequences.
At the very least, he has cost himself millions of dollars in endorsement fees. I'd be very surprised if he hears from Phil Knight any time soon. Actions have consequences.

According to CNN, he's getting more endorsement requests as a result on the rant. Weird, I agree, but there it is.
You might want to climb off your high horse. You might want to judge yourself for the times your mouth dripped something that wasn't savory. And someone thereby considered you as bad as alien protoplasm. I don't particularly care about Sherman one way or the other because like you, I don't really know the guy. His rant to me was teddy bear stuff. Worse is said in the locker room.

When in college, I knew a LB who on the field was a SOB. Even his own team stood away from him on the sideline during games. Heck of a LB, though. Just seemed to be a maniac, mean beyond words, snapped off even at the coaches. But he sure made a difference with his play. He was hated by both his opponents and his teammates. But off the field, this guy had a heart of gold. Always looking out for the little guy. One act I won't forget is when a senior objected to myself and three other freshmen watching the Baltimore Colts vs. Los Angeles Rams in "his" dorm lobby. He got really rude and aggressive in insisting we get out. See, our dorm's TV was dead at the time.

Well, Rod got fed up, put his hulking body in front of Mr. Senior. Asked him the name of the dorm building and demanded an answer. Mr. senior told him. Rod says, "So it's not your dorm. Your name isn't on the building. Sit down and shut up." He turns to us and says if Mr. Senior bothers us ever again, tell him and he'd handle it. That was that.

I'd seen him help students he fell, get up. Help folks who had trouble with homework. Speak to a guy who was mistreating his girlfriend. Letting him know if he heard about her crying or anything else he will automatically assume Mr. Boyfriend was the cause and come after him.

He welcomed newly arrived freshman. Joined their campus tours, spent time talking to them about what the campus offered, places to eat off campus, activities, a volunteer PR man so to speak. Just a great guy who didn't like seeing people bullied or left out. But on the field he was a SOB you wanted to kill if you could get away with it. A classic case that you can't judge a book by its cover.

What little I know about Sherman, he does a lot of good off the field. In all likelihood he does more than you, me and maybe as high as 100% of anyone on VN. He had a lapse or happens to be a demon on the field? And thus an inhuman thing from the Andromeda Galaxy? Good thing you and others like you aren't God because everyone would go to Hell for sure, maybe including yourself despite your celestial status. Get off the high horse, man. That being said, I hope the Broncs turn Sherman's team's rear end inside out.
While I don't agree that Sherman is an ass, he is entitled to his opinion. I thought he was a jerk until I read a SI article about him and it completely changed my opinion of him. However, his actions on the field are a reflection of who is. I understand you can be two different people on and off the field, but that doesn't give him a free pass to act that way and not be judged. It is his choice to behave that way while others do not (e.g., Peyton).

I personally don't have a problem with it, but I would never look at Sherman with the same respect as I would Peyton or any of the other super stars that are humble.

To judge someone because they formulated an opinion on what they saw on tv is the pot calling the kettle black. You are judging them because they judged Sherman. I understand your point about not completely knowing Sherman, but when he acts the way he did, he will receive a lot of haters. It is what it is and its neither right or wrong.
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Slightly different from Peyton in his classy $2500 suit. I actually like Kaep, but he coulda classed up that look a little bit.

^This! Also, did you notice Philip Rivers in his postgame wife beater shirt! :no:

While I don't agree that Sherman is an ass, he is entitled to his opinion. I thought he was a jerk until I read a SI article about him and it completely changed my opinion of him. However, his actions on the field are a reflection of who is. I understand you can be two different people on and off the field, but that doesn't give him a free pass to act that way and not be judged. It is his choice to behave that way while others do not (e.g., Peyton).

I personally don't have a problem with it, but I would never look at Sherman with the same respect as I would Peyton or any of the other super stars that are humble.

To judge someone because they formulated an opinion on what they saw on tv is the pot calling the kettle black. You are judging them because they judged Sherman. I understand your point about not completely knowing Sherman, but when he acts the way he did, he will receive a lot of haters. It is what it is and its neither right or wrong.

I hear ya. Best be all hear something like this:

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” --Wayne Dyer--
am i the only one who likes sherman? i loved it when he owned skip bayless last year and i love the trash talk. sports have gotten too friendly. nobody has any nasty anymore and no players have genuine hate anymore. i like seeing that stuff. guess im in the minority

I heard the best take on this today from (of all sources) Rush Limbaugh. He made the point that cornerbacks in general have huge egos and Sherman assumed the world knew of his beef with Crabtree. Sherman in his mind thought everyone would understand where he was coming from and knew all about him instead he basically introduced himself to America as he did.
I'm sure that idiot wants the next SuperBowl in South Africa, Italy or Rio de Janeiro .... not a fan.

Don't knock Rio as it's probably the worlds most beautiful place and girls of Brazil are second to NONE!! Google it and see for yourself. JMHO
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Yeah, but in Crabtree's defense, I would have doubted Sherman's sincerity at that point myself. I do doubt it; it's him just being a jackass.

My biggest problem with Sherman is not his confidence and his big mouth, it's that much of his confidence is built on thuggish techniques. He (and all the SeaHawks defenders) hold and interfere as their most basic skill. It's been admitted by the coaching staff. The whole 'they can't call it every time' mentality that I have zero respect for. Plus, there's a big difference between talking yourself up and publicly insulting another player. Low class.

Prove you're great without abusing the rules, then I'll accept the talk. Otherwise, I'll take great joy if Manning destroys them.
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Yeah, but in Crabtree's defense, I would have doubted Sherman's sincerity at that point myself. I do doubt it; it's him just being a jackass.

My biggest problem with Sherman is not his confidence and his big mouth, it's that much of his confidence is built on thuggish techniques. He (and all the SeaHawks defenders) hold and interfere as their most basic skill. It's been admitted by the coaching staff. The whole 'they can't call it every time' mentality that I have zero respect for. Plus, there's a big difference between talking yourself up and publicly insulting another player. Low class.

Prove you're great without abusing the rules, then I'll accept the talk. Otherwise, I'll take great joy if Manning destroys them.

This. I have noticed it, and so have many others. Why are the Seahawks allowed to be more physical with receivers than other teams? Do the refs have a cap on how many PI calls they can make?

Oh, and Sherman.....you are not the best corner in the game. The most physical maybe. Have you heard of Darrell Reveis?
This. I have noticed it, and so have many others. Why are the Seahawks allowed to be more physical with receivers than other teams? Do the refs have a cap on how many PI calls they can make?

Oh, and Sherman.....you are not the best corner in the game. The most physical maybe. Have you heard of Darrell Reveis?
I don't think the Seahawks get favoritism from the refs, but they have figured out what they can get away with and they are going to push the limits. It's really no different than the way a lot of offenses (including the Broncos) use pick plays to get receivers open.

Having said that, I hope the refs give the Seahawks secondary grief all day and Peyton lights them up.
I don't think the Seahawks get favoritism from the refs, but they have figured out what they can get away with and they are going to push the limits. It's really no different than the way a lot of offenses (including the Broncos) use pick plays to get receivers open.

Having said that, I hope the refs give the Seahawks secondary grief all day and Peyton lights them up.

I don't think the Seahawks get "intentional" favoritism from the refs. What I do think is that the refs are cognizant that they do not want to affect the flow of the game with too many penalties, and will let some things go while calling only the more egregious offenses. It's been said that Pete Carroll takes advantage of this, and tells his DBs to continue to be physical, knowing that the refs will call the obvious muggings, and let a lot of holding go. I understand the impulse to grab a guy that got past you, but the kind of institutionalized cheating practiced by the Seahawks is a different story. I hope the refs call it by the numbers in the Super Bowl.

"Tin foil hat/off".
...makes Richard Sherman and the Seattle defense look like fools. Without a doubt the Seahawks have an incredible defense. But I have really grown to hate Richard Sherman as a person. And I hope Peyton Manning and his receivers knock these young, self-centered, egotistical guys off their high horse.

Mods move if you feel it belongs in a different football forum. Just needed to vent for a minute.

Do you usually decide to hate someone as a person because of some heat of the moment post game comments? I'll bet Bart Scott really grinds your gears.
Yeah, but in Crabtree's defense, I would have doubted Sherman's sincerity at that point myself. I do doubt it; it's him just being a jackass.

My biggest problem with Sherman is not his confidence and his big mouth, it's that much of his confidence is built on thuggish techniques. He (and all the SeaHawks defenders) hold and interfere as their most basic skill. It's been admitted by the coaching staff. The whole 'they can't call it every time' mentality that I have zero respect for. Plus, there's a big difference between talking yourself up and publicly insulting another player. Low class.

Prove you're great without abusing the rules, then I'll accept the talk. Otherwise, I'll take great joy if Manning destroys them.

So, do you dislike the Broncos since their offense relies so heavily on pick plays.
Yeah, but in Crabtree's defense, I would have doubted Sherman's sincerity at that point myself. I do doubt it; it's him just being a jackass.

My biggest problem with Sherman is not his confidence and his big mouth, it's that much of his confidence is built on thuggish techniques. He (and all the SeaHawks defenders) hold and interfere as their most basic skill. It's been admitted by the coaching staff. The whole 'they can't call it every time' mentality that I have zero respect for. Plus, there's a big difference between talking yourself up and publicly insulting another player. Low class.

Prove you're great without abusing the rules, then I'll accept the talk. Otherwise, I'll take great joy if Manning destroys them.

If you dont love the way their D plays you have zero appreciation for defense at all.
If you dont love the way their D plays you have zero appreciation for defense at all.

No, I love good defense. I just don't think defense that leans on pushing the boundaries of cheating is actually good. I leave that to the Bammers

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