I May need a lawyer Friday night

iT's EaSy To gO BaCk AnD fOrTh....

Who cares what you've heard in the past? The idea is being presented to you now and it should be judged on its merits.

Completely incoherent response. Not sure what you’re referring to regarding “what I’ve heard in the past”. And not sure what idea is being presented that I should consider now.

My statements are based on my own travel experience to/from Latin America and my wife’s immigration process from there.
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most drugs come through legal ports of entry at DuckDuckGo

Maybe you should apply to be head of the DEA and CBP. You apparently know better than the heads of those agencies and the CATO Institute and whatever other experts are cited in those articles.

@AM64, The people doing the analysis and setting policy are not the ones who are going to be patrolling the desert (come on, really?) so I doubt their preference of where they spend their days is going to play into it.

This is just silly. You two secretly agree with Cato Institute and are making these ridiculous arguments to bolster their point, right?
The first two articles in the link were already posted and only show interdiction data. I’ve yet to see data actually correlating interdiction data to the true flow paths.

And what’s really stupid is you people thinking “ok let’s see I’ve got 5 tons of product to move what makes sense to do that. I know! I’ll send it right at the highest concentration of enforcement agents! Brilliant!”🙄

What’s the matter counselor? You get pissy when obvious holes get pointed out on your “logic”. You want to talk correlation data? Show me some coherence and covariance values from actual studies linking interdiction location to true movement paths how about it?
Change the law so that we can document and tax them and make the arrangement better for both parties. That's what I'm advocating. The existing law is crap. Everybody knows it, so I don't know why we care so much if people follow it. We have tons of laws on the books that nobody follows or enforces. I mean literally thousands when you count up all the state laws that go ignored. **** like no realistic looking dildos in Texas. Immigration is just one of many that people are rebelling against, and it's because of a broken system. Let's fix it and reduce illegal immigration.
So we take away illegal immigration by not having any laws against it?

How are you going to document people who come to the country then if they dont want to be legal so they have to pay taxes.

Do you agree with free healthcare for illegals paid for by taxpayers?
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most drugs come through legal ports of entry at DuckDuckGo

Maybe you should apply to be head of the DEA and CBP. You apparently know better than the heads of those agencies and the CATO Institute and whatever other experts are cited in those articles.

@AM64, The people doing the analysis and setting policy are not the ones who are going to be patrolling the desert (come on, really?) so I doubt their preference of where they spend their days is going to play into it.

This is just silly. You two secretly agree with Cato Institute and are making these ridiculous arguments to bolster their point, right?

Of course they aren't. Officious bureaucrats don't generally get off their butts to get their hands dirty unless there's a camera or a bonus somehow involved. The guys in the field may make the stops, but they don't get to diddle with the numbers and produce the statistics.
Of course they aren't. Officious bureaucrats don't generally get off their butts to get their hands dirty unless there's a camera or a bonus somehow involved. The guys in the field may make the stops, but they don't get to diddle with the numbers and produce the statistics.
You were the one making the argument that they’re home cooking the numbers so they can stay in air conditioned airports....
View attachment 212521

Literally from the very first article.
So.... data? I see more qualitative information but the word “data” gets thrown around pretty fast and lose.

It’s an asinine argument as far as I’m concerned. Its a impossible premise to prove how much is moved thru ports of entry vs around them without knowing the total amount. And technology is about to make it all moot I think. I’d guess the smart crooks are either already using or working on using pre flight path programmed UAVs to do this. Easy decision on risk/reward.
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You were the one making the argument that they’re home cooking the numbers so they can stay in air conditioned airports....
They don’t have any numbers to cook. They don’t know the total amount moved. They’re guessing.

I don’t believe any of them have the slightest damn idea how much is being moved and by what path frankly.
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You were the one making the argument that they’re home cooking the numbers so they can stay in air conditioned airports....

I was making the point that they were cooking the numbers so most of the people working for them could stay in air conditioned airports ... tends to keep people happier and easier to manage ... also so means they don't have to worry about guys out in the field being accused of molesting or shooting a "poor misunderstood" illegal alien ... and it means they can generally travel to an airport instead of a dusty nowhere to check on the guys. Also helps at budget time ... more people in airports means fewer trucks, jeeps, etc out in the field ... and fewer accidents to "investigate" and action plans to prevent future occurrences. You've never had the pleasure of working in a bureaucracy, have you? Then there are the bonuses for having the fewest number of Ah *****.
They don’t have any numbers to cook. They don’t know the total amount moved. They’re guessing.

I don’t believe any of them have the slightest damn idea how much is being moved and by what path frankly.
Lmao. Can’t make sense of a USA Today article but got the drug war solved when he saw a video of a submarine on YouTube.


I don’t see a link for acting director but I bet if you applied for forensic scientist (make sure to let them know you can do that better than their hired experts despite not having any formal training.) and submit your posts from this thread, they’ll call and offer it to you without even an interview.


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