I May need a lawyer Friday night



Vol Stuck in B1G 10 Hell
May 26, 2005
The local sheriff's department here in Clay County, Indiana is the only ICE Dentition Center in Indiana....This is a small rural community and most people don't even know it's part of the Sheriff's Dept jail. Friday night there is suppose to be a large protest demonstration at the SD to protest ICE, law enforcement, Trump and support open borders. Me, my oldest son and several others I know are going to show support for Trump, ICE and closed borders across the street from the protest. I have several friends on the CCSD and they said they are expecting 50-100 (large for this rural area) at the protest but has heard there maybe bigger national groups showing up. Gotta stand and support for what you believe in right?
The local sheriff's department here in Clay County, Indiana is the only ICE Dentition Center in Indiana....This is a small rural community and most people don't even know it's part of the Sheriff's Dept jail. Friday night there is suppose to be a large protest demonstration at the SD to protest ICE, law enforcement, Trump and support open borders. Me, my oldest son and several others I know are going to show support for Trump, ICE and closed borders across the street from the protest. I have several friends on the CCSD and they said they are expecting 50-100 (large for this rural area) at the protest but has heard there maybe bigger national groups showing up. Gotta stand and support for what you believe in right?

No. Nothing good will come from protest/counter-protesting.

Do yourself a favor and take your family to dinner, enjoy their company and focus on the things you can control.
The local sheriff's department here in Clay County, Indiana is the only ICE Dentition Center in Indiana....This is a small rural community and most people don't even know it's part of the Sheriff's Dept jail. Friday night there is suppose to be a large protest demonstration at the SD to protest ICE, law enforcement, Trump and support open borders. Me, my oldest son and several others I know are going to show support for Trump, ICE and closed borders across the street from the protest. I have several friends on the CCSD and they said they are expecting 50-100 (large for this rural area) at the protest but has heard there maybe bigger national groups showing up. Gotta stand and support for what you believe in right?

This is where you will be placed if arrested : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D_FJ99jXkAAXjb3.jpg
Follow Septic's advice. Unfortunately, no one's mind will be changed, and this little get together isn't worth your time.

What should be done is a registration of all that view doing away with ICE and open borders to go ahead and put their names down to guarantee they will take in any and all illegal aliens for them to take care of when and if they show up in your small town. If anything, put up a sign up sheet for them and leave.
The local sheriff's department here in Clay County, Indiana is the only ICE Dentition Center in Indiana....This is a small rural community and most people don't even know it's part of the Sheriff's Dept jail. Friday night there is suppose to be a large protest demonstration at the SD to protest ICE, law enforcement, Trump and support open borders. Me, my oldest son and several others I know are going to show support for Trump, ICE and closed borders across the street from the protest. I have several friends on the CCSD and they said they are expecting 50-100 (large for this rural area) at the protest but has heard there maybe bigger national groups showing up. Gotta stand and support for what you believe in right?

Yeah, especially if you believe in keeping less fortunate people down at the expense of America's economy, financial solvency, and supporting a leader that has no real solutions.

Your kids will likely be ashamed of this someday. My sisters resent my Mom for including them in stuff like this. Keep them out of it.
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Follow Septic's advice. Unfortunately, no one's mind will be changed, and this little get together isn't worth your time.

What should be done is a registration of all that view doing away with ICE and open borders to go ahead and put their names down to guarantee they will take in any and all illegal aliens for them to take care of when and if they show up in your small town. If anything, put up a sign up sheet for them and leave.

Why do they need to be taken care of exactly?
The local sheriff's department here in Clay County, Indiana is the only ICE Dentition Center in Indiana....This is a small rural community and most people don't even know it's part of the Sheriff's Dept jail. Friday night there is suppose to be a large protest demonstration at the SD to protest ICE, law enforcement, Trump and support open borders. Me, my oldest son and several others I know are going to show support for Trump, ICE and closed borders across the street from the protest. I have several friends on the CCSD and they said they are expecting 50-100 (large for this rural area) at the protest but has heard there maybe bigger national groups showing up. Gotta stand and support for what you believe in right?
I’ll kick in $100 bucks on bail if needed.
No. Nothing good will come from protest/counter-protesting.

Do yourself a favor and take your family to dinner, enjoy their company and focus on the things you can control.
Solid advice.

And don’t get liquored up at dinner and THEN decide to go to the protest. But if you do YouTube it for us!
Follow Septic's advice. Unfortunately, no one's mind will be changed, and this little get together isn't worth your time.

What should be done is a registration of all that view doing away with ICE and open borders to go ahead and put their names down to guarantee they will take in any and all illegal aliens for them to take care of when and if they show up in your small town. If anything, put up a sign up sheet for them and leave.

Why would they need to be "taken in"? It appears most of them have jobs. What you might do instead is adopt some unwanted children of mothers who no longer have access to abortions.
Why do they need to be taken care of exactly?

Why......why do they indeed. Point isn't that the illegal "needs", although they might as they are showing up with no place to stay or waiting employment, it is the people talking so big wouldn't do the very thing that their good conscience is telling them needs to be done.

I'll be honest, I like the illegal alien over these Americans. At least the illegal is going to more than likely work and take care of themselves and mind their own business and send money home to family.

As opposed to the people wanting to do away with current laws who would do nothing in terms of their own time or money being used to do anything. They just like the feels. Ask them to foot the bill personally, and see how they feel.
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Why would they need to be "taken in"? It appears most of them have jobs. What you might do instead is adopt some unwanted children of mothers who no longer have access to abortions.

What I'll do is continue to laugh in disgust. If you're trying to take a shot and trying to pigeon hole me in with any type of anything, you are not doing well.

I'm for abortions, I'm against it as birth control and anyone but those having them pay for it out of their pockets. I think the Rep. party should drop it, and just allow it, and take the voters and run.

The point of "taking them in" is these people who don't want controls and mechanisms for illegal immigrant flow into this country are full of sh** and personally wouldn't do anything other than talk and talk, instead of actually putting their mouth where their wallets and personall time are .
The local sheriff's department here in Clay County, Indiana is the only ICE Dentition Center in Indiana....This is a small rural community and most people don't even know it's part of the Sheriff's Dept jail. Friday night there is suppose to be a large protest demonstration at the SD to protest ICE, law enforcement, Trump and support open borders. Me, my oldest son and several others I know are going to show support for Trump, ICE and closed borders across the street from the protest. I have several friends on the CCSD and they said they are expecting 50-100 (large for this rural area) at the protest but has heard there maybe bigger national groups showing up. Gotta stand and support for what you believe in right?
I saw Rosie O’Donnell with Cuomo last night and she was irritated with him for placing some blame on Congress although he was very soft in his approach and held her hand. It was pathetic.
I thought it was a manufactured crisis a few weeks ago.
Rosie will be there so make sure you get her autograph
Your Patriotism and love of your Country seems to be vacant in most that have replied.

I'm with him, but, truth is, what is it going to do? Nothing. Unless you're willing to kill them and completely remove them form society, what else will work? What will make these bleeding hearts change their mind? The only thing to me that will do that is if/when they are made to personally contribute and take away from their personal time and their wallets. That's it. Besides that, why bother with them.
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Why......why do they indeed. Point isn't that the illegal "needs", although they might as they are showing up with no place to stay or waiting employment, it is the people talking so big wouldn't do the very thing that their good conscience is telling them needs to be done.

I'll be honest, I like the illegal alien over these Americans. At least the illegal is going to more than likely work and take care of themselves and mind their own business and send money home to family.

As opposed to the people wanting to do away with current laws who would do nothing in terms of their own time or money being used to do anything. They just like the feels. Ask them to foot the bill personally, and see how they feel.

I don't really think they need help, they just need to be left alone. You don't usually see illegal immigrants panhandling and/or homeless.

Why don't we make people personally pay for more stringent immigration policy? If you support closed borders, counterproductive immigration policy, and crackdowns on visas and all this stupid **** that Trump is doing, you should have to pay for it. You should also bridge the wage gap you're forcing employers and consumers to pay. How about that?
I don't really think they need help, they just need to be left alone. You don't usually see illegal immigrants panhandling and/or homeless.

Why don't we make people personally pay for more stringent immigration policy? If you support closed borders, counterproductive immigration policy, and crackdowns on visas and all this stupid **** that Trump is doing, you should have to pay for it. You should also bridge the wage gap you're forcing employers and consumers to pay. How about that?

I personally have, my tax bill for many individual years was more than people make in their life time. Further, I really don't care anymore about anything but my family and friends, f*** the rest of you, you guys deal with this, I'm not. Nothing about any of this affects my life nor will it. Yes, it is nice.

How about, follow the laws, or change them? How about immigrants don't dictate when and how they are able to enter the country?

How about the enforcement of law, and I'm with you, go ahead and fine the ever lasting sh** out of companies using their labor. Tell the consumer to pay more for many goods and services, too.

I support closed borders that allow for controllable entry into this country.

I support a, or any, Congress actually doing their jobs instead of playing political games and not doing anything to change the situation.

I support cracking down on visa's as allowed by the law.

I don't have to do sh**, take the wage gap and shove it right down companies management's throat. Fu** the consumer, he is stupid and not worth my time. The consumer is more than responsible for this just as is the government.

Understand, I'm all for legal immigration, and yes, I probably like them more than a lot of current American citizens. They are more than not decent people, and work hard, and keep to themselves and mind their own business. doesn't change the fact that things need to be done legally.
The local sheriff's department here in Clay County, Indiana is the only ICE Dentition Center in Indiana....This is a small rural community and most people don't even know it's part of the Sheriff's Dept jail. Friday night there is suppose to be a large protest demonstration at the SD to protest ICE, law enforcement, Trump and support open borders. Me, my oldest son and several others I know are going to show support for Trump, ICE and closed borders across the street from the protest. I have several friends on the CCSD and they said they are expecting 50-100 (large for this rural area) at the protest but has heard there maybe bigger national groups showing up. Gotta stand and support for what you believe in right?

I wouldn't do it. The risk to you and your family isn't worth the "support" of your cause. However, if you do go, consider being a different kind of protestor. It will be hot. Take a cooler full of bottled waters to hand out to the officers/emergency responders on patrol of the scene. Give them to other protestors / counter protestors. Take ziplocs so you can put ice in them in case someone gets over heated or gets a boo boo. Who knows...if the image of your brand of compassionate protestation makes it into the media, you may be a catalyst for a different kind of protest in the future. Good luck. Stay safe.
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I personally have, my tax bill for many individual years was more than people make in their life time. Further, I really don't care anymore about anything but my family and friends, f*** the rest of you, you guys deal with this, I'm not. Nothing about any of this affects my life nor will it. Yes, it is nice.

How about, follow the laws, or change them? How about immigrants don't dictate when and how they are able to enter the country?

How about the enforcement of law, and I'm with you, go ahead and fine the ever lasting sh** out of companies using their labor. Tell the consumer to pay more for many goods and services, too.

I support closed borders that allow for controllable entry into this country.

I support a, or any, Congress actually doing their jobs instead of playing political games and not doing anything to change the situation.

I support cracking down on visa's as allowed by the law.

I don't have to do sh**, take the wage gap and shove it right down companies management's throat. Fu** the consumer, he is stupid and not worth my time. The consumer is more than responsible for this just as is the government.

Understand, I'm all for legal immigration, and yes, I probably like them more than a lot of current American citizens. They are more than not decent people, and work hard, and keep to themselves and mind their own business. doesn't change the fact that things need to be done legally.

**** the law. The law is corrupt. The law has us $21T in debt with liberty being squashed left and right. Everybody hates congress and thinks they are corrupt, but for some reason we hold their work (the law) sacred. The law is totally flawed and changing it to the best solution is near impossible. Hell, changing it for the better is near impossible, particularly over issues that divide us and score votes for politicians. They're not interested in fixing this. They're just going to spend money to not fix it, and continue to divide us.
I wouldn't do it. The risk to you and your family isn't worth the "support" of your cause. However, if you do go, consider being a different kind of protestor. It will be hot. Take a cooler full of bottled waters to hand out to the officers/emergency responders on patrol of the scene. Give them to other protestors / counter protestors. Take ziplocs so you can put ice in them in case someone gets over heated or gets a boo boo. Who knows...if the image of your brand of compassionate protestation makes it into the media, you may be a catalyst for a different kind of protest in the future. Good luck. Stay safe.

Also... This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate handgun safety techniques to the mob. Best practice is to draw a crowd by yelling random ethnic insults and begin the demonstration by haphazardly waving a handgun around the crowd.

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