I May need a lawyer Friday night

Why would they need to be "taken in"? It appears most of them have jobs. What you might do instead is adopt some unwanted children of mothers who no longer have access to abortions.
I would rather give these Mother’s pamphlets on safe sex so they can understand what causes babies and what to do to prevent them.
Sounds awesome as I wait on a slow azz woman to get here so that I can go out to eat and have a beer.
You should have a beer while you wait. It will mellow you out. If she still isn't ready, have another and you won't care and she will have to drive.

Next time she will get ready faster to deprive you of your beer.
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I would rather give these Mother’s pamphlets on safe sex so they can understand what causes babies and what to do to prevent them.

I think the catholic church got to them first ... world domination by making lots of good catholic babies ... prevention is heresy.
It is not proven that it will work. I don't think the environmental impact has been studied carefully. It's been established that most of the drugs are not entering the country via border jumpers. Mexico is possibly ready to lend a hand. Mexico isn't going to pay as we were promised so the burden is on the taxpayers. When people think of America they think of Stars and Stripes, the Statue of Liberty, and the Constitution. I don't like the image of a barrier between nations to come to mind.
Environmental impact study? Lol gtfo
It is not proven that it will work. I don't think the environmental impact has been studied carefully. It's been established that most of the drugs are not entering the country via border jumpers. Mexico is possibly ready to lend a hand. Mexico isn't going to pay as we were promised so the burden is on the taxpayers. When people think of America they think of Stars and Stripes, the Statue of Liberty, and the Constitution. I don't like the image of a barrier between nations to come to mind.

Can you link to that? The studies I've seen have actually indicated the opposite--that most of the drugs confiscated have been at ports, but that the VAST majority of drug in the US are from South and Central America.
Can you link to that? The studies I've seen have actually indicated the opposite--that most of the drugs confiscated have been at ports, but that the VAST majority of drug in the US are from South and Central America.

Their argument is that virtually all drugs are coming through legal entry points and are being detected. The problem with the claim is that who knows what is coming across elsewhere. The judgement is all about what is caught and assuming that customs catches almost everything coming through checkpoints while completely ignoring the probability that drugs are entering at non checkpoints. They've got the number on what is stopped, but they don't have the total on drugs crossing, and they don't have either what is missed at checkpoints or what is going completely around checkpoints. So they have one of three important numbers ... a classic case of you don't know what you don't know.

Common sense tells you that if customs is really that efficient at the checkpoints, it makes sense to bypass the checkpoints. I'm getting the impression that drug lords are a lot smarter than the people making up statistics.
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Their argument is that virtually all drugs are coming through legal entry points and are being detected. The problem with the claim is that who knows what is coming across elsewhere. The judgement is all about what is caught and assuming that customs catches almost everything coming through checkpoints while completely ignoring the probability that drugs are entering at non checkpoints. They've got the number on what is stopped, but they don't have the total on drugs crossing, and they don't have either what is missed at checkpoints or what is going completely around checkpoints. So they have one of three important numbers ... a classic case of you don't know what you don't know.

Common sense tells you that if customs is really that efficient at the checkpoints, it makes sense to bypass the checkpoints. I'm getting the impression that drug lords are a lot smarter than the people making up statistics.

Well, duh.

That's why I asked. ;)
Well, duh.

That's why I asked. ;)

Sorry, I misunderstood your intentions. By the way huff was pushing the same argument in some thread the other day. As I recall he did reference an article that claimed they were snagging something like 77.7%. Which I'm sure you'll agree is a ridiculous statement to make considering all the missing variables. Huff got pretty huffy when I challenged him ... shocking, I know. Wish I could remember which thread to direct you to.
Well, duh.

That's why I asked. ;)

77% of Drug Traffickers Are U.S. Citizens, Not Illegal Immigrants

Found the report huff was using ... his was about who was smuggling drugs rather than how much was intercepted. It's still the same absurd argument when you get right down to it ... you have to know what percentage of smuggled drugs you catch to put a number on who is doing most of the smuggling. If you only do ports of entry then the number citizens caught smuggling is going to be high.
The Sicilian variety? Particularly the ones who let a lupara speak for them?
Had to google lupara... always learn something on VN. Reminds me of when I was a kid of 5 or 6 with several siblings and a bleak Christmas in prospect till my Sicilian Uncle Joe in NJ sent a truckload of toys our way. Years later come to find out he got the money from borrowing his sister’s car and selling it. He was also disbarred for some kind of immigration related shenanigans which nowadays would probably earn a Congressional commendation.
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