Really? You have less respect for him than a known steroid user who has frequently assaulted players on and off the field? Why? Because he boasted about making a play that won the game?
Good point. "south of Romanowski" was a bit harsh. I stand corrected.
Fact is, that I don't follow the professional or personal lives of NFL athletes, no more so than what the media feeds me. I don't look there for my role models.
Richard Sherman's "island" is, in fact, very crowded. There are a host of current and former NFL players that have committed acts that make Sherman's rant pale in comparison. Romanowski included.
My point was, if I failed to make it properly, that there are NFL players who, by virtue of both the way they play the game, and the way they respect the game, are worthy of our respect. Certainly, Peyton Manning is an example of that. Sherman is not.
Sherman's behavior is neither unique, nor particularly egregious, given some of the idiocy we've seen from other NFL players. But last night he bungee-jumped...sans a of the pedestal that Seattle fans, Sherman fans, the NFL, ESPN, MMQB, and a host of other media sites had placed him on. It was ugly to watch.
Richard Sherman might be a nice guy. Last night, he was a complete ass, and I have a feeling that what we saw was Sherman without his "public mask" on.
If Michael Crabtree got to him that bad, just imagine what's going to happen when he starts getting torched by the next (if not current) generation of trash-talking NFL wideouts. What will he say then?
I think Sherman made more enemies last night than he realizes. And I think the NFL, in its' own way, will make him pay for those ill-uttered words.
Time will tell.