There's times I'm away from a TV and I'm thankful for the Vol Network and the work they do.
This /\
A lot of this nonsense dates back to 1999 when Kesling took over as Voice of the Vols. People with no lives were upset that Bob was Not John Ward.
Before that they were upset that Ward was Not George Mooney.
And before that they were oinking that Mooney was Not Lindsey Nelson.
Personally. I'd like to see any of those clowns do a better job behind the Vol Network microphone.
Younger Son&Heir used to call football and basketball games on the student radio station at the University of Dayton. I've never heard him say anything derogatory about Kesling. He knows what it takes.
Back in 2010, CharterVol and I found ourselves sitting in the John Ward Broadcast Center for the Ole Miss game. Afterwards, I wrote this:
"I hereby withdraw, and sincerely apologize for, ALL criticism I have ever issued of Bob Kesling's efforts as Voice of the Vols. Having now seen first-hand the sheer volume of information, cues, stats, trivia, background info and PSA-type stuff that flashes before Bob during a broadcast, I decided that if it were I or anyone I know in that seat we'd be lucky to get the words “Vol Network” right, let alone the down, distance, lineups, and wind direction. Absolutely amazing."
I stand by that.