I May need a lawyer Friday night

It's a different time, now. There needs to be standards, processes, and oversight of immigration.

Open borders does not imply there aren't standards, processes, and oversight. It just means it's reasonably easy to go back and forth between countries.
I love my country that was built on open borders...

So they aren’t legally employable if they are undocumented thus how do most of them have jobs? 🤔

Therin lies the problem. I've stated it over and over again on this forum. Arrest fine and jail the people hiring them. I am anti illegal immigration. I was just sniping at tennvols 77's idiotic post #5.
Therin lies the problem. I've stated it over and over again on this forum. Arrest fine and jail the people hiring them. I am anti illegal immigration. I was just sniping at tennvols 77's idiotic post #5.

Such a bad idea. The punishment does not fit the crime. This is supposed to be the land of the free. Sounds like the Soviet Union or some ****.
Open borders does not imply there aren't standards, processes, and oversight. It just means it's reasonably easy to go back and forth between countries.
Fair enough. Ill read the following screenshot in a bit.
Your Patriotism and love of your Country seems to be vacant in most that have replied.

I feel bad for immigrants and those who taunt and oppose their presence - illegal or not. Most of them come from absolute squalor, and are willing to do the jobs most of us are not (wanna pick lettuce all day?). As long as they pay their taxes and follow our laws, I support them.

As for patriotism, supporting immigrants (read: people) is not anti-American or unpatriotic. We are a country created by immigrants. Personally, I can understand why patriotism is at an all-time low... we have a jerk President who feeds off creating divisiveness between us all. Can't wait for him to get the boot.

Patriotism Sinks to All Time Low
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Therin lies the problem. I've stated it over and over again on this forum. Arrest fine and jail the people hiring them. I am anti illegal immigration. I was just sniping at tennvols 77's idiotic post #5.
We agree Huner. Arrest the bastards employing them I’m all for it. And make eVerify mandatory.
I feel bad for immigrants and those who taunt and oppose their presence - illegal or not. Most of them come from absolute squalor, and are willing to do the jobs most of us are not (wanna pick lettuce all day?). As long as they pay their taxes and follow our laws, I support them.

As for patriotism, supporting immigrants (read: people) is not anti-American or unpatriotic. We are a country created by immigrants. Personally, I can understand why patriotism is at an all-time low... we have a jerk President who feeds off creating divisiveness between us all. Can't wait for him to get the boot.

Patriotism Sinks to All Time Low

I wouldn't define patriotism as "extreme" pride in your country like that link does. That doesn't require anything more than a feeling and it's flawed otherwise. I think patriots are people that take up for their community. The founding fathers revolted against their country, but they were patriots because they were doing it in the name of their community. Opposing our government is an act of patriotism if you think the government is bad for your community.
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**** the law. The law is corrupt. The law has us $21T in debt with liberty being squashed left and right. Everybody hates congress and thinks they are corrupt, but for some reason we hold their work (the law) sacred. The law is totally flawed and changing it to the best solution is near impossible. Hell, changing it for the better is near impossible, particularly over issues that divide us and score votes for politicians. They're not interested in fixing this. They're just going to spend money to not fix it, and continue to divide us.

I agree, the vast majority of elected officials suck. But, what is being done about it? Similar to this thread, what are you willing to do then? What are you willing to sacrifice to achieve "change"? Who is willing to fight or die for this change? Are we willing first, to unite, and second, march on the capitol to make change? How many will stay the course? Are people willing to take up arms to make the changes needed?

Government sucks only because of the sucky people we put in it. Yes, we allow it to continue.

Solutions aren't difficult, bureaucracy and party affiliation make solutions difficult to enact and put into action. Self serving corrupt pos politicians who keep getting re-elected, maybe we need to burn down these places that willfully keep electing and allowing this to happen as they are continaully slapped in the face by the very people they elect, over and over. My sympathy for them is gone, keep being ignorant and keep dealing with the same issues.

The best thing any one person can do is earn and keep what they view as "taken care of the rest of their lives", and does that include family, or friends......That is where I'm at. I'm done caring, even though I really do care. But, I realize nothing is going to change because most people just suck. So, I care about me and my family and my friends, and making sure they are all financially taken care of and free from the worry that 99% of the population is forced to deal with. This is the best I can do, and I did it. I'm done.
Such a bad idea. The punishment does not fit the crime. This is supposed to be the land of the free. Sounds like the Soviet Union or some ****.

Illegal immigration is a crime and the people who hire them are aiding and abetting. You don't have to hit them with a hammer the first time but repeat offenders need serious attention. I'm totally against a wall but we need to be able to control who and when people cross our borders.
Therin lies the problem. I've stated it over and over again on this forum. Arrest fine and jail the people hiring them. I am anti illegal immigration. I was just sniping at tennvols 77's idiotic post #5.

What is idiotic about making people put their money where their mouth is...please explain. You want to protest and make a big spectacle, then I entrust that then "you" too will put your personal time and earnings behind it. This is idiotic to you....?

What about the first sentence, avoid this and go do something better with your time, this idiotic?

Please elaborate how making protesting loud mouthed people having to follow through in real personable action and personal sacrifice for their beliefs for immigration is idiotic.

What's idiotic is spouting off at the mouth and saying you believe something, and not be personally willing to follow through on said beliefs at a personal cost.
People that go to these protests are stupid.

People that go to counter protest are even dumber.

Hey kids, we're going to go cheer for the nanny state so they can save us from all this terrible liberty that people are trying to illegally take back.

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